25 health myths you have to stop believing

There is a ton of misinformation about how you should eat and work.

Few areas of life are also full of misinformation and facts dodged for personal health. It is an arena where the scientific coldness and deeply emotional overlap, so it is not surprising that some things are or a false usurped statement. Add in the millions of dollars that can be made with a worthy titleNew Food Fashion, And it is inevitable that we would hear some doubtful tips andAlternative facts about diet and exercise. To help you separate facts from fiction, we consulted a number of health experts about some of the most common health myths.

Myth: cholesterol is bad for you.

Adult Man Eating a Burger Heart Risk Factors

Made: Notall Cholesterol is bad for your body. "The overall amount of cholesterol in the blood (" total cholesterol "aka) is far from as important as the amount of each type you have in your blood," explainsLynne Wadsworth, A holistic health coach and founder ofHolistic health and well-being, LLC. Although too many LDL cholesterol can be associated with aan increased risk of heart disease, HDL cholesterol-the good type-helps keep your LDL rate in control and helps maintain your heart, likeAmerican Heart Association Explain.

Myth: The egg yolks are bad for you.

egg yolk health myths

Made: "Egg yolks are recommended for everyone at least allergic, evenPeople with cardiac diseases»Said family doctorMashfika alam, A doctor with the online health consulting platformICLINIQ. "They are loaded with HDL, which is a good cholesterol and effectively counteracts the effects of bad cholesterol. »

Myth: "Starving" can be effective for weight loss.

Person on the scale checking their weight

Made: Starving may seem an effective strategy to lose a lot of weight quickly. In reality, however, a radical change in your diet, even if it leads to a deficit can have the caloric opposite effect.

"Eating too little or starving yourself is a very bad idea, and it actually leads to a rebound weight gain," says Alam. "Eats an equilibrium-out, low calorie diet that will help you lose weight. »

Myth: "Detoxification" is the best way to lose weight jumpstart.

Asian woman drinking a glass of water on the couch, signs your cold is serious

Made: While purging toxins with cleaning or detoxification may seem like it would be a good thing, these methods "weight loss" did not do all that many health benefits. "Our kidneys and take care of the liver to eliminate the toxins that are in our body, so unless you have problems with these organs, it will not be a certain type of great accumulation," explainsJulie Lohre, A certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist.

And even if you make a weight loss during a detox cure, it is unlikely last. "Most of the regiments used in a typical dehydrating detoxification cure the body and can cause intestinal problems such as diarrhea, so that weight loss you see in a few days is usually only water loss. Instead of a detox cure, Lohre simply suggests drinking more water and consume more vegetables.

Myth: The more you are, the less healthy you are.

overweight health myths

Made: Although we often associate the weight of a person with their health, authorized psychologistAngela Grace finds that both are not always connected. "We need to stop focusing on weight and focus on genetic predisposition associated with positive health behaviors. »

In addition, grace notes that when we stigmatize more, we have put overweight people at a higher risk of mental health problems. Being at the receipt of the causes of the stigma related to the more devastating weight of mental health problems that actually have more flesh on his body: "fat feeling is worse than being fat," says grace.

Myth: Coffee can delay the development of childhood.

coffee health myths

Made: "The base of this myth stems from the idea that caffeine in the cafe can be the cause of osteoporosis, a vitamin D deficiency that makes the fragile bones however, after many studies, no conclusive conclusion were made. To suggest a relationship between coffee. consumption and reduced growth ", explainsKristen Scheney, A nutrition expert withCCS medical. As for the children to drink coffee, the only thing you have to worry about is excess caffeine leads to sleep disturbance or increased anxiety levels.

Myth: Bottled water is better for you than tap water.

Older woman drinking a glass of water

Made: Companies of bottled water can tout the health benefits of their products, and conspiracy theorists can warn you against fluoride, the government added to tap water, but the fact of the matter is, except for the time of disaster in times like this in Flint, Michigan, tap water in most municipalities is quite safe and healthy.

"Most municipal water is quite safe and so pleasant, can be taken directly from the tap. It often contains useful minerals, magnesium and calcium," saysMorton Tavel, MD, author ofHealth Tips, Myths and Tips: advice of a doctor. Moreover, tavail explains that the tap water consumption can eliminate costs and help the environment immensely. Ignore this health health Water from drinking tap is a win all around!

