This side effect of vaccine could mean that you already had Covid, a new study says

Research found that this reaction is much more common in previously infected persons.

Anyone whoGets the Covid vaccine Can experience a multitude of side effects, according to disease control and prevention centers (CDC). OfArm swelling of feverThese reactions are only in the way the organizations of some people react to the construction of immunity against COVID. But as it turns out, your specific vaccine reactions can also provide an overview of your previous experience with the virus. According to new research, a particular side effect of vaccine may indicate that you have already had COVID. Read to read to find out what reaction to search, and for more surprising side effects, discoverThe side effect of common vaccine that no one speaks, say experts.

People who have already had Covid are more likely to experiment with lymph nodes swollen after vaccination.

Woman suffering from sore throat.

A new study found that some side effects of vaccine are more common among those who havealready had Covid. The study, which was made available to April 22 as the pre-imprint of Medrxiv, analyzed 947 people monitored after their vaccination for side effects - of which 265 had already been infected with COVID. Researchers have discovered that an unusual side effect - swollen lymph nodes or swollen lymphadenopathy - was much more frequent among those who had previously Covid. According to the study, less than 1% of people without History of Covid reported having experienced lymphadenopathy after vaccination, while 4% of those who had been infected with the virus have experienced this side effect. And for more information on vaccine reactions,Do this after your vaccine can make side effects worse, doctors say.

Other side effects are more common in people with previous covidation infection.

Shot of a young man checking his temperature while lying on the couch at home

There were also four other more frequent side effects among those who had previously been infected with coronavirus: fever, fatigue, myalgia (muscle pain) and arthralgia (articular pain). According to the study, fever was lived by 8% of those who had COVID, but only 2% of those who had not been infected. Fatigue has been reported by 29% of those who had Covid and 20% that did not have it. Myalgia has been reported by 30% of those who had COVID and only 15% who did not, while Arthralgia was a side effect for 17% of people with a history of Covid and only 7% of those who had never been infected. And for more on life after vaccination,The CDC says that people who get COVID after vaccination have in common.

People with earlier COVID infection are more likely to have side effects of vaccine in general.

Sick young woman lying on the couch and holding her head with hand. Ill woman lying on the sofa with high temperature.

According to the study, people with previous coronavirus infections were more likely to report side effects in general after obtaining CVID vaccine. People who had COVID were also more likely to report at least one side effect of moderate to severe vaccine. However, vaccine reactions occurring at the locality on the vaccine injection plan, the symptoms of arm and swelling-swelling - and gastrointestinal were not more prevalent in those with anterior covidation infection than those without . And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Some experts think that people who have already had Covid only need a dose of vaccine.

female doctor giving COVID-19 vaccine of a mid adult women with protective face mask in the doctor's office

Many experts involve if people who have had Covid need the second dose, because more and more vaccine reactions can mean more antibodies are trained after a single dose for those who have had infections previous. In fact, the researchers in this study conclude that their data "adds weight to the question of whether a second dose of mRNA vaccine is necessary for people who have previously CVIV-19, assuming effective immunity is established after The first dose ".

However, the CDC always says that you shouldGet two shotsPfizer or Modern vaccines, which you have already had Covid. And apart from extremely rare allergic reactions, the side effects of normal vaccine should also not deter your second dose. "You should get your second shot, even if you have side effects after the first shot, unless a vaccination provider or doctor tells youdo not get it, "The CDC says. and for more advice on the vaccine,Do not do that for 2 days after your Covid vaccine, doctors say.

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