50 signs of poor women should never ignore

With regard to your well-being, listen to what your body is trying to tell you.

Asyou're getting older, health problems are required to appear here and there. Usually, such things are not too disturbing - an occasional headache here, some random pains and pains there. But while some symptoms will have no impact on your long-term well-being, there are other signs of poor health that you should never ignore. After all, according to the latest data of 2020s available in the disease control and prevention centers (CDC), about13.4% of all women in the United States are considered just or bad health. And conditions likeMigraines tend to affect much more frequent women than men, the Conference of the Countries of State Legislatures (NCSL) indicates.

"Chronic and sometimes subtle symptoms may be the most important to pay attention to the protection of its future health," the anti-inflammatory health coach saidJenny Carr. "Unfortunately, these permanent and persistent chronic health conditions affectMore than 40% of the American population. "To help you avoid becoming a statistic, there are 50 signs to become aware. And for some false ideas about your well-being that you have to stop believing, check30 health myths of worst women who will not die.

You often find yourself short of breath.

reaching for inhaler because of shortness of breath, heart warning signs

Sometimes shortness of breath does not mean anything, and other times, it's something you should get help for immediately. "Women may feel shortness of breath with an effort when their heart muscle does not receive sufficient blood supply, and do not have any malaise of the chest at all," says the cardiologistBarbara Roberts, MD. "In addition, women are more likely than men to have" silent heart attacks ", during which they may have breathlessness, nausea or severe fatiguenot chest pain. "And for other ways that make you unique to the opposite sex, check17 facts about women's bodies, people probably do not know.

Or you commonly understand breathing without apparent reason.

Woman having trouble breathing

Breath breathlessness arrives. Sometimes it is because of the taking of the stairs instead ofthe elevatorBut other times, this could report a health problem. According to the Mayo Clinic, unexplained shortness of breath could be due to multiple different problems, including bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, blood clot in pulmonary pulmonary and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. If you are often out of breath and you do not know why, put it on your next appointment.

You always seem to be sick.

sick white woman drinking tea under a blanket

Always sick? You are unlucky, your immune system is simply to fight. According toDarcy McConnell, MD, common reasons why people tend to become sick more often should be too stressed, not sleeping enough sleep, do not eat well, do not be active enough, do not wash your hands or have a bad health. And for things you can do to keep a strong defense again diseases like COVID-19, check10 Tips for boosting your immune system.

Your hands and feet are always frozen.

Woman Holding Her Cold Hands Surprising Symptoms

Have cold hands and feet of ice that no oversized fuzzy blanket can correct might be a sign of health problems. According toCleveland Clinic, the worst case is that it could be a sign of peripheral artery disease, sclerodermia, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or sub-activitythyroid. But it might also be Raynaud's disease - a typical benign condition that affects blood flow to your fingers and toes. Registration with your doctor, just in case.

You have increased sensitivity to cold temperatures.

woman whose cold crossing her arms

If you still catch a sweater to warm up when everyone around you seems to go well, your increased sensitivity to cold temperatures could be linked to a problem with your thyroid, saysHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL. People with hypothyroidism can generally be found wearing multiple layers of clothes because they always feel cold. Other symptoms to be careful are fatigue, constipation, an inflated face anddepression, among others. And for other medical problems to search as you get older,40 health risks that explode after 40.

Or you have increased sensitivity to hot temperatures.

Many people are really uncomfortable in hot temperatures. If you never ever comfortable and you often feel overheated, it might be due to having a hyperactive thyroid. According to Harvard Medical School, thermal intolerance is a primary symptom of those of hyperthyroidism.

You have persistent fever.

white woman touching her forehead and reading a thermometer under a blanket

Sometimes having a fever could be something minor, like your body fighting urinary tract infection. If you have a persistent fever, it's another story. The Mayo Clinic says that this could be due to cancerous conditions such as lymphomas, so do not expect to be checked by a medical professional. And for the many signs of coronavirus, which include fever,The 98 symptoms of lasting durable covidants you need to know.

You lose your sense of smell.