Myth: crack your joints lead to arthritis.

person cracking their knuckles

MadeAlthough your tiny can lead to people not wanting to sit near you for an extended period, it will not give you early arthritis, as some might have you believe. "The" crack "is simply the sauce bubbles in the fluid that lubricates the hands, called synovial fluid," explains Scheney.

However, if this practice does not cause arthritis, Scheney warns against other negative side effects. "This can cause a reduction in adhesion strength and swelling in the hands," she notes.

Myth: The best of workout intensity indicator is a heart rate monitor.

healthy myths heart rate monitor

Made: While your heart rate is an important indicator of how your training is intense, you may want to put your faith in what a machine or monitor tells you. "The momentum of the finger is not as accurate as a blood pulse, so use only reading the heart of the machine frequency as a guide," saysMeghan Kennihan, A national academy personal trainer and fitness instructor certified in sports medicine. "If you want a real indicator of your strength, wear a heart rate monitor that rotates around your chest."

Myth: 10,000 steps is the magic number in terms of activity.

Older black woman walking and exercising with weights in her hands

Made: Anyone using a Fitbit device or Simil Step-Tracking was probably used to define "10,000 steps" as the goal for a given day. But "10,000 steps as 8 glasses of water, was an arbitrary guideline written by a person who calculated how many calories burned walking 10,000 steps and determined it was a good number"Janis IsamanOwner based in CalgaryMy sewing body, Explain. She points to research published in 2004Sports medicine This class 10,000 steps a day as "active" only "apparently healthy adults." For the elderly and those living with a chronic disease, measures are needed to be considered active.

Myth: doing crunches alone is a sure way to get a six pack.

Man doing crunches

Made"Building core strength with a specific ab exercise is great but if you hold a layer of body fat on the abs, you'll never see your six pack," said Lohre. "If you really want a tight, defined nucleus, combine strengthening exercises with a great nutrition plan that balances vegetables, proteins, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats."

Myth: Chocolate is an aphrodisiac.

chocolate health myths

Made: A box of chocolates is always a good idea to Valentine. However, all the stimulating effects that the gift may have nothing to do with the chocolate itself. As theMAYO Clinic explains: "Research has shown [Chocolate] to be largely ineffective inproduce a sexual response in men or women. "

Myth: Chocolate causes acne.

Man with a bar of chocolate

Made: Chocolate is often blamed for people's buttons. But in a pivotal study of 1969, scientists from theMedical School, University of Pennsylvania studiedSkin modification effects of chocolate on 65 subjects and found that those who have eaten bars with 10 times the typical amount of chocolate in them did not seem different from those who have eaten bars containing no chocolate at all.

Myth: The shot of the flu gives you the flu.

Woman sick in bed with a fever and the flu

Made:Vaccines against influenza are made with a weakened or inactive strain of the influenza virus or no virus at all. "It means you will not get the flu to have a shot," saysChad masters, Regional medical director ofMEDEXPRESS urgent care.

"There may be minor side effects, however. The most common are pain, redness, swelling where the shot has been given, of low quality fever, headaches and muscle pain. It is easy For some to confuse these symptoms withinfluenzaThat's why this myth can persist, but they are side effects that go rather quickly. "

Myth: Running a fever, feed a cold.

Woman blowing her nose after sneezing

Made: Speaking of the flu, Masters adds that the old aphorism "slammed a fever, nourish a cold" is a nonsense. "With a rare exception, one of the best things to do when you have a fever consists in maintaining a regular diet better than possible," he says. "Even if you may not want to eat, your body really requires more caloriesWhen you are sick so that it can cure properly and quickly. "

Myth: cold and wet weather can cause cold.

woman blowing her nose next to christmas tree

Made: "I say to my patients that the only way you can get sick comes from infections caused by bacteria or viruses," says Masters. "However, mom and dad were not completely wrong when they told you to put a hat before you venture outdoors with wet hair. The water wears much faster than the air does not do it faster Whether you lose heat faster when you or the clothes you wear is wet. And when you quickly lose heat, you are more at risk of hypothermia and frostbite. "

Myth: Sunblock is only necessary when the sun is out.

Black woman applying, spraying sun protection cream on her legs, habits after 40
Ruslandashinsky / iStock

Made: "No matter what time does the weather, you should be diligent onApply solar protection all year round, "saysJoel Schlessingera dermatologist certified by the board and contributor toVulgar. "Every morning you should apply a large spectrum solar screen to all exposed skin areas and reapply your solar protection at least every two hours."

