17 signs of warning that your eyes are trying to talk about your health

These eye problems could be symptoms of the main health problems.

Our eyes are among the most sensitive parts of our body - and among the most vulnerable too. According to a 2015 report of theAMERICA VISION COUNCIL, more than 75% of US adults require a form of corrective viewing system and a significant 2008 report of theOffice of Labor Statistics reveals that about 27,000 people have work-related eyewear each year.

However, it is not only a trauma or requiring a new prescription that should have directed you to the doctor. From the itch that will not disappear on sudden vision changes, we consulted the health experts of the upper eyes on the symptoms of the eye that you can not afford to ignore.

You have abnormal eye movements.

young woman looking to the side with eye movements as strange eye symptoms
Shutterstock / Dan Kosmayer

If your eyes feel like they died without any attempt on your part to move them, it's time to access your doctor as soon as possible. Although this can be an indication of a lesion on your eye muscles or nervous damage, it can be a sign of something even more serious.

"A common abnormal ocular movement is the sacred dysmetry, which could be described with ocular jerks or flexes, even at rest," says the ophthalmologistRahil Chaudhary, general manager atEye7 Chaudhary Eye Center. He explains that this problem, which comes from the cerebellum, could be the result of everything fromLyme disease Tomultiple sclerosis unsigned head trauma.

You have chronically dry eyes.

black woman rubbing her eyes and holding her glasses in front of a computer

Although many people experience dry eyes from time to time, if they are related to changes in time or irritants introduced into the eye area, chronic dry eyes can be a symptom of autoimmune disease.

"Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a self-immune condition that destroys the ability of the exocrous glands to secrete substances," explainsGiuseppe Aragonafamily doctor family doctor withPrescription doctor. Aragona explains that while life expectancy for those with Sjögren's syndrome is close to that of the general population, the condition can increase the risk of a person's infection, as well as lymphoma.

Your eyes are curved.

young white woman with bulging eyes
Shutterstock / Johanna Goodyear

Suddenly curved eyes "could be a sign of potentially dangerous disease called thyroid ocular disease (TED), a severe, progressive and threatening autoimmune disease" which can sometimes lead to blindness, declares ophthalmologist.Gary J. Lelli, MD, Vice President of Ophthalmology toWeill Cornell Medical Center.

Curved eyes can also be a sign of tombs disease, a less serious condition caused by hyperactive thyroid, according to the doctorNikola Djordjevic, MD, founder ofHealth care. "Some patients can also experiment with red eyes as well as blurred vision" due to disease, according to Djordjevic, which also notes that sleep disturbances, increased thirst and weight loss are other symptoms of grave disease. .

You have pressure in your eyes.

Mature asian man rubbing his eyes with tiredness

Although headaches can put pressure on your eyes, the pressure that affects your eyes directly is not a symptom that you should take lightly.

Howard R. Krauss, MD, a surgical neuro-ophthalmologist atSaint John Providence Health Centersaid that the feeling of pressure in your eyes is the most commonly attributable to an orbicular muscle spasm resulting from dry eyes or irritations, but "may also be due to inflammation behind the eyes, like this because of the eye disease. , infection or thyroid disease tumor. "

You have pain in your eyes.


A feeling of pain in your eye "should not be neglected", warns Krauss. Although it can be caused by the presence of a foreign object, it is sometimes an indicator of a more serious problem behind the eye, in your sinus cavity, "or even at the base of the brain with compression or The irritation of the trijumeau nerve "says Krauss.

Your vision disappears for a minute.

young asian woman looking at laptop
Shutterstock / Suwit Rattiwan

For people with migraines, sudden vision loss can be a regular occurrence. However, for those without these often debilitating headaches, this could indicate something much more serious.

"This could also be a fugax amaurose, or a transitional ischemic attack (TIA), which deserves an emergency assessment ... as it could be a sign of interruption of the traffic to the eye or the brain "Explains Krauss, who notes that even if your vision has returned, it is important to be seen by a doctor toinhabited with a potential.

Your vision goes out when you get up.

older black man standing up with eyes closed
Shutterstock / TISH1

Sudden vision loss When defending a sitting position is not something you should take a "wait and see" Approach.

This temporary vision loss indicates that there has been a temporary loss of blood flows on your eye, your optic nerve or a brain, which could indicate low blood pressure, vascular disease or increased intracranial pressure, "says Krauss .

Your vision fluctuates.

