If you notice that with your eyes, it can be an early sign of diabetes, experts say

This eyebrow could help you detect common disease before making more damage.

Diabetes affects more than 34 million adults in the United States, disease control and prevention centers (CDC) noted in its 2020National Report of Statistics on Diabetes. The chronic condition - that the CDC says "affects how your body turns energy into energy" - perhaps easily not diagnosed in its early stages. But if you notice that this problem with your eyes, it could mean that your blood sugar is off and you develop diabetes. Continue reading to learn what you should search when it comes toDiabetes.

If you have a blurred vision, this could be an early symptom of diabetes.

man struggling with blurry vision, bad eyesight
GpointStudio / iStock

Blurred vision is common in people who haveuncontrolled diabetes, according to the health company Kaiser permanent. Specifically,blurred vision after eating is a cause for concern that should invite a visit to a doctor, Treswell health experts.

"Welighting high blood glucose after a meal can lead to a blurred vision because the rapid increase in blood glucose causes an integral part of the eye, the goal, to swell" they explain. "The swelling is caused by a fluid moving in and out of the eye and leads to changes in the shape of the lens and changes of the view."

According to the online health resource, regular vision can come back once glycemia reaches normal levels and the shape of the lens goes back to its original size. But the effects of this blurred vision episode can take as little as a few days to about six weeks to replace.

RELATED:If you see that on your nails, it could be a tough sign of diabetes.

If diabetes is uncontrolled, this can lead to serious vision problems.

woman sitting at a desk with eye pain
Ridofranz / iStock

"Diabetes is a condition supposed to progress gradually in time. If type 2Diabetes is not treatedThe blood sugar level can affect various cells and organs in the body "," endocrinologistVidya Aluri, MD, of theDiabetes and kidney center of the Unitypoint Clinic, explained in Livewell. "Complications include renal damage, which often leads to dialysis, eye damage, which could lead to blindness or increased risk of heart disease or stroke."

When diabetes affects eyes, retinopathy (a disease that leads to abnormal growth of blood vessels in the retina) can occur. According to the Mayo Clinic,Diabetic retinopathy Can also lead to hemorrhage in the rear areas of the eyes, detachment of the retina (which can lead to a serious loss of vision), glaucoma and a complete vision loss. Kaiser Permanent exhorts anyone who notices "net flashes" or things that look like cobwebs to seek immediate medical attention because it could mean a detached retina.

There are many other diabetes symptoms to be aware.

tired man with his head on pillow
Prostock-Studio / iStock

When blood glucose is high, untreated or undiagnosed personsType 2 diabetes Can experiment with a variety of symptoms other than blurred vision, says Aluri. She explains why people can react with excessive thirst, a frequent urine, extreme fatigue, a repetition of skin infections and a bad healing of wounds. Other symptoms of diabetes areUnexplained weight loss, numbness or tingling in the hands or feet, excessive dry skin and increased hunger.

According to the National Institute of Diabetic and Digestive and Renal Diseases (Niddk), people withType 1 diabetes, which do not produce insulin, usually start to notice symptoms almost immediately because their condition is more serious. However, those withType 2 diabetes, which do not produce enough insulin, normally have light symptoms that go unnoticed for a while. "Some people do not discover the disease as long as they have diabetes-related health problems, such as blurred vision or cardiac problem," says Niddk.

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Check your blood glucose and get regular eye exams is the best way to make sure that diabetes does not affect your vision.

woman gets checked by a male eye doctor
ND3000 / iStock

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, Kaiser Permane suggests keeping your blood sugar and visiting your doctor regularly to prevent the condition of permanent damage to your eyes. "If you have recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, schedule an eye exam as soon as possible", notes the health care company. "If your review shows no damage, get a review of the retina eyes every two years."

RELATED: If you see that on your feet, you can have diabetes, say doctors .

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