15 apparently inocouse habits that increase the risk of coronavirus

From contact lenses to not shave, these habits are surprising risk factors for COVID-19.

So much on everyday life has changed all over the world when we work to track down the propagation ofCOVID-19 [Feminine, ofpass almost all our time at home For more familiar withhand disinfectant that we have never imagined. But one of the biggest changes on how we go to our lives is the way we now have to think of our habits. Few behaviors we have almost forgotten, we even have done much more importance - and that we have become aware ofWhat facility the propagation of the coronavirus is spreadingAnd how the smallest actions can facilitate our exhibition. In this spirit, here are 15 apparently harmless habits that can increase your risk of catching Covid-19.

Leave your beard growing control

Man with long beard

In the era of Covid-19, you can add unnecessary risks to your daily life by developing your beard. While a largely distributed infographic of acceptable beard forms supposedly released by the CDCturned out to be a hoax, a large bushy beard could still be a problem.

"Many people use N95 masks as a way to protect itself," explains the internal medicine doctorRoberto Contreras II, MD, the regional medical director ofBorrego Health. "If anyone has facial hair, a beard, the mask will not make a tight seal and exposes the individual to what they are trying to protect himself. A mask of N95 or a surgical mask will make a better barrier if the people do not have face hair. "

Be careless with your mobile phone

Phone left on table

If any concerns about your sliding phone is not sufficient to prevent you from installing it absent on a table or a bathroom sink, so maybeIt could pick up the coronavirus will.

"The mobile phone is on a surface and if this surface has viruses / bacteria, it then attaches to the cell phone," says Contreras. "People then bring their phone to their faces and expose themselves to all the viruses / bacteria they have tried to avoid. To better avoid this useless exposure, people should always keep their cell phones on their person."

Thecher of open packages

Man opening mail package

For many, it was a treat for packets to arrive and that we look forward to the opening of the box or envelope to see what was inside. Now that this type of behavior could put you from night.

Nishant Rao, Nd, Chief Medical Officer of Telehealth SocietyDoctalko, urges people to becautious on packs get to their door. "We know that the virus lives for different moments on different surfaces, whether porous or smooth," he says. "The element may have been intact in the box for days and there can be nothing dangerous, maybe the delivered person sneezed on the box on the right when they dropped it."

To be safe, he says that his own family now leaves "a longer setting" when a box is delivered and when handling. And when they open it, they do it with gloves to avoid touching it directly, then immediately wash your hands after.

Relying on surfaces


When you wait online or for an elevator, you might be used to leaning against the nearest wall or counter. But while this kind of descent will endanger you only bad posture, it can now bring you to unintentionally picking the virus.

"I had a friend who picked up food delivery and took a picture of three online health care providers - they were standing at six feet away, but each resting their forearms on the metal countertop "Explain Rao. "These are the people most likely to be near the virus."

Using contact lenses

Woman putting in contact lens

It's not really a "habit" but it's definitely not something that most people could have been able to put their lives in danger.Kevin Lee, MD, doctor of the eyes and surgeon atPacific Vision Eye InstituteExplains that Covid-19 is transmitted through the mucous membranes, including our eyes. Contact ports with lentils have a higher risk of corneal infections and conjunctivitis (commonly known as pink eye) due to bacteria, parasites, viruses and mushrooms - and that means they could also be at increased risk of exposure At the coronavirus.

"This is especially true if the contact pockets do not practice good hygiene, such as not cleaning their lenses correctly, sleeping in contacts, do not wash your hands or prolong the wear of their contacts after the recommended date" , declares Lee. "Try to replace contact lenses with glasses. Not only does this increase your chances of transmission, glasses can also serve as a protective barrier against the transmission of the aerosol."

He emphasizes that if someone who has the eternates coronavirus, glasses can protect your eyes from small respiratory droplets. "But if you wear contacts, the breathing droplets can potentially enter your eyes," he says.

Sharing cosmetics

Girls sharing cosmetics doing each other's makeup

Similarly, sharing cosmetics that come into close contact with your eyes are a big mistake. "Coronavirus can be found and transmitted by eye secretions, like tears, so it is important not to share eye drops or cosmetics with family or friends," said Lee. "It is possible that the tip of the eye drip or mascara is contaminated in contact with the eye secretions of someone who is positive of cipid-positive."