Woman squinting at her phone because she is having trouble seeing

Do you feel like you see things clearly a moment and everything looks blurred next? If this is the case, it's time to reserve your next eye review.

Although Krauss notes that it is most often a symptom of glasses requiring: "It can also be aSign of diabetes or other systemic diseases. "

You have a sudden double vision.

young black man in glasses looking at paper

Double vision after some bears too many? It happens. Double vision that comes without perceptible reason? Certainly not something you need to ignore.

OptometristLeigh Plowman Says that double vision could be a sign of "bleeding, tumor or swelling", which all deserve immediate care.

You see sudden lightning light in your eyes.

asian doctor examining woman's eye with flashlight
Shutterstock / Pormezz

While theNational Eye Institute Notes that most people have flatters - small disturbances of the benign vision - indicating sudden lightning, you can not easily ignore, notice the changes made to your existing floats or that the shadows meet your vision can indicate a medical problem more complex.

"Although it does not definitely mean something serious, they are symptoms of retinal detachment, which is an emergency," saysToni Albrecht, OD,Distinctive View Eye Invision.

You have a blurred vision after eating a sweet meal.

young asian woman eating sprinkled donut

What is this donut and your view have in common? If the first affects the latter, a blood test for diabetes could be in order.

"When we have the excess of sugar in our bloody blood, which is poorly managed in diabetes, sugar can cause the lens in our eyes to swell, which leads to a blurred vision," saysBenjamin Bert, MD, an ophthalmologist atMedical Center Orange Coorixcare Coast, Which notes that repeated ocular swelling can also encourage the development of cataracts.

You have a sensitivity and redness of the light in one eye.

middle aged white woman with red eyes
Shutterstock / SRUILK

A sudden aversion to light, coupled with redness, could be an indication of uveitis. Uveitis is a type of inflammation that affects the UVEA, the layer of the eye under the sclerotic, the white part of your eye.

According to Bert, "these [cases] are autoimmune" and can be caused by conditions such as ankylosing spondylitis, multiple sclerosis and sarcoid and rheumatoid arthritis.

You have demanguated eyes.

Tired Stressed Man Rubbing His Eyes Silent Health Symptoms

Driving eyes are oftenrelated to seasonal allergiesBut it's not the only condition that you have reached you the drops of sight.

"Eyes irritated or even inflamed can be a sign of eyelid dermatitis, better known as Eczema", explainsAlain Michon, MD, medical director at theOttawa Skin Clinic, Who notes that not scratching your eyes and the search for medical treatment is your best action lessons if so.

Your iris is inflamed.

young woman looking concerned with her hand by her eye in mirror

Think that the symptoms of arthritis are limited to your joints? Still think.

"The anterior inflammation of the uveitis-painful iris - is often a revealing sign" of rheumatoid arthritis, saysJoseph J. Pizziimi, OD, medical advisor forEmpamification.

You have a fixed spot in your field of vision.

young blonde woman covering one eye at doctor's office
Shutterstock / George Rudy

A motionless place in your field of view is a medical emergency that you can not wait to treat.

"Optometrists can detectMalky melanomas and other cancersAt the back of the eye, as well as brain tumors that cause changes in the field of a patient's vision, "says Pizzimenti, who notes that patients often do not make anything wrong until that the place is at the center of their field of vision.

Your vision gets worse in one eye.

young blonde woman with eye pain
Shutterstock / Adam Gregor

In most cases, if an eye gets worse, the other is not far behind.

However,Carol Alexander, OD, responsible for professional relations of North America atJohnson & Johnson Vision, says that the aggravation of the vision or a complete loss of vision in one eye - which is not related to trauma - is a serious medical problem. Alexander explains that this can happen when blood vessels flee or become blocked, noting that it is "these types of vascular changes that can lead at onceheart attack [and] cerebrovascular accident. "

Your eyes cross.

young asian woman with crossed eyes
Shutterstock / SirtravelLalot

You do not have to worry about your eyes to get stuck in this way if you go through them intentionally, but if you find that they meet alone, it's time to look for professional treatment.

Benjamin H. Ticho, MD, founder ofTicho Eye Associates and Associate Professor at theInfirm eyes and ear from the University of Illinoissaid that if the crossing of the eyes in children is typically benign, it should be evaluated rapidly by an ophthalmologist, like "a sudden problem moving the eye to the outside can be a proof of high intracranial pressure or stroke. stroke . "

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