5 laid side effects of eating Taco bell every day, according to nutritionists

Eating too much chalupas? Here's what to expect and how to avoid it.

When a late night envy hits, nothing hit the place asTaco Bell. The fast food chain can offer somehealthy options If you need to keep your diet on the right track, and as long as you eat carefully, you do not have to worry about avoiding this preferred Tex-Mex. But when you plan to adonate, be sure to walk carefully, because some truly unpleasant side effects come next to eat Taco Bell every day.

Taco Bell makes tastes of irresistible tacos and burritos thanks to high levels ofsodium, grease and even sugar in some foods. When taken at the extreme, these added ingredients can make damage caused to your body. To determine the side effects you need to keep an eye on, we talked with a variety of dietitians, doctors, nutritionists and other experts to reduce what you should expect to meet when you frequent this fast food chain Classic. .

Read on to learn the side effects of eating Taco Bell every day can make your body and for healthier advice, make sure you check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Feelings of depression.

Taco bell burrito and chicken taco
Taco Bell / Facebook

Some of the most immediate effects that occur after we descend a burrito or Taco de Taco Bell takes place inside ourbrain.

"Nitrates in meat and preserved cheeses aggravate depression"Dr. Uma Naidoo,MD, nutritional psychiatrist and author ofThis is your brain on food Explain. "A fast diet is the one that contains processed and ultra-transformed ingredients, generally treatedVegetable oils, added sodium, added sugars as well as food dyes, dyes, loads and preservatives. These are all substances that are pro-inflammatory brain and body. "

"The bad food choices feed the wrong insects in our gut, helping them prosper and support good bugs (intended to help us and protect ourselves), continued Dr. Naidoo. "Over time, bad insects cause inflammation, which can lead to intestinal leaks and neurinflammation (brain). When developing, it causes new mental health problems or exacerbate mental health symptoms that you could Already have trouble struggling. "

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Always be hungry.

taco bell

Even after you practiced some tacos orburritosYou will probably not feel completely satisfied. This feeling is a direct result of the ingredients that make up a meal of Taco Bell.

"There is little food entirely fresh withfiber And nutrients in fast foods so that they move quickly in your digestive system and you often feel hungry little time, "says Dr. Naidoo.

This lack of fiber creates an endless spiral of hunger could even lead too much to eat, as found in a study published inNutritional review. To learn which items in the channel have the best chances to fill you, checkHealthy meals in Taco Bell that are high protein.


Cognitive impairment.

taco bell burrito

When we dig in a box ofTacos, increase of feelings of depression is not the only thing to fear.

"With a high diet in unhealthytrans fat,added sugarsAnd processed foods, the brain read clearly thinking, "said Dr. Naidoo.

"Food diets in saturated grease can also have an effect on your cognitive abilities," says Jay Cowin,Asystem Nutritionist registered and director of formulations. "Braininflammation and insulin resistance, caused by saturated fatty acids, have been involved in cognitive deficits. "


More chances of cerebral stroke.

doritos locos taco

Not allTaco Bell menu itemS Create side effects that affect how our brain treats. Too much taco bell can also result in brain aneurysms.

"Saturated fats increase the amount ofLipoprotein with low density (LDL) cholesterolIn the blood, says Cowin. "LDL high increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Saturated grease should not include more than 10% of your daily calories. The famous Cheesy Gordita Crunch Supreme has 11 g saturated fat itself."

Compensate for your chances of this deadly side effect and read food you should eat inFoods that help stay features after 40.


Increased risk of cardiac disease.

taco bell tacos

The same saturated fats that can lead to a stroke can also make a real number of your cardiac health.

"Many Taco Bell food products are oversized and fries, cheese or beef", saysDr. Lisa Young, Doctorate, RDN and author ofFinally full, finally thin. "This combo is full of too many calories as well as saturated fat that, if they are consumed regularly over time, can lead to obesity and heart disease."

Young also mentions how "a high diet in saturated fat can increase unhealthy LDL cholesterol, thus enclogging the arteries that contribute tocardiopathy . "

When you need to stick to a healthy power plan, make sure you balance your Taco Bell runs with healthier restore options to glean the best nutrition of both worlds. If you decide to overcome it in the chain, do not be surprised if you encounter one of these laid side effects.

Do you want to eat healthier on the bell instead of indulging and doing too much to the sea? here are the Best and Worse Tacos in Taco Bell .

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