Touch your face

Man touching face because he is stressed

It's the big one. While we are almost instinctivelyAvoid people who sneeze or coughand kept our distance long before a global pandemic did much more emergency, many people described how difficult they found it to avoid touching their faces, even if it could be even more dangerous than to stay close to someone who sniffs.

"Given the number of surfaces we touch throughout the day, touching your face and / or your eyes can increase the chances of a virus on your hands transferred into your body," saysVandana A. Patel, MD, Clinical Advisor for Online PharmacyCabinet. "Be aware of the reflexive habits to touch your face, like scratching itching or moving stray hair and try to avoid the best you can."

Depending on the take-out and delivery

Takeout food

If the delivery of the order is an occasional treatment or a way to make your evening a little easier after a long day, many people came to count fully on an order in a seamless or GrubHub command and to let the others do All difficult work. But in the middle of the pandemic, a dependence on delivery could add health risks to your evening ritual.

"When ordering food outside your home or go to the grocery store, you interact with many items that others have touched - these include cardboard boxes, paper bags and containers Plastic, "says Patel. "TheCoronavirus can stay on hard surfaces For days, make sure you are careful where you will say the grocery store or get out of the bags and wash these surfaces and hands thoroughly after bringing them home. "

Do not wash the products

Woman eating apple drinking milk

You might usually assume that the product you get at the grocery store is relatively safe, you do not worry too much about rinse. But then that would beProbably Be well a few weeks ago, it's no longer wise.

"Gone are the days you could choose something from the aisle and start eating on the car park," saysJagdish khubchandani, PhD, professor of health atSTATE BALL University. "Many people affect alleys and substances in grocery stores. You must also be aware of personal hygiene and cleaning products."

Walk through the house wearing shoes

Woman taking heels off

While peeling off your shoes by entering the house is traditional in many crops and households, it should be even more widespread these days. "A pair of shoes for work and a pair while returning, or keep shoes out of the house could help," says Khubchandani.


Lazy man watching tv

Although most of us know the importance thatwash one's hands A To help mitigate the risk of contracting the coronavirus, we could always be less diligent about our shower system, especially when we are not worried about being presentable for other people.

"Many are nowconfined to houses And can neglect daily routines, "Khubchandani said." Take a shower a day will ensure that people are protected. "This is especially true if you go out, like a dermatologistJoshua Zeichner, MD, saysPopsugar. If you leave the house, make sure you are showering as soon as you come home.


Young child picking nose

While it's always aRather gross homeKhubchandani points out that at this time of coronavirus, "it's bad for the person who does it and for others. Since many infected people do not have symptoms, this habit could create a problem for people who engage in this habit and those who live []. "

Touching your nostrils is risky, even if you do not paste your finger up there. But really, you should never do either.

Chew your nails

Girl biting nails on laptop

Whether you bite your nails because you are nervous, excited or bored, nail bite is a bad idea if you are afraid to contract Covid-19.Ellie Murray, SCD, Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Boston University School, saidWgbh This nail bite allows the virus to enter the mouth.

"All you do to help help the virus go from the outside world in these wet parts of your face will increase your risk of catching the virus," she said.

Do not sleep enough

Can't sleep

We all know it'simportant to have a good night's sleep, but for many, it's easier said than doing, especially when there isSo many reasons for anxiety and disrupted sleep. As happens, the lack of sleep was found to weaken hisimmune system-Selon a 2017 study published in the newspaperTo sleep-What can put you at greater risk of contracting Covid-19.

Make gloves

Taking off glove wrong

Although the weather has improved, many people have chosen to continue to wear gloves as a precautionary measure against the virus, guaranteeing a layer between them and potentially dangerous surfaces. But all these significant clothes are destined to do nothing when this person takes the gloves on the part of the gloves carelessly.

"Health care staff never affects the exterior of the glove when they kidnap them," says LART. "They exploded a glove on the other, then use the inner glove to touch the remaining glove. However, I see several people touching things in the store with their gloves in the hope of avoiding any contact with surfaces, but Once they returned to their car. They take the gloves inappropriately and expose themselves to what they were trying to avoid in the first place. He defeats the goal if someone does not take the gloves of the good fashion. "

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