That's what the pains of your chest really mean

Do not let these scary symptoms go off.

If you have ever felt a pain in your chest, you could not really put your finger, you are not alone. According to research published by theAmerican Heart Association, Thoracic pain is the most common cause of adult emergency room admissions in the United States, with eight million people who visit the ER with this disturbing symptom every year.

And while any thoracic pain can be alarming, the reality is that most of the time, this symptom is not really linked to a condition of life in danger. In fact, researchers atUniversity of California, San Francisco found that only 5.5% of ER visits for thoracic pain gave a serious diagnosis.

"Chest pain is one of the most common reasons why people go to hospital. In the worst case, when you have chest pain, it's aheart attack, then when people have a chest pressure or thoracic pain that does not disappear, they are told to go to the forecast, "saysDr. Sanjiv Patel, MD, Cardiologist of Memorialcare Heart & Vascular Institute at the Medical Center of the Orange Coast in the Fountain Valley, in Ca.

In fact, in many cases this thoracic pain can be something easily treated. "If it's just a few seconds in pain, it's not a big part of the problem," admits Dr. Patel. "But more importantly, if the thoracic pain occurs with a symptom associated with the difficulty of difficulty of difficulty or neck pain, it must be treated."

So, before starting to panic, discover that your chest pain really means. And when you want to know how well your heart works well, discover these10 panels surefire your heart is super strong.

You are stressed.

Stressed out man

While this sudden thoracic pain can be shocking and frightening, it does not necessarily mean that there is something serious. According to research carried outUniversity of Gothenburg In Sweden, stress is frequently a factor contributing to thoracic pain and tends to be exacerbated byconditions such as anxiety, depression and lack of exercise. "Sometimes anxiety can cause chest pain", confirms Dr. Patel. And when you want to get rid of the threatening stress to do you, discover these30 easy ways to combat stress.

You have inflammation in your heart.

female health concerns after 40

This intense pain in your chest could be a sign of something wrong with your cardiac muscle.

"Myocarditis is an inflammation of the muscle of the heart," says Dr. Patel. "Most of the time, there is a virus or superior respiratory infection that can cause this inflammation. You can also make inflammation of the heart with very bad immune diseases, like lupus."

So what are some signs that your pain is related to myocarditis?

"Myocarditis can cause the chest pressure, shortness of breath or severeness. This can be a positive pain and continuous pain until you get anti-inflammatory or steroids in the worst cases."

If your pain is in progress, it is important to see a doctor, advises Patel. "Myocarditis can be threatening, because a ignited cardiac muscle can work or not work. People who have problems are those who have a heart muscle weakened in addition to inflammation. These people must be treated very closely. "

Your blood pressure is too high.

blood pressure test Lower Blood Pressure

While high blood pressure can increase your risk of heart attack, your blood pressure alone can be behind these thoracic pain. People with pulmonary hypertension are frequently found with thoracic pain and are considering thatAn American in three At high blood pressure, it is not unlikely that powerful high blood pressure should be blamed. And when you want to get your blood pressure under control, start with these40 ways to reduce your blood pressure after 40.

Your cardiac valves do not work properly.

Man Having a Heart Attack

If you encounter chest pain, especially a person who comes with shortness of breath, cardiac palpitations or if you have been diagnosed with a cardiac murmur, it's time to access a doctor. These symptoms could be a sign of prolapse of the mitral valve, a potentially serious condition in which a valve on the left side of the core is considerably impaired.

"It's like a two-door entrance in your house. The prolapse of the mitral valve is essentially a problem with the door itself. The door is not strong enough to withstand pressure. If you do it with Flexible wood, the door will be loosed with pressure. With mitral valve prolapse, the material that makes the mitral valve weakened, "explains Dr. Patel.

However, if the prolapse of the mitral valve is not treated, can cause serious problems, including blood leaks passing in the wrong direction between the rooms of the heart. The good news? The prolapse of the mitral valve can be repaired, but an operation is usually necessary to do it. And when you want to make your heart healthier, be sure to ask these9 cardiac tests better than the number of cholesterol.

You are dealing with acid reflux.

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That burning in your chest may be unpleasant, but it is unlikely from the result of a fatal heart issue; Instead, it's probably acid reflux, or Gerd. A good way to gauge How serious it is? If you sit down and the pain improves, it's a good sign that you are dealing with reflux.

