Best places to meet your right

Eternal question - Where are all good guys? It may seem like that there are no more men, or if this rare species exists, they are hiding so well that you can not find them. You meet perverts and mannequins, but still believe there ...

Eternal question - Where are all good guys? It may seem like that there are no more men, or if this rare species exists, they are hiding so well that you can not find them. You meet perverts and mannequins, but still believe that there is your right somewhere, just know where to look for it. Warning - I'm a bit preservative in terms of relationships, so I'm not going to talk about online dating sites here. Let's get out of the line and try to find your guy there. At least we will know it's real, not another internet freak with false photos.

Mallon Market or Commercial2 Market or Shopping Mall
Advantages:You can consult your basket and make conclusions about it. What will he buy? Let's see ... beer and chips ... Not your kind of man. Beef? Come on, you are a vegetarian. Chocolates and Chewing Gum? What is it, 16? Washing powder? Maybe it's not all bad.
Another pro is that you can easily find a topic of conversation with a stranger - ask it to help you find anything, discuss cheeses, make jokes on your dependence in the cafe - and that's all . Simple and efficient.

The inconvenients:When you go shopping, you are focused on purchases, that is to say. You may not both have time for a pleasant conversation or flirting. There are many people around. And usually, you do not look at your best when you are going to buy yoghurt more raised at the corner.

Library3 Bookstore
Advantages:He reads books! It's good news already. Even better if you read the same books. This will mean not only you will always have something to talk, but you can be true sister mild companions. Start a conversation about the symbolism of Kafka - and you will find yourself in a cafe or even in your apartment ... showing the library of rare publications, of course.

The inconvenients:Guys do not usually do to book shops in order to flirt. It may appear or a truly introverted book with a strange sense of humor, either ... it may be just choosing a book for his girlfriend. In addition, men are really practical today and they receive e-books instead of wasting time on reserves. So there are chances that you will expect your right for a long time.

Office4 Office
Advantages:Office romance can be really sweet. You have a lot of topics to share, you work in the same sphere and with the same people - so it is essential to understand. You already have corporate jokes to break the ice. In addition, you spend all day at work, so if you do not have time for your privacy - why not get it at the office? You have time to watch a guy in different situations - is it stress resistant? Ambitious? Tolerant? Reliable? It takes a lot of time to learn these features outside of work. Thus, office relationships give you a huge bonus right away.

The inconvenients:Work business is sometimes (often) prohibited by corporate policy. Second, if everything goes wrong, you will always work together and you will not be able to avoid clumsy situations. This can also influence your objectivity with respect to work tasks and decisions - which is an absolute no. And the last - gossip will fly! Office gossip propagate quickly and will hunt everywhere.

Workshops5 Workshops
Advantages:You can combine pleasure with use and go to certain workshops. It does not matter whether cooking classes or management workshops - you can learn something new and meet a guy who is interested in the same things. Once again, you already have something in common and you can talk about your workshop and other interests with a cup of coffee.

The inconvenients:Workshops and classes are always intended to teach you something. So you will not be able to show your strong sides and boast of your knowledge. When you learn something new, you should be ready for clumsy situations and mistakes. You will not feel completely calm and confident. This scenario is the chance to ruin the first impression. In addition, there are usually other people around, who distract you distract you and will break your concentration.

Movie theater6 Cinema
Advantages:For starters, you have chosen the same movie, it's already a good sign already. Then he is in the movie alone or with friends, which increases the chances that it is single. Looking at a movie in the cinema unites people - you laugh together, scare, share the same emotions. It will seem natural if you offer to discuss the movie or suggest that you go together next time.

The inconvenients:The cinema is generally dark and noisy. You can not speak during the movie or watch his behavior. So you should count on your intuition and your first view only. It also depends on the genre - some movies are simply not created for flirting afterwards.

Metro7 Subway
Advantages:Usually, people are bored in public transport and do not bother you a light conversation that can end up with a date. Usually, there are many ways to start a conversation in a metro - you can start with a joke or ask for instructions. The metro is a good indicator of social behavior - Is your guy polite enough? Is it easy to irritate it? Does he read in the metro or do he play one of those stupid mobile games? Has he offered his seat to an old woman?

The inconvenients:Public transport is a delicate place to meet a guy. You can meet one of these monsters that use the metro only to flirt with attractive girls. Or you can be considered one of them if you start a conversation. It also depends on the time of one day. It is doubtful that people are ready to be conversed at 7 am on the way to work.

Wedding of a friend

Advantages:During a wedding, most singles think of serious relationships because it looks so cute and newlyweds look so happy. So men have just seen around us and start to notice girls - who are as single. In addition, people during a wedding tend to drink a little drunk, and more and more - they are also friends of the bride or groom. So, you are at the party, in the magnificent surroundings, you enjoy, dancing - seems to be a perfect place to establish new relationships. If you are lucky - so the bride has already taken care of you and you are sitting at the same table as M. Right.

The inconvenients:Virtually no huge risks, except that all the attention is paid to just married couple and that some unforeseen things can come. Like other girls who also want to draw the attention of your right. Parents and friends who can interfere in your conversation. Finally, you can be too drunk or too tired, or your shoes are too tight and you dream of removing and going to bed.

Gym9 Gym
Advantages:You like both sports and probably have shapes (you can check its muscles while working). You can ask him to help you with your exercises and it will just be happy to do it for you. You can also show your best sides wearing leggings and high tights during work. Guys usually love girls working on their body and lead a healthy lifestyle, so you already have extra points for that.

The inconvenients:In case you do not like brutal men sweating on weights - this place is not for you. To be even more honest - if you are looking for a sophisticated intellectual with a sarcastic sense of humor and a feeling of style - this place is not for you. Here you are more likely to meet a simple good guy, who is hardworking, loves sport, probably do not smoke or drink too much and cultivates her body. By the way, it can be too much in love with itself and its muscles. And obsessed with workouts.

The best thing about life is that you never know where you can find your love. It may be the strangest place of all - so it is better to always be ready and never miss your chances of happiness. Good luck!

Categories: Relationships
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