If you have more than 50 years, this thing can predict your risk of heart disease

A study revealed a correlation between a decrease in this and an increase in health problems.

Watch what you eat and how much do you exercise two of the easiest ways to quickly assess your risk of heart disease, especially since you Oldez. Your body can also give youOther warning signs that something is wrong ordirected in this direction. But according to a new study, there is one thing in a totally unrelated way to your immediate health that people over 50 can use to predict their risk of heart disease that does not involve blood test or scale. Read it to see what could point out that you have healthy health problems.

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Losing wealth during mid-life increases your risk of heart disease.

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A new study published in Cardiology Jama has allowed to investigate the link betweenMonetary health and cardiac health In the United States, recognizing previous studies that have found socio-economic factors can have a direct influence on cardiovascular health, the research team focused on changes in wealth and how they could potentially affect the heart.

After examining a group of 550 adults who had never been diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases, the results showed that adults encountered by "the mobility of downward wealth" compared to their peers were at increased risk of problems. cardiac health after 65 years. In the case of this study, this included a heart attack, heart failure, arrhythmia, cerebrovascular accident and heart-related death.

The results also found that gaining wealth has reduced the risk of heart disease.

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But there was not just one correlation between the loss of wealth and heart health. The researchers found that those who lived "Mobility of ascending wealth"were less likely to develop cardiovascular problems after 65 than their peers. In the case of this study, the authors have defined mobility as" relative increase in the total value of the assets excluding the primary residence ".

"This suggests that the upward mobility of wealth can offset part of the risk associated with past economic difficulties"Andrew Sumarsono, MD, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine at the South West UT and the author of the study, stated in a university disclosure. He also added that the correlation between the reduced wealth and the risk of cardiac health meant that the reduced mobility of wealth was "potentially offsetting some of the benefits associated with previous economic prosperity".

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The interviews of lower wealth have always seen less improvement in heart health despite becoming richer.

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In the end, the researchers considered that every $ 100,000 earned or lost by a person could create a 1% swing in cardiovascular risk. But the data also showed that there was a noticeable difference: those who started in the top 20 percentile of wealth parentheses and lost money showed thesame risk of cardiac health Like those who started rich and remained rich. But those who start in the 20% of the bottom that have gained wealth showed lower cardiovascular risk than that remained in the poorer support.

Researchers say it could indicate an "inheritative protection" that exists among the rich but not in the poorest. They also reported that their results about changes in wealth and cardiac health later in life were the same in all ethnic groups and all the races of the study.

The author of the study concluded that policies should be developed to help strengthen the resilience of wealth.

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Stressing that there is a 15-year-old gap in life expectancy between the richest percent and poorest per cent of the United States, researchers concluded that losing or gaining wealth could be as important for cardiac health only when someone starts again. "We already know that wealth is about health, but we show that wealth trajectories are also important," said Sumarsono. "This means that cardiovascular risk associated with wealth is not permanent and can be influenced."

"We live in a system in which people can suffer catastrophic losses in the wealth of situations beyond their control and that the possibilities of accumulating wealth are also not available in racial or socio-economic groups" , added Sumarsono. "Policy that strengthen resilience against large wealth losses and dealing with these opportunity gaps should be given priority and can be seen as a public health measure to improve overall health while narrowing racial health disparities, socio-economic and cardiovascular. "

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