Woman trying to smell a cup of coffee

You can not feel your freshly cooked chocolate cookies as well as you had used it? According toColumbia UniversityOne of the first signs of Alzheimer's disease is the loss of your smell because the olfactory bulb - which deals with sensations of smell - is one of the first areas of the brain to damage. And to preserve the function of your brain and memory, checkThis only thing can catch 20 years of Alzheimer before starting your symptoms.

Your writing is smaller.

Woman Writing Notes, better wife after 40

If yourwriting became super small, it could be a symptom of Parkinson's disease. According to a 2017 study published in the newspaperClinical practical movement disorders, Micrographic size or a letter size abnormally small - is often one of the first symptoms of Parkinson's disease patients. And for more useful information,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

You live a very sedentary lifestyle.

woman looking the tv at home

You may not think of a lack of movement on everyday life is this one. But, by physical therapist and orthopedic clinical specialistDanielle Weis, PT, DPT, OCS, it's one of the biggest signs of poor health.

"ASedentary lifestyle is an indication of poor health, and it sets people to stay in a poor health cycle in the future, "says Weis." Someone who is sedentary and participates in any exercise can continue to develop muscles / articular pain; articular door, stiffness and sealing; bad endurance; bad biomechanics; difficulty with functional movements; and other problems. "

You sleep horribly.


When you have aPoor night sleeping, the whole next day is ruined. You are groggy, grumpy and basically rely in hours until you can bring back to bed. But the reason for your lack of closure can be more serious than you think.

"For most people, the difficulty of sleeping is caused by the lack of physical activity during the day or too much caffeine, but this can be a sign more in question," saidNate Favini, MD, Chief Medical Manager of the Primary Care SocietyCheeky. "Depression, anxiety and thyroid problems can all affect sleep. If you have trouble sleeping for a long time, chatting with your doctor."

You are tired all the time.

woman sleeping at her desk

There are a million things to blame for your fatigue. But if you are constantly drained, no matter what you do, the inflammation could be to blame.

"The symptoms become more important to pay attention significantly over time, because inflammation is based and can turn severe living conditions or threats to life, such as cancer, dementia and parkinson "Explain Carr.

Your memory problems interfere with your daily life.

Woman experiencing delirium and confusion

Someone of oblivion as your age is normal. But if your memory problems start interfering with your daily life, it's when it's a problem. According toCleveland Clinicforgetting where you put your glasses is a normal part of aging, which isnot Normal forgets what your glasses are used. This could be a sign of mild cognitive impairment or dementia.

Your chest hurts and your heartbeat is fast.

a woman clutching her chest in an office

YesYou meet chest pain, a fast heart rate, pain in your arms, shoulders or jaw, and / or shortness of breath, this could be due to the spontaneous dissection of the coronary artery (SCAD).

"Scad-or spontaneous dissection of a coronary artery, the arteries that provide heart muscle - are rare, can affect young people and occur more often in women than men," says Roberts. "Scad linked to pregnancy is a rare but potentially fatal condition. It is estimated that 1 out of 16,000 pregnancies is complicated by an acute heart attack and up to a quarter of them are due to Scad."

You have a swollen neck.


Does your neck feel a little swollen? Do not write you, especially if it's not due to something like a cold. According to Favini, this could be due to some serious health problems.

"The front of your neck is full of lymph nodes and yourthyroid gland"He explains." Swelling, there may be a sign of infection, lymphoma, swelling of thyroid or masses in the thyroid gland. The swelling of the lymph nodes is common with a cold or sore throat, but if it persists or occurs when you are not sick, ask yourself from your doctor. "

Your behavior changes suddenly.

Angry Woman on Phone, hings not to say to customer service rep

Your friends can notice a change in your behavior or personality even before doing it. If it suddenly comes back, the Mayo Clinic says it could be a sign of poor health, whether it's an infection, poor nutrition, a mental health problem or the result of a drug you are taking.

You suddenly know a blurred vision.

woman getting eye sight test for healthy vision

Your vision can blur during your age, but if you suddenly have trouble seeing or experiencing a blurred vision in one or both of you, it could be a sign suddenly, says theAmerican Heart Association. Instead of seeing it if I leave alone, get medical attention immediately.

