If you notice that when you talk, it could be a sign of early dementia, the study says

Research shows that this trait could be a sign of the condition.

KeepEye on dementia is easier saying that. Since the appearance of the disease can affect your memory and reasoning, some of the most common signs that the condition develops. But there are cases in which you could recover changes in someone else's behavior that could look to something wrong. Depending on the search, you can even be able to spot the first signs of dementia by talking to someone. Read it to see the red conversation flags you may want to know.

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Do not laugh at the right time can be an early sign of dementia.

Mature older couple having a serious conversation

There will always be differences in opinion when it comes to what is really funny. But according to a 2017 study, ifSomeone does not laugh During suitable points in a conversation or laughter at the wrong time, this could be an early sign of dementia.

The researchers examined 105 patients diagnosed with dementia, as well as 156 of their healthy family members. Participants were then equipped with microphones and asked to discuss a mutually decided subject centered on continuous disagreement in their relationship for 10 to 15 minutes. The trained coders then listened to their recorded conversations and counted how many laughter came from each participant, including every time someone laughs.

Patients diagnosed with dementia have been made to laugh at different times during natural social interactions than their healthy family members. In particular, the diagnosed patients have lasted considerably less on their own during the conversation, which researchers believe in the known ability of the disease to reduce self-awareness.

The sarcasm missing or not to include sarcastic comments could also be a sign of the condition.

mature couple talking at home

Other research found that missing a certain type of humor could also mean that the cognitive decline begins to unfold.A 2009 study From the University of California, San Francisco enlisted 175 participants, more than half suffered from dementia or another neurodegenerative disorder. Short video clips of people with a conversation during which sarcasm were then shown and reported using verbal indices or body language.

The participants were then asked questions about what happened in the videos. The results of the survey showed that patients with dementia were much less likely to take a sarcasm than healthy participants. Further cerebral analyzes of patients using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed that damage to the frontal lobe of the brain, where the treatment capacity of sarcasm taking is located, matching in patients incapable ofdetect sarcastic comments.

"If anyone has a strange behavior and stop understanding things like sarcasm ... they should see a specialist who can make sure it's not the beginning of one of these diseases" ,Katherine Rankin, PhD, one of the researchers of the study and a neuropsychologist at the University of California, San Francisco, said in a statement.

RELATED:If you want this only thing, it could be an early sign of dementia.

Developing a darker sense of humor can also be a sign that cognitive decline is defined.

Senior man laughing

But it's not just a lack of laughter or missing humor indices that can be a sign of dementia. According to a 2015 study conducted by College London University (UCL), showing a newSense of distorted humor It is darker or inappropriate can be a major red flag for the neurodegenerative condition.

The researchers used questionnaires of friends and familiar with 48 dementia patients who had known them for at least 15 years before their illness started to affect their behavior. The respondents then ranked the sense of humor of each patient according to the types of comedy pieces they enjoyed - including the style of Slapstick view in programs such asMister Bean or absurd humor seen inMonty Python-Ausfy as any inappropriate humor they have found funny.

The results showed that many respondents noticed adarker tower in the sense of patient humor About nine years before their official diagnosis, some would have had a coverage of events such as natural disasters. "These have been marked with changes - a totally inappropriate mood well beyond the areas of even unpleasant humor"Camilla Clark, PhD, one of the authors of the UCL study, told the BBC. "For example, a man laughed when his wife seriously escaped to herself."

Anyone concerned about these types of changes should take the floor immediately to their doctor.

Happy mature doctor talking to senior female patient while being in a home visit.

Experts urge whoever notices these types of behavioral changes, whether it's laughing too often or not enough, to seek appropriate medical advice as soon as possible if they fear that his dementia. "While the loss of memory is often the first thing that keeps me in mind when we hear the word dementia, this study highlights the importance of looking at the myriad of different symptoms that affect everyday life and the relationships" Simon Ridley , PhD, from Alzheimer's research U.K., told the BBC.

"A deeper understanding of the full range of dementia symptoms will increase our ability to make a timely and accurate diagnosis," he added.

RELATED: If you notice this in your mouth, your risk of dementia is higher, search shows .

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