Do this with your second blow leads to more side effects, the study says

You can have a more intense reaction to Covid vaccine if you do that.

For now, you know that Pfizer-Biontech and Modern Covid vaccines are given in two doses, three to four weeks apart, respectively. If you are one of the many people across the United States, which has already received yourFirst Jab Covid-What disease control and prevention centers (CDC) should be 59% of adults as of May 13 - and you expect your second dose, you will want to know the results of a new study. There were a lot of discussions onCombining two different marks of vaccines, something that the CDC informs against unless it is a "limited and exceptional situation". And now, there is proof that it may not be the best idea. The Oxford vaccine groupCOM-COV vaccination trial foundMix Covid vaccine types Can lead to side effects of more serious vaccine.

RELATED:Doctors warn you of "being prepared" for this after your second dose.

The study by the University of Oxford included 463 volunteers aged at least 50 years. The researchers randomly assigned the participants to receive two of the same shots or a combination of two vaccines, both taken 28 days apart. The volunteers were divided into four groups: some initially received the AstaZeneca-Oxford Covid vaccine, which has already been approved for use in U.K., Then Pfizer-Biontech second. Others did the opposite, Pfizer first and astrazeneca second. A third group took two doses of the Pfizer vaccine and a fourth was assigned two astrazeneca vaccine.

In the end, the results, which have been published inThe lancet, noted that participants were more likely to report light and moderate side effects of headache, chills and muscle pain - afterreceive two different doses, Reports CNN.

The conclusions noted that 34% of the participants got the Astazeneca Jab first and Pfizer Shot second deposition of the féponder, while only 10% of the volunteers had fevers after obtaining two doses of Astrazeneca. In addition, 41% of the participants who have received the Pfizer Jab first and AstraZeneca Shot Second reported a fever. However, only 21% of people who received two pfizer shots experienced this side effect. According to the conclusions, most of the reactions have crossed in the 48 hours of the second dose. Not a participantExperienced a blood clot within seven days after vaccination.

As a result, the authors note that this mixed vaccination approach "could have short-term disadvantages".

A healthcare worker wearing gloves fills a syringe with COVID-19 vaccine

"These are the type of reactions you expect with the vaccine"Matthew Snape, MD, Associate Professor of General Pediatrics and Vaccinology at the University of Oxford and the Chief Investigator on Trial, told a media briefs, according to CNN. "These are more or less the same types of reactions you see with standard schedules. It's just that they happen more frequently, and we see the two most common in light and moderate symptoms, but they have solved quickly quickly. "

Snape added: "One of the things it tells us is that, for example, you would not want to vaccinate a room full of nurses on the same day with a mixed schedule. Because you can have higher absenteeism rates in the next day . "

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When the researchers started the study, Snape said in a statement: "If we show that these vaccines can beused interchangeably In the same table, this will considerably increase the flexibility of vaccine delivery and could provide clues on how to increase the extent of protection against new virus strains. "

The Oxford team now turned to study the shooting of Moderna Jab and Novavax, a vaccine that is still in the test phase, works when mixed. And more research is needed to find out how the combination of vaccines can affect the immune response of the body.

Research like these are important because, likeJeremy Brown, Member of the U.K Vaccination and Immunization Committee., said people can very much need a combination of CVID vaccine doses in the future. "It's going almost that it will have to be like that because, once you have finished a moderna or pfizer or astrazeneca course, with two doses - in the future, it's going to be quite difficult to guarantee you Get the same type of vaccine again , "he says to the BBC in April.

RELATED: Dr. Fauci says we will be "close to return to normal" by this exact date .

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