13 myths of health on your eyes you have to stop believing

Do not leave these fake "facts" cloud to your judgment when it comes to the health of the eyes.

The average person intendsinnumerable myths about their health on a daily basis - even more as soon as ever before because of the attack of information that always changes changingThe coronavirus pandemic-But there are few parts of the human body subjected to as much misinformation than the eyes. From what food promotes the optimal vision of the effectiveness of eye drops, we have all heard a lot of eye health myths - it is now time to separate the facts of fiction. With the help of upper ophthalmologists, optometrists and eye surgeons, we discuss the most common myths of your vision, so you can start to see things a little more clearly.17 signs of warning that your eyes are trying to talk about your health.

Reading in a dark room is fine for your eyes.

older black man reading a book in bed

When you were a child, your parents' concern about reading you under the night covers could have been more about your health of the vision that youstay too late.

"Reading in the darkness is distorting the focusing or accommodation system and can bring a person to be near," said the development optometristJulie Steinhauer, founder ofView of life in Glen Carbon, Illinois, who notes that reading in the darkcan also cause headaches and discomfort of the eye strain. And for things that hurt your vision, check7 ways to ruin your eyes every day.

Carrots are the best food for your vision.

closeup of hands slicing carrots

While forMany healthy adults, carrots can be a tasty way to take care of vitamins and essential nutrients, it is not the magic ball for a good vision that you may have believed once they were.

Christopher Zoumalan, MD, a Beverly Hills certified oculoplastic surgeon, explains that while beta-carotene in the carrots, when it is converted tovitamin a In your body, can help protect your vision, as many other foods could ever eat, like "milk, cheese, egg yolk and liver."

You can safely watch the sun when it is cloudy.

older man looking into sunset
Shutterstock / Dizfoto

You think you can look safely in the sky when it's slightly obscured by clouds? Still think.

Even if it does not particularly appear brilliant for you, "the effects of harmful invisible UV rays can still result in damage, and a temporary headache and loss of vision, Zoumalan says. And for some things you should have believed but do not, check"Myths" of the health you heard as a child who turned out to be 100% true.

Wear the bad prescription is not a big deal.

woman cleaning eye glasses with black cloth
Shutterstock / Branislav Nenin

If you do not make an annual appointment with your ophthalmologist, you can seriously damage your vision, especially if you always wear an old prescription.

"Wearing the wrong order means that your eyes have to work stronger together in a team to treat what they see," says Steinhauer. In doing so, she says, can also cause headaches, nausea, vertigo and possibly, the degradation of your view.

If you cross your eyes, they will stay stuck in this way.

young white woman crossing eyes
Shutterstock / Wayhome Studio

Crossing your eyes, you can give yourself a headache, you do not have to worry about being permanently blocked in this position.

Cross your eyes for pleasure "will not keep them stuck it in this way," saysBenjamin Bert, MD, an ophthalmologist atMedical Center Orange Coorixcare Coast In the Fontaine Valley, California. And for other false beliefs on your well-being, check20 myths of health of worst men who would not quite die.

Sitting too close to the TV will damage your vision permanently.

man watching tv, things you shouldn't store in your basement

Feared that your habit of staying near television is the reason for your declining vision?

"For adults, sitting too close to the television can certainly cause eye tensions, but that will not hurt more than that," says Bert. And for more useful information,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Read things at a closer distance is easier for you.


You may have heard that the fight to read something that is far can cause damage to your vision, but for children, focusing on objects that are too close could be even worse.

"Recent studies have shown that many work readings, computer, tablets, etc. can increase myopia or myopathy in children," says Bert. Over time, it can potentially slim the retina and lead to a loss of vision.

Anti-redness drops are the solution to prick the eyes.

Woman putting eye drops in dry eyes

Although some eye drops can reduce the redness of your eyes, they will not necessarily try the discomfort you feel.

"Dry eyes often result from the evaporation of our tears," says the optometristLeigh Plowman. "They become a salt room, leading to redness and inflammation", which falls specifically formulated to not reduce the redness will not repair. Ploughman also notes that you can create a dependency on these drops over time, leading to even larger redness and discomfort when you stop using.

The eye makeup is safe for your eyes.

young asian woman putting on eye makeup
Shutterstock / Lifestyle Travel picture

If your eye makeup is safe to usenear Your eyes, it's probably not serious if you get a small lining or mascarain Your eyes, right? Well, not exactly.

Any makeup - even products supposed to be used around your eyes - can leave residues that mix with "your normal tears and cliciors [S] in the oil glands," says Ploughman, who recommends withdrawing all traces From eye makeup at night and give your eyes a break from your beauty routine to the extent possible.

Empty your eyes with water will help soothe or clean them.

Shot of an open tap with running water in a bathroom at home

While splashing a small water in your dry and irritated eyes could make them feel temporarily temporarily, it can cause even more important problems in the future.

Ploughman notes that there are 2,000 distinct components of human tears that all serve a specific objective. "Wash eyes with water can upset this balance", "and amoeba and tap water bacteria can prepare you for a serious infection.

You can rub your eyes safely as long as it hurts it.

Woman rubbing eyes because of vision problems

It may feel good to rub your eyes, but do not get used to doing it if you want your vision to stay intact.

"Rub your eyes can cause a thinner of the cornea to the front of the eyes, [which] can lead to keratoconus", a condition in which the cornea forms a shape similar to a cone and can cause a loss of vision, declares Ploughman. Rub your eyes can also cause drought and can even be a precursor of glaucoma.

Glasses and contacts make your view worse over time.

middle aged asian man with female eye doctor wearing hijab
Shutterstock / Svrsly picture

While you may notice a distinct difference between what you see with your glasses, it does not mean that your glasses actually cause your vision.

"Whether you wear contact lenses or glasses, either bad for your eyes," says Ploughman, who notes that what seems to be a change in your vision is more likely than you used to see things more clearly than you Wear your glasses. or contacts more often, not a real decline of your ability to see.

LASIK surgery can repair any vision problem.

woman getting lasik surgery
Shutterstock / Roman Zaits

Although the vision correction procedure can be a changing solution to life for some people, it is not a healing for all types of vision-related problems.

"LASIK is not suitable for people with a thin or keratoconus corrupon [and] it does not realize corneal healing," says Ploughman. It is also ineffective when dealing with conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration, he says.

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