30 health myths of worst women who will not die
Banish these beliefs and you will discover heavenly health - for good.

Some women can go all their lives to believe things about their health that are just not true, and it's a shame. Before continuing to use yogurt buffers for yeast infections, stay away from breastfeeding the fear of hurting your breasts or giving up sexual satisfaction because you think you've spent your top, Take a look at these myths. You might be surprised that the world always seems to be deceiving. And to really whip you in the peak condition, make sure to check the100 simple ways to be a woman (a lot) healthier.
1 It is more difficult to get pregnant after 35 years.
If you are worried about turning 35 means that your chances of getting pregnant disappear immediately, do not do it. This fertility countdown is only a myth. Fertility decreases with age, but several studies have found that these 35 years and over can still be easily pregnant. One in particular conducted by the University of Northern Carolina Medicine Medicine has been found 38 and 39, had no problem putting the bunch naturally. And for more pregnancy, check these20 secrets your gynecologist will not tell you.
2 You can drink cranberry juice to heal a UTI.
Let's see a right thing: urinary tract infections - better known as utis-are really super boring. And they are also delicate to get rid of. Unfortunately, your go-to cranberry juice hacker will not get rid of it faster. According toCleveland ClinicThere is no evidence that it will heal it. Even if cranberriesto do Contains an ingredient likely to prevent bacteria from causing infection, there is not enough juice or supplement to actually help.
3 You will gain a ton of weight after menopause.

Menopause can seem terrifying in itself, but one aspect that has many even more fearful women? Think they will gain weight afterwards all hormonal changes. Good news, though: this is not the case. Any kilos of creep creep probably much more to do with what happens on your plate.
"Menopause is not the same for every woman, then everyone is not confronted with major changes in their forms and body weight," saysBonnie Taub-Ten, RDN, creator ofBetterthandieting.com and author ofRead it before eating it: taking you from the label at the table "If your weight begins to climb and your clothes start to feel a little tighter in the middle, it could be a sign that you need to pay particular attention to the portion sizes and may increase your physical activity. Include a combo. Aerobics and weight care exercise to help you burn calories and keep your heart and strong bones. "For more menopause, check40 things that every woman over 40 needs to know.
4 Skip breakfast will make you gain weight.
BreakfastisOne of the most important meals of the day - just not because it will save you a ton of weight if you do not eat it. Although the myth has been around forever and many people claim to jump that the hearty meal will make you too much eating throughout the day, a 2014 study published in theJournal of Nutrition Science found that it's just a myth. It's really a great way to get into all your portions and fruits and vegetables, so eat it when you can, but do not worry if you have to jump.
5 Doing AB exercises you will get abs.
Ahh, if only it was easy. While working at your buttocks doing every exercise AB in the book seems that it can give you a pack of six over time, it's just a myth and part of that just to do with a woman. The good news is the abs, do not equal to happiness.
"However, many crunches, sit-ups or boards you do, AB definition will only show if you look at your nutrition and focused on reducing your body fat to 20% or less, "saysMichelle Cady, integrative nutritional health coach ofFitvista.com. "That said, why do it? Women are designed to have a body fat in the range of 20 to 25% for optimal health and optimal hormonal production. So unless you are a fitness model, remember to reassess Your obsession. Eating and working be healthy and feel good and move your body with joy rather than focus on aesthetics. "For more fitness inspiration, check out the10 essential sub-assessments for health persons.
6 Located on the back during sex, it will be easier to get pregnant.
Pregnancy is one of those things that seems so easy for when people do not want to get pregnant and incredibly strong for those when they do it. There is a long-standing myth that elongated on the back with your high basin during sex will help increase your chances of expanding your family, but unfortunately, the technique is not as reliable as it seems.
You are not alone in thinking, however: a 2014 study published in the journalFertility and sterility find40% of women think it facilitates the design of conceivingAlso, but the reality is gravity does not make it easier for sperm to access your egg.
7 The green mucus means that you are sick.

Ok, maybe it's TMI, but how many times did your parents checked your snot growing? If it were clear, you were golden, but green meant something was wrong and it was time to go to the doctor. The funny thing is the green mucus being a sign of a sinus infection is a total myth. According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLYou can not rely on the color or consistency of your mucus to indicate if you have an infection or not. In fact, green mucus means nothing more than it does its job and protect your body. If you try to avoid the disease, make sure to check the20 ways never get sick at work.
8 Your sex drive decreases when you get older.