You see lightning lights.

woman rubbing eyes health tweaks over 40
Shutterstock / Syda Productions

Migraines bring numerous strange symptoms, such as seeing flashing lights and even colorful auras. One thing that many people do not realize, however, it may also say that your retina has been torn or detached, says theAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology. If the problem is not solved quickly, it could lead to blindness.

You become shorter.

A Black nurse measuring the height of a Black female patient to see how tall she is

If you have recently checked your height only to find that you are a shorter thumb than you used to be, you're not crazy - it's definitely a possibility. TheNational Institute on Aging Says it could be due to osteoporosis, where your bones weaken over the years due to a lack of calcium and / or vitamin D, among other causes.

Your stress and anxiety levels are across the roof.

stressed out women with children, working mom

Everyone crosses periods of higher stress and anxiety, but you should do everything you can support it.

"We are experimenting with stress, but if you find that your stress or anxiety levels are increasing or become difficult to bear, it can be more concerned," says Favini. "Make sure you take care of your mental health and seek help from your doctor or professional if stress or anxiety is implementing your daily life."

Your sex drive fell from a cliff.

Unhappy lesbian couple sitting on sofa in living room

While your sex drive can change throughout the years, it can also report to your health problems. According toMAYO Clinic, a weak sex drive can indicate anxiety or depression, stress, bad lifestyle habits (like smoking, which can reduce blood flow and make you less excited), fatigue and exhaustion and health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and neurological diseases.

The corners of your lips always crack.

older woman wearing red lipstick, look better after 40
Shutterstock / Teodorlazarev

Have the corners of your lips crack all the time can beincredibly painful. NewspaperCanadian family doctorThe condition is called perleche or angular chilite and is often caused by vitamin deficiencies - especially Vitamins B and lack of iron.

You bleed after menopause.

upset woman on bed, midlife crisis signs

Before menopause, have your rules once a month was normal. If you encounter bleeding after the fact, ask it immediately. "Bleeding after menopause is potentially very worrying and should be evaluated by a doctor as soon as possible," says Favini. It could be caused byUterus cancer, colvix or vagina, uterine fibroids, an infection of the uterine lining or other problems.

You notice discharge your chest.

an older woman talking to her doctor while in the office

The nipple discharges are not simply due to pregnancy or breastfeeding. This can also come from your contraceptive pills, chest injuries and endocrine disorders, among others. If you never notice blood in your nipple discharge, at the doctor's appointment: it's often a sign ofbreast cancer, say itMAYO Clinic.

You get a lot of yeast or utis infections.

Doctor teacher woman about her body pointing to the uterus

Your frequent yeast infections and urinary tract infections could be due to diabetes. When you have high blood glucose, you risk a higher risk of problems, says theDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC). That's why it's still important to bring health problems to your doctor.

You have a lot of belly fat.

Woman trying to button her jean pants gained weight

It is far too easy to gain weight around your median, but for your health, you should do what you can to keep it. According to a 2018 study published in theJournal of the American Heart Association, women who had more belly fat had a risk of 10 to 20% to have aheart attack that women who did not do it.

You have yellow bumps around your eyes.

female health concerns after 40

Having yellow bumps appear around your eyes can be worrying. Fortunately, they are not cancerous - but according toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLThey are a signal that you might not be as healthy as you think. Called Xanthelasma, yellowish cholesterol deposits appear more often in women than men and are a sign of hyperlipidemia - a condition where there are large amounts of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood.

You have nails at the club.

Hands with Rheumatoid Arthritis

If your fingertips look like the round part of a spoon upside down, it could be due to the nail clubbing. According toMAYO ClinicIt is generally associated with heart disease and lungs, but the most common cause of the Nail Nightclub is lung cancer.

You are full after eating a small amount of food.

woman starring at her food

After eating an entire food plate, feeling full is a data. But if you encounter this feeling after eating even a small amount of food, your body may be trying to tell you something. TheMAYO Clinic Says that early satiety could be due to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and peptic ulcers, or may be a sign of something more serious like pancreas cancer.

You encounter more hair loss than usual.