"If you have burning engraving, usually after eating spicy food or eating tomatoes," it's probably Gerd, "said Dr. Patel. "If you lie down and feel a serious burn in your stomach or the middle of your chest and you sit down and you feel better, you can probably improve when changing position or taking tums or Zantac or of Poisso-Bismol. These are more common symptoms of GERD, or acid reflux, but they also imitate symptoms ofCardiac crises, also."

You have aortic dissection.

chest pain

If you find that your chest pain moves from the front of your chest at the back, or has fallen suddenly after an accident, it's time to get to the emergency room because it could be a sign of dissection aortic.

"Aortic dissection is a tear of the aorta," says Dr. Patel. However, it's not just badly in your chest that you might feel.

"The aorta goes from the heart of the front of the chest at the back of the chest and descends into the abdomen. Any part of the aorta, from the heart to where it separates in front of your legs, can tear ... The emergency situation is when the tear occurs in the part of the aorta above the heart, "says Dr. Patel." If the tear is closer to the back of the chest, you can sometimes wait and see. These are sometimes healed themselves. "

You have a panic attack.

chest pain

This sudden pressure in your chest coming out of anywhere, these sweaty palms and the feeling that something terrible is about to happen can all seem typicalSymptoms of heart attack, But it's not always the case. In fact, according to a study published in theAmerican Journal of MedicineThoracic pain is one of the most common symptoms of a panic attack. The good news? Stress relief techniques, therapy and drugs can all keep this harness pain.

You have angina angina

Man suffering from a panic attack at work under stress

Sometimes these symptoms that you are safe are related to a heart attack are the sign of something else quite, like angina.

"Angina is essentially a term used to describe the pain of having a narrow artery in the heart. The coronary artery or the artery that nourishes the heart, if it narrows sufficiently-70% or more blocked - this limitation From the flow, if this involves a large part of the heart, can cause pain. And this pain is called Angina, "says Patel. So, how do you know if it's serious?" Patients who wake up and have Suddenly a pressure of chest at rest is a very critical blockage. "

However, if your pain improves with rest, is considered stable angina and may not require emergency treatment. If it comes and goes without rhyme or reason, it is unstable. "If it is unstable, you need emergency care. If it is stable, you have the time," says Patel. And if you are ready to make your heart stronger pressed, discoverHow to build a steel core.

You have a broken rib.

Rib pain surprising cancer symptom

With heart conditions contributing to a paralyzing fear, it is often easy to forget that there are other structures in the chest that could be a source of pain, like your ribs. If you have recently had bronchitis or pneumonia, this pain in your chest could be a broken rib. A good way to tell? If it hurts when you touch your chest pain is probably not related to your heart.

Your heart muscle is thicker than normal.

Prevent Heart Disease

This deeply rooted pain in your chest? It could be hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or thickening of the heart muscle. So why is it such a pain, so to speak?

"The heart muscle needs a certain thickness to push blood out. If it is too thick, it's too hard. If it is too thin, there is not enough pressure to pump blood "said Patel. However, if you experience deep inner chest pain or if you have a family disease of heart problems, it is definitely worth it to see a doctor, especially since this condition can be dormant for years. Although this condition can result in poor conditions, such as arrhythmia, it can also trigger sudden death.

You have COPD.

chest pain

Pain in your chest, especially if it is worse when you breathe worse, might not be a sign of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD. This inflammatory lung condition may not be on your radar, but it is the third cause of death in the United States, so it is worth talking to your doctor if you experience difficulty breathing and chest pain, especially if you are a current or former smoker.

You have lung cancer.

Man with Lung Cancer Diseases That Affect Men

The pressure, pain and fullness in your chest can all be signs of a heart problem, but in many cases, they start in your lungs. Lung cancer can have similar symptoms such as heart disease, but usually causes breathing difficulties. If your chest pain is accompanied by bone pain, it is essential to access a doctor soon as this can be an indication that your cancer metastasize.

You have a collapsed lung.

chest pain

If the chest pain began following a fall, a car accident, pneumonia or a diagnosis of lung cancer, you might have a collapsed lung case. And although this condition can be resolved in some cases it can be fatal if not treated untreated.

You esophagitis.

chest pain

The esophagus - the tube that connects the throat to your stomach - is a surprising source of some of the most debilitating cases of chest pain. When the esophageal tissue is damaged, allergies, gerd, infection or trauma, it can cause chest pain. And although esophagitis can be cured without treatment, if it is related to an infection, it may cause sepsis and death. However, this is not the only way your esophagus may contribute to the chest pain "Your esophagus can cause pain if you have a malfunction or a muscle spasm," says Dr. Patel.

