7 restaurants that closed this year
Say that this is not the case!

The restaurant industry was one of the most difficult successes by thecoronavirus pandemic.Thousands of restaurants have closedincludingChain restaurants and local restaurants.
Here is some of the mostemblematic restaurants that have closed 2020. We will miss them all.
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Times McDonald's Times Square, New York City

You may think that if a business can afford the rent in Times Square, McDonald's. But this summer, the42ND Street McDonald's Closed. There is yet another, the location of Newer McDonald in Times Square at the 45th and Broadway, but he does not have the emblematic marker signs the other location.
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Loeb Boathouse, New York City

In Central Park, you can spend a day pick up chopsticks and finish with a good meal at Loeb Boathouse restaurant. Or, you could, until theEmblematic restaurant closed.
Film buffs will recognize this Central Park restaurantWhen Harry meets Sally. But unfortunately, he has never reopened the original Coronavirus judgment in New York in March. According toThe restaurant siteThey plan to reopen in April. But everything could change at this point, given the nature of the pandemic.
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Cheeseburger in Paradise, New Jersey

We have bad news for Jimmy Buffett fans. The last location of this restaurant, named for the famous words of the singer,closed in September.
The Meadowood Restaurant, California

This iconic restaurant wasdestroyed by forest fires in California, not by the pandemic. It was located in a complex and had three Michelin stars.
Sweeting / soft tomatoes

Buffets are not friendly, so it's not a huge surprise that allSUPPLANT AND SWEET TOMATES LOCATIONS CLOSED. We will miss these blueberry muffins.
Pizza Cucinova
All five locations in this occasional pizza chainclosed during the pandemic. TEAR.
Cabour Cookin '

This chain buffetteannounced in October that he closed all his locations. This makes sense, but it's always a loss.
TGI Friday

This iconic restoration chain is not entirely disappeared. But this summer, it has been reported thatTGI Friday closed 386 locations around the world. So you may need to say goodbye to some of your favorites, such as chain wings and potato skins loaded.
Pizza hut

Pizza Hut is another classical American chain forced to close many of its locations during the pandemic.Pizza Hut Closure 300 locations at the national level. Yikes.
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