The only reason for bottled water is more dangerous than tap water

Before investing in more water bought in store, you will want to read on this key difference.

As the Esquentement progresses and the temperature increases, it is more important than ever to stay hydrated throughout the day. National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine in the United States need approximately 3.7 liters ofwater every dayWhile women should target 2.7 liters. However, while experts agree that the conservation of your recharged water supplies is essential, they also warn that the notion that the stuff purchased on the store is healthier or cleaner than tap water is misplaced. To know how much bottled water is more dangerous than tap water, read it.

Tap water is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Bottle water is not.

R.Classen / Shutterstock

In an article for CBS News,Peter H. Gleick, MD, President Emeritus and co-founder of the Pacific Institute and the author ofBottled and sold: the story behind our obsession with bottled water, stresses that when tap water is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of the Drinking Water Act,Bottle water is set By the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which allows less frequent quality tests. He points out that theFDA does not monitor some contaminants This can be in packaged water and does not require producers to provide quality reports. "Our standards of protection of both must be strict," says Gleick. "But tap water is better regulated."

In addition to this, the tap water is systematically treated with fluoride to facilitate dental health in a way that bottled water is not, giving the option to the old ones.

RELATED:FDA has just closed this bottled water company.

Bottled water and tap can come from the same sources.

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While bottled water marks often use extremely creative packaging to ward off images of natural purity, in many cases, it is essentially the same water you will get from your kitchen faucet, just as strictly regulated. "Sometimes the water you can buy in a bottle is simply a water from the public valve that has been improved in a certain way, such as the modification of the content of the minerals", explains theMinnesota Ministry of Health. The exception is all that claims to be spring water - if it says on the label, the water must actually come from a spring.

There have been several serious public health incidents related to bottled water.

bottled water pouring into glass
Shutterstock / Shark_749

Despite the perception that bottled water is cleaner and safer for you, there has beenSeveral recent threats to health linked to bottled water. Earlier this year, aEpidemic of acute non-viral hepatitis was traced to the true alkaline water of the water mark, leading to its closure; Peñafiel Spring Water has been withdrawn because ofThe presence of Arsenic in 2020; and the sources of the Sweet Springs Valley werecontaminated withE. coli In 2018.

The drinking water of a plastic bottle itself also comes with its own risks. Especially in summer, heat-exposed plastic bottles for extended periods of time can cause theWater inside to become contaminated. A 2014 study revealed antimony and bisphenol A (BPA), presumed to be carcinogens,Lixivi in ​​the water After being exposed at a temperature of 158 degrees Fahrenheit.

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However, there are some occasions when bottled water is the best.

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The Minnesota Ministry of Health notes that there are specific cases where bottled water can serve you better. Any situation where you can not guarantee a safe alcohol reserve (for example, on a camping trip, or during a natural disaster) made bottled water the best choice. In addition, if tests have shown that your own water has become contaminated and if the authorities have notified you that contamination has occurred in your local public water supply, you must switch to bottled water.

"In these situations above, it is particularly important to use bottled water to mix a nourishing formula or to give water to babies under one year," advises the Ministry of Health. Minnesota. "Bottled water can also be the best choice if a person has a state of health requiring lower levels of substance."

RELATED: Stop using this bottle of water immediately, the authorities say .

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