You have pneumonia.

woman sick in bed exposed to serious flu risk

This endless cough and a crushing pain in your chest could be a sign that you have pneumonia. Pneumonia usually a complication of an upper respiratory infection, causes inflamed air sacs in the lungs fill with fluid. And whileover a million people Are diagnosed with pneumonia in the United States each year, it is important for you to be treated if you suspect that you, as this can prove fatal.

You have a pulmonary embolism.

chest pain

If your chest pain started to follow a long trip, you could have a pulmonary embolism. This condition, in which a blood clot goes to your lungs potentially causing death, is not a matter of laughter. In fact, in terms of thoracic pain, Dr. Patel says it's the third most dangerous condition.

"The heart is obviously the worst. The second worse is a tear in the aorta in the chest. The third is a clot in lung, let's say if anyone had a long flight and had a blood clot in the lung. Leg that can cause pain and swelling, "says Patel.

You have asthma.

chest pain

Difficulty breathing coupled with poor chest pain is a classic presentation of asthma. And although many people assume that this is a childhood condition that disappears largely in adulthood, it is not always the case. In fact, many people develop a relapse of asthma later in life and others discover the sudden appearance of the condition in response to certain allergens.

You have pericardites.

jogger with chest pain

Although many conditions present with chest pain are not related to the heart, those that can become seriousquick.Pericardite, for example, is an inflammation of the membrane covering the heart. Usually caused by viral infection, this condition can progress quickly, spread to heart muscle if it is not treated quickly.

You have an ulcer.

asian woman experiencing stomach pain

These pain in your belly and those of your chest may not be as unrelated as you imagine. In many cases, ulcers - which can occur anywhere in your digestive tract - can cause chest pain, especially when accompanied by acid reflux. And although, in many cases, ulcers can be treated with drugs, it is important to have treated them rapidly - pylori bacteria associated with ulcers are also associated with the development of stomach cancer.

You have an abscess in your lung.

chest pain

Bronchitis and pneumonia are not the only pulmonary conditions that could be at the root of your chest pain. Pulmonary abscess, bacterial infections that cause necrotic fabric nor a fluid at the pool inside the lungs, can cause severe chest pain and have a high mortality rate, even with antibiotic treatment, according to oneto study. If your chest pain begins after pneumonia, it is imperative that you are checked for a pulmonary abscess, as the first first precedes the latter.

You have fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia Pain

Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition that can cause sensitivity throughout the body, is often a surprising source of chest pain. Typically, this is due to costochondritite, inflammation of connective tissue and ribs. A common sign of this unpleasant disease? Pain when the pressure is applied on the ribs.

"Some people have more chest pain more often when you touch the chest - breast bone and coasts in front of and those who did not generally come from the heart," says Dr. Patel.

You have a pleurious.

chest pain

The peaks, a swelling of the plates, the membranes that cover the lungs can cause severe chest pain that starts suddenly. However, unlike the pain related to the heart, the pleurey tends to worsen when he takes a deep breath. If you let yourself have trouble breathing and experimenting with chest pain, it's worth checking, but generally associated with other infections, pleurisity can also accompany self-immune disorder or cancer.

You have a heart attack.

Businessman with Heart Failure Your Doctor

If nothing seems to make the chest pain better, or if it spread to other parts of your body, it's time to call 911. Heart disease is the largest killer of men and women in the United States And is essence when you think you have a heart attack. The good news? Some say it will give you if your pain is probably related to the heart.

In addition to your history of age and family being potential contributory factors, the amount of time that hard pain is a good indicator of whether it is bound to the heart or not.

"If it lasts 15 to 20 minutes and it's not better, you should get help. If it lasts only a few minutes, do not panic, because it is unlikely to be a blockage or an emergency threatening by Life, "says Dr. Patel. Similarly, if you feel better after changing position, or if it aggravates when you touch your chest, it's unlikely to be a heart attack." Cardiac pain is not 'Never aggravate by touching or moving your arm or body. "

So what should you look for? If the pain spreads to your arms or arms, if you feel nauseated, if you have a sudden difficulty to breathe, or if you swell abundantly, they are all signs of a heart attack.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Heart Health
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