Woman with hair loss

Losing more hair than normal can be a shock. And, according to theMAYO Clinic, hair loss can also be caused by hormonal changes (pregnancy, childbirth and menopause), certain drugs and supplements, andstress. Fortunately, most cases are not permanent - you might need to talk with your doctor ways to help fight it.

Or you feel an excess of unwanted hair.

wax kit

If you have a proliferation of unwanted hair and male chest on your chest, your face and your back, it could be due to hirsutism, which is a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCO). "The PCO is associated with aIncreased risk of diabetes [and] infertility, "says Roberts." If a woman notes irregular menstrual cycles, this is another sign that should call him medical care. "

Your period has been different from normal.

Period calendar heart disease risk factors

Your period could pass through changes throughout your life, but there are some things to look for it could really affect your health.

"If your menstrual cycle becomes longer than before, it may be a sign of hormonal changes. Most women live menopause between 45 and 55, but if your cycle changes earlier than that, it can Being a sign of a condition like the PCO, "says Favini." The PCO is associated with insulin resistance and increases the risk of diabetes in the future. If you have bleeding between periods or heavier than usual bleeding, it's worth chatting with your doctor. "

Or you encounter problems between your rules.

Woman clutching a hot water bottle against her stomach to alleviate cramps from period pain

The experience of abnormal bleeding or stains between your rules is always worth it to be presented to your doctor. According toUniversity of MichiganThis could be caused by PCOs, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), pelvic organ infection, or some drugs.

You're snoring.

older woman sleeping, subtle symptoms of serious disease

If you are so sleepy during the day you are literally asleep at your desk, or worse, in your car, this could be due to obstructiveSleep Apneawhere you start and continually stop breathing all night and snoring hard. According toNational Sleep Foundation, allowing him not to be treated could result in cardiovascular problems and weight gain.

You have chronic night sweats.

sweating in bed

Have you ever wake up in the middle of the night soaked with sweat? It may not be your duvet. According toMAYO Clinic, chronic night sweats can come because ofAnxious disorders, thyroid problems, and even certain types of cancer, so it is important to put it up to a health professional.

Your urine is darker than usual.

a sign for the womens room

When your urine is clear enough, you know you do a good job with your water consumption. If it's dark yellow, it's usually an indicator that you do not drink enough to power your body. And change your habits can better your overall health more than you think.

"Drink more water! Until a gallon of water a day is one of the fastest ways to melt inflammation of the body, stabilizing blood glucose, gaining energy and lubricate your joints, "says Carr.

And he has an unusual smell.

Room spray

Notice a change in your smell of urine could be aindicator that something is happening with your health. Although there are some things that change odor eating a lot of asparagus or taking supplements B-6 - theCleveland Clinicsays it may also be due to bladder infection, renal infection, hepatic impairment and metabolic disorders.

You always run into the bathroom.

toilet paper

Generally, having a diarrhea means that your body tries to get rid of something that it does not like. According toPenn MedicineLoose and aquatic stools often come from viruses, food intolerances or bacteria or parasites entering your body through your food or water. It can also come because of certain diseases, such as Chron's disease, colon problems or because of a medicine you are taking. To go to the bottom of your loose stools, do it with your doctor.

Or you do not go to the bathroom very often.

modern bathroom with marble walls white toilet and light wood furniture
Shutterstock / New Africa

If you do not remember the last time you went n ° 2, you could have serious constipation problems. According to Penn Medicine, if your stool is hard, dry or painful to pass - and you only have three intestine movements or less a week, you might encounter a constipation because of the drugs you are taking, a low fiber diet , to be dehydrated, or a lack of exercise.

Your skin looks a little blue.

young woman looking concerned with her hand by her eye in mirror

Do not worry, you do not turn into Smoumpf. The reason behind your lips, your fingers and / or your toes having a blue hue could be due to cyanosis, a condition where your blood circulates abnormally and that there are insufficient blood oxygen levels in your body, says theTexas Heart Institute. Get the problem chosen by your doctor as soon as possible since this could be a coronary signcardiopathy and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Your wounds take a lot of time to heal.

woman with a bandaged arm

If your wounds take months to heal - or never completely heal completely, it could be due to diabetes. Having a high blood glucose can ruin the circulation of your body and cause nerve damage, which can be able to cure wounds well, says theAmerican Academy of Dermatology.

