If you feel that, take out immediately from the pool, the experts warn

This scent could tilt you to a serious and potentially fatal danger.

Time goes to the minute from the minute of the US, which means there is no time like the present to take a dive to beat the heat. However, experts say that there is an important summer danger that means you should abandon your swim immediately - and moreover, before you can see it, your nose can resume the problem. If you want to avoid getting off this summer, read it to discover a perfume that means you should immediately get out of the pool immediately.

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Immediately exit a swimming pool if you feel the ozone.

dark sky over pool
Shutterstock / Huw Fairlough

There is a particular smell that can tilt you a serious danger while you swim: ozone. According to the extension of Illinois at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, thatozone feels in the air is probably the result of a nearby storm; The ozone gas can form when the lightning separates the oxygen atoms into the gaseous oxygen and form a new gas composed of three oxygen atoms.

When the wind carries the ozone resulting from the area in which you swim, you can warn yourself of a risk of accumulation approaching and potential.

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A significant proportion of lightning deaths is linked to swimming.

intensive bolt hit the ground National Geographic bee questions

It's not just the pool you should leave if you feel the ozone in the air-putting a significant distance between you and any body of water is a smart plan if there can be an imminent storm.

About 90 people were killed by lightning between 2006 and 2019 whileWater-related activities, according to the National Council of Flash Safety. Among these people, eight percent were swimming when they were struck by lightning. Surprisingly, even covered pools can pose a serious risk when there is a storm approach - according to disease control and prevention centers (CDC), about 32% of the lightning strikeInjuries occur inside.

Ozone has a very particular perfume.

young woman smelling summer air
Shutterstock / Sun OK

The good news? Ozone is easily detected by the human nose, even at relatively low concentrations. According toAmerican scientist, the smell is at the same time "sweet" and "pungent", while breathe-well.org calls the perfume "reminiscent of bleach or chlorine ".

The bad news? You can confuse thesmell of chloramines-The combination of chlorine and ammonia that can form when pool chemicals and biological waste mixes - for ozone scent. However, even if you can not feel the ozone, if you know an approach approach or the sky fell dark, it is always safer to get out of the pool.

At high levels, ozone can be dangerous alone.

Young woman trying to breathe
Pathdoc / Shutterstock

While the greatest danger associated with a little ozone in the air before a storm is the potential to be struck by lightning, higher ozone concentrations can cause serious damage.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), at higher concentrations, ozone can cause INflammation in your respiratory tract, see more difficult to breathe and can exacerbate existing lung conditions such as asthma and emphysema. To avoid ozone risks in summer, the Agency recommends monitoring the localAir Quality Reports And stay inside as much as possible when ozone levels are particularly high.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Safety / summer
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