If you think the old age is equivalent to a boring sex life, you are mistaken. (And yes, be wrong never felt as well.) Although menopause can lead to changes in your sex drive, it's not a sure thing like people think. According to Cleveland's clinic, some women actually have oneIncreased post-menopause sexual satisfactionAnd it's not just because you will not have to worry about accidentally kidding while you chained.
9 The use of birth control makes pregnancy harder later.

Birth control is a rescue when you try to avoid any pregnancy, but what happens when you remove it? Many women believe that years of use make them less likely to have children later. Fortunately, according toPlanned parentingIt could not be further from the truth: When you stop using it, you can get pregnant as easily as if you would not have been on birth control in the first place. The difficulty can come from becoming older and closer to menopause - no pill itself.
10 Wear bras cause breast cancer.

At some point in your life, you have probably heard how to wear a bra can cause breast cancer because of how they limit your lymphatic system. According toAmerican Cancer SocietyThere is absolutely no evidence that goes back and there is research to prove it. A 2014 study in particular examined 1,500 women and did not see anything linking both, so carry a bra or choice is the choice. If you are looking for other ways to reduce your risks, see these40 ways to prevent breast cancer after 40.
11 Too much sex causes the vagina to grow.

Despite what you have heard, having sex regularly do not cause your vagina to become "loose" or stretch. When you are on, your vaginal muscles relax and loosen, which naturally makes part of what makes sex well, saysPsychology today. But once you have finished, the things bounce in normal, no matter how many times you hit the bag.
12 The use of a yogurt buffer can help with yeast infections.

Please do not put a buffer covered with yoghurt anywhere near your body; It's not going to do well. You may have heard about myth that good bacteria can cure yeast infection, but gynecologistLauren Streicher, MD,wrote The strain in the yogurt is not the same strain that helps keep your vagina healthy: "soak a yogurt buffer and put it in your vagina is nothing more than a waste of a yogurt perfectly good."
13 If you wear a face makeup, there is no need for sunscreen.

Sorry, but your foundation and your powder will not protect you from a day of skin cancer. It may seem that these layers prevent you from protecting the harmful rays of the sun, but the truth is that you can not skiminate on a sunscreen. According toAmerican Academy of DermatologySun cream must always be your protector # 1 because the foundation is only going so far. For more advice on skin skin, see these20 things your dermatologist will not tell you.
14 Your rules may be synchronized with your best friend.

There is no better feeling than finding your best friend and you have the same schedule of the exact period. You have probably heard all your past hours together can synchronize your feeds. Unfortunately, it's not your hormones that make you ride.
According toCleveland ClinicHe has more to do with the numbers: "Over time, a woman who has a three-week cycle and another who has a five-week cycle will eventually see their rules coincide and diverge again."
15 Reading in Dim Lights will spoil your view.

Have you ever had trouble for sneaky reading in Dim Lights after your departure time? Your mother was concerned about ruining your view, but there is really nothing to fear. (Yes, you can finally relax years later.) According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLThis does not make any damage - it hurts that your eyes are hurt because of fatigating them faster. Just get a quality reading light and you will be ready to leave. For your next late reading, check the40 pounds every woman over 40 should have on her library.
16 Female bladders are smaller than men.

Women might have to piss more often than men, but it has nothing to do with the size of the bladder. An older study inInternational Commission on Radiation Protection found that the genders have a bladder capacity of about 500 ml; The reason why women rush more frequently into the bathroom is that women's lesions grow against the uterus and fill up a little faster because of this extra pressure.
17 Missing your rules means that you are pregnant.

Miss your rules is a teltale sign that you are pregnant, right? Not always. Although this is one of the best known reasons, there are also many other explanations that Aunt Flo does not always come. According toMAYO ClinicOther factors can also play in an irregular period, such as high levels of stress, excessive exercises or extreme weight loss.
18 The cold weather can make you catch a cold.
It's not because you tend to catch more colds in winter does not mean that it has to do with time. This could be surprising, but by research, the common cold unit has found the real reason that people tend to become sick more often cold weather should spend more time inside and close to each other. These farm neighborhoods facilitate the spread of viruses and has nothing to do with frozen times.
19 The leaks of the bladder only arrive seniors.
You may think that the leak of the bladder is something that only happens in the elderly, whether peeing a little when you sneeze, cough or even exercise. It's just a myth, however:Roger Goldberg, MD, saysBalance It is also super common among younger women. "Stress incontinence affects nearly 50% of women who have had 40-year-olds."
20 Breastfeeding causes breast sagism.

