The CDC states that this new delayed Side Effect vaccine strikes most men

There is a new study on a link between the side effect and the COVID vaccine.

Since Covid vaccines were first injected into the arms of people in clinical trials in the summer of 2020, the experts followed the reactions of patients carefully. Most have fallen into the category ofNormal side effects your body experiences as it goes up an immune response, but there have been reactions that have attracted concerns, such as theblood clots Linked in Johnson & Johnson who led to a break on the vaccine. Recently, another new side effect of the delayed vaccine, called myocarditis, has experts in alert and, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is mostly affecting men.

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Myocarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart muscle, has recently been reframing since the age of vaccination has been abandoned to include 12 years and over. And it's not an immediate reaction, whether. According to the CDC, theopposite effect Occurs "especially in male teenagers and young adults aged 16 or older ... usually in several days after Covid-19 vaccination. »

Now, a new study published in the Medical ReviewPediatrics June 4th analyzed the cases of seven menbetween the ages of 14 and 19Who received the Pfizer vaccine that went to the hospital after experiencing thoracic pain and were diagnosed with myocarditis. Associated Press reports that allPatients were able to go home After two to six days in the hospital.

In addition, a study of June 1 of the Ministry of Health of Israel has examined the 275 reported cases of myocarditis among more than five million people vaccinated between December 2020 and 2021. of the country according to Reuters, the researchers concluded that " There is a likely link between the reception of the second vaccine dose (Pfizer) and theAppearance of myocarditis In men aged 16 to 30. The CDC also indicates Myocarditis is reported more often after thesecond dose than the first dose.

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In April, the CDC warned the health professionals they wereMonitoring a MYOCARDITE HANDLE In young adults and adolescents who had obtained an mRNA vaccine. The two Pfizer and Moderna are mRNA vaccines, but currently, only Pfizer is approved for seniors under 16 in the United States the CDC is currentlyInvestigate the potential link Between Myocarditis and these Covid vaccines, however, the agency continues to recommend that everyone 12 years and over get vaccinated.

The exact number of cases in the United States does not know. NBC reports that the Ministry of Defense isSurvey of 14 cases Among the members of the army. So far, there have been 18 cases in Connecticut, seven in New York, three in Idaho, six in Oregon, and four in Colorado, bringing the total to at least 52.

According to the CDC, the signs of myocarditis include thoracic pain, shortness of breath, and the feeling you have a fast, voltifant way, or heartbeat. If you or your child present one of these side effects in a week of vaccination, the agency says to seek medical care.

RELATED:Moderna has just made a major announcement of its vaccine about.

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