Myth: Loofahs are a great way to be clean in the shower.

loofah health myths

Made: Your loofah is probably not as clean as you think. "Loofahs can house bacteria, mold and yeast, among other harmful things, "says Schlessinger." Make sure you leave your LUFFA completely dry each time and replace it frequently. "

The same goes for toilet gloves. "If you clean with a toilet glove, take a fresh charge every day and do not use it on your face," says Schlessinger. "It's very irritating to the skin and eventually causes dry areas, thrusts and wounds. "

Myth: Fadades of diet are a healthy way of losing weight.

diet health myths

Made: WhileThe last diet Could make titles and win an army of evangeilizers apparently at night, it does not mean it's really good for you. "If [diets] are used as a quick solution for weight loss, they can become obsessive and get people from the path of food disorders", warns grace. "Severely limits food for weight loss, which is often introduced by the diet and fitness industry, can be harmful and trigger disorder disorders."

It emphasizes that it is important to use "fuel" foods and "do not restrict significant nutrients" to reach a certain look. "We must remember that new research comes out that our body needs high quality fat, which 20 years ago was built as" enemy "and caused a host of health problems in people otherwise in good health "Adds Grace.

Myth: If you exercise, you can eat what you want.

woman eating donut ways we're unhealthy

Made: When you hear stories of 10,000 calorie regimes that some professional athletes follow, it may seem like an active lifestyle and burning calories eliminates the need to pay attention to what you eat. However, "it could not be further from the truth," says Kennihan. "Our individual metabolism determines the number of calories we burn at rest and during our exercise. If we eat more calories than we burn consistently, our body will accumulate these extra calories such as fats, regardless of the amount of exercise we do. "

Myth: You should completely remove sugar from your diet.

keto diet health myths

Made:Becky Kerkenbush, a clinical dietician at WisconsinRegional Medical Center Watertown, says that she often has patients tell her they avoid sugar because it's bad for them. "They do not realize that there are different types of sugar [and] that natural sugar can be found in fruits, vegetables, dairy products and grains," she explains.

When patients approach it with a "low sugar" regime, Kerkenbush says it emphasizeslimiting sugar consumption rather than eliminate it completely. "A teaspoon of sugar is 4 grams of sugar. If a cereal has 12 grams of sugar, it is equal to 3 teaspoons. Now imagine a 10 ounce soda box of 40 grams of sugar - 10 spoons Coffee of sugar! " she explains.

Myth: gluten is bad.

gluten free cupcakes health myths

Made: "Gluten-free food is no longer healthy than people with gluten-related disorders such as celiac disease or gluten intolerance," saysKIMBERLY HERSHENSON, a therapist based on the city of New York, specialized in diet disorders. "People with a celiac disease require a gluten-free diet because gluten causes an adverse reaction in the body that damages the intestines and can lead to serious health problems."

And finally, most gluten-free alternatives are not much healthier than their regular counterparts.This gluten-free flour, for example, contains 25 grams of carbohydrates by 1/4 cup serving, whileThis regular Contains only 22 grams for the same size of service. The gluten free option evenFollowing Crabs!

Myth: You have to work at least one hour a day to be healthy.

Younger woman working out on a machine at the gym

Made"Regular exercise has great health benefits, but the assembly of a workout every day is not often feasible or even recommended," says Hershenson. "Everyone needs a day of rest to let the body recover. In addition, any activity is good activity, even if it's a 15 minute walk. Do not deceive your body to move a little because you Remember to have enough time for a complete workout. "

Myth: Weight training is guaranteed to make you appear large.

man woman deadlift build muscle health myths

Made: Women tend to worry about pumping too much iron and swelling. However, the Kennihan personal trainer says there is no need to worry.

"Due to the fact that women do not do it and can not naturally produce so much testosterone as men, it is impossible for a woman to get huge amounts of muscle mass by simply touching a few weights," explain-t -she. "Women who drive bodybuilding without the use of steroids get the farm and are suitable for the body to research without the cellulite you see in most details of the fitness / figure shows these days."

Myth: If you stop bodybuilding, the muscle turns into fat.

hilarious words

Made: "Muscles and fats are two types of totally different tissues," says Kennihan. "What happens on several occasions is that when people decide to get out of their weight programs, they begin to lose muscle because of the inactivity and they usually stop their healthy diet."

Bad eating habits combined with a lower metabolism due to the inactivity and a reduced muscle mass give the impression that a person's muscle is transformed into fat. In reality, "what happens is that the muscle is being lost and the fat is accumulated," Kennihan explains.

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