Some women feed simply because they are afraid that it would cause collapsed breasts. In reality, it has nothing to do with the way your chest looks. A 2007 study ofUnited Kingdom Healthcare Associate Cosmetic Surgery I noticed that it was not going to breastfeed the appearance of the chest - it was other factors such as age, the number of pregnancies and if the participants smoked or not.
21 Crack your joints will give you arthritis later in life.

Crack your joints feelsreally Well, but you fear a little every time you think you think you're getting ready for arthrrity on the road? According to a 2011 study published in theAmerican Council Journal of Family Medicine, There areNo link between crack your joints and arthritis, or even make them bigger, by the way.
22 You must drink eight glasses of water every day.

The rule of eight eight-days-of-day glasses is around forever, but when it comes to hydration of your body, you do not necessarily have to focus on this number. The amount of water you should drink more to do with the way you are active, where you live and your health, says theMAYO Clinic. And that does not all need to come from the water; It can also come from water in the foods you eat. Since the location is a key factor in water consumption, checkThe 25 United States with the best drinking water.
23 You can not get pregnant if you are on your rules.
You may think that you are clear to have unprotected sex during your rules without having the chance to get pregnant, but be careful, it's just a myth. Since cum can stay alive and kick in your body up to five days, there is always a chance that it can reach your egg while ovulant after-period. It's unlikely, but not impossible.
24 You do not need sunscreen in winter.

The winter means many dark and moral days to come and it may seem like an obvious reason to les the solar cream: less sun means that there is no point, right? Wrong. According to the American dermatology academy, you should beWear a solar screen all year round; The sun's rays can damage your skin, even the most cloudy days and snow actually reflect the light even more, increasing your need.
25 You are supposed to win a lot of weight during pregnancy.

Many women use pregnancy as an excuse to eat anything and when they want - you eat for two, after all! Unfortunately for your appetite, you are not really supposed to win a ton of weight during pregnancy. According toCleveland Clinic, your baby only requires eating additional 300 calories a day.
Talk to your doctor to find out how much weight gain is healthy for your particular body because packing on too many extra books can cause problems such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and problems of your baby . Looking for an inspiration of the baby name? To verifyThe 30 best baby names inspire pop culture.
26 You should not work during your rules.
Although it is good to have a scientific reason to avoid working, are your rules are not. You could lose a little motivation during this period of the month, but there is nothing unhealthy to hit the gym during your menstrual cycle. In fact, the exercise has been demonstrated toReduce cramping pain and increase your mood, says the Mayo Clinic. These are two more major more when you are PMSing.
27 You do not have to worry about cardiac disease if you are a woman.

Even if you have probably heard that you are less likely to have a heart attack than your male counterparts, it is unfortunately just a myth. Even if heart disease is considered a question of a man, the latest data from theDisease and Prevention Control Center found that it is actually the number one cause of death for women. Yes it'sthiscommon in the ladies, even if it's not like spoken.
28 Deodorant causes breast cancer.
There have been a lot of debate on the link between breast cancer and deodorant or antiperspirants. Some scientists believe that there is a connection because the potentially harmful ingredients they contain are applied near the breasts, but theNational Cancer Institutefound no evidence that there is something to fear. But if you want to be careful, start using natural formulas in case.
29 Shaving will make your hair becomes thicker and faster.
If you still think that shaving a certain part of your body makes your hair grow much thicker and faster, erase the myth of your head as soon as possible. According toMAYO Clinic, shaving does not change anything when it comes to your hair - and not rudeness, color or growth rate. Of course, it will feel a little thicker or looks darker at first because it develops, but absolutely nothing has changed.
30 Your sexual premium is 35 years old.
Everyone is still talking about being close to their sexual premium, but everything is a myth. The whole idea of a sexual premium is based on a super-old and obsolete research. PsychologistDavid Schnarch Recount theHuffington position you really haveof them Peaks: One when you are young and your hormones start by starting to start, and the other when you are mature, sexually experienced and super comfortable with yourself and your sexuality. And good news: because of this, the sexual premium is most often reached when a woman is in the quarantine of people, 50, or 60. For more sexual content, check these30 Sizzling new sex games All couple should play.