You notice an abnormal mammary mass.

woman confused talking to her female doctor

This could surprise you to learn that you feel any obstacle in the chest is generally nothing to fear. (Breast fabricNaturally has a bumpy texture.) Nevertheless, some symptoms are always subject to your doctor.

"Most women notice changes in their breasts that go with their menstrual cycle," says Favindi. "But if you notice a size that stands around, it develops, it feels repaired to your chest, which changes the size of your chest or changes the appearance of the skin on the chest, ask for medical attention. CI can be signs of chest. Cancer. "

You lose weight without trying.

Shot of a young woman weighing herself on a scale at home and looking unhappy

If you suddenly start to see the number on the drop in the ladder and you have not changed diet or exercise habits, that unexplainedweightloss could report a health problem. The Mayo clinic says losing more than 10 pounds, more than 5% of your body weight, within six months of being due to hyperactive thyroid, diabetes, depression, liver disease, cancer or cancer. to other health problems.

You suddenly feel nauseating, vertigo and / or tired.

Dizzy woman sitting on couch

Whenever you encounter a combination of shortness, nausea, chest or back of back, vertigo and extreme fatigue, Favini says you should take it very seriously.

"Women can certainly have symptoms of classic heart attack, such as serious thoracic pain, but they are also more likely to have a heart attack that has an atypical presentation," he says. "Women should seek these symptoms and consider a heart attack as a possible cause, especially if they have risk factors for heart disease such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, a history of smoking or a family history. cardiac disease. "

You darkened the skin in your armpits and your layers.

woman scratching at the skin on her neck

If you have noticed that the skin in your armpits and your neck started darkening, it could be a sign of prediabete, says the American academy of dermatology. These dark patches are usually an indicator that there is too much insulin in your blood and that they usually feel velouts to the touch.

You have a squamous growth on your skin.

woman looking at her skin in the mirror

If you notice crisp and squamous growth anywhere on your body, actinic keratosis can be actinic keratosis (AK) - solar keratosis, caused by harmful UV exposure, indicates theSkin cancer fund. Although it is not cancerousAgainhe can develop inskin cancer If you do not add it.

A mole has changed in size, shape or color.

Dermatologist inspecting patient for skin cancer

It does not take a lot of sun to change mole for the worst. That's exactly why the physical changes of moles should be notedabove all If you have a tanning story orDo not wear solar screen. According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLThis means that you are looking for changes in the size, shape or color of existing moles, as well as monitoring new locations that may appear. In this way, if it is skin cancer, you can remedy it immediately.

You have reddish stains on your skin.

Dermatologist checking patient
Shutterstock / Elnur

There are many reasons why you may notice reddish patches on your skin, an allergic reaction to eczema. One of the reasons that can be a major indicator of mediocre health is type 2. diabetes according to the American dermatology academy, reddish patches start as small, high solid bumps that look like buttons and find themselves hard and inflated. could be the necrobiosis of Lipoidica, a disease that is a common indicator of diabetes. Patches can also be yellow or brown and are commonly itchy and painful. In addition to diabetes, the disease is also associated with rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory intestinal disease.

You have a lot of cutaneous tags.

woman getting mole checked at the dermatologist, skin cancer facts
Shutterstock / Gordana SermEk

Sometimes the labels of the skin appear in areas like your neck, armpits, tits and groin due to a little extra weight. But these small nuisances are also an indicator of other health problems.

"They are linked to chronic frictions, so they are more common in overweight or obese people," saidAllyson Sorensen, PA-C, ofDermatology Services at the University of Utah Health. "Higher levels of growth factors (as during pregnancy), insulin resistance (more frequent in people with diabetes), and possibly a genetic component could also all play a game too."

You last the thickening skin.

Woman is Outside Suffering From Arm and Elbow Pain heart Attack Signs

If you have zones of your skin tight, waxy and thick, it could be digital sclerosis - a condition that can develop in diabetics. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the symptom often appears on the fingers and / or toes, making it difficult to move - and it can spread on your forearms, back, shoulders, face and d Other areas of your body.

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