If you take medications for that, you can still need a mask, "said CDC.
Talk to your doctor of security measures, even if you are fully vaccinated.

Last week, Disease Control and Prevention Centers (CDC) announced that fully vaccinated people can go without masks in most scenarios. SuddenlyChange mask guidance Sent sound through all those who had been carefully respectful of the CDC guidelines. Although many people give up their masks for the first time this weekend, others have remained cautious and have chosen to continue wearing a face covering. But there is a group of people that the CDC has warned should keep their masks, even once they are fully vaccinated: people who take immunosuppressive medications for autoimmune diseases may need to continue wearing a mask .
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On May 13, the CDC announced that entirely vaccinated people "can resume activitiesWithout wearing a mask or staying at six feet away, unless necessary by federal laws, states, rules and territorial regulations, including local directives of businesses and the workplace. "However, the CDC noted that people with a self-immune condition or take drugs that weaken the immune system should talk to a doctor before going without their mask.
"If you have a condition or take medications that weaken your immune system, you can not be fully protected, even if you are totally vaccinated," CDC guidelines are read. "Even after vaccination, you may need to continue taking any precautions." The CDC says that its researchers always learn how vaccines protect vaccinespeople with weakened immune systemscertain conditions or drugs they take.
Studies have shown that people with self-immune disease that take drugs that eliminate their immune systems can have a weakened response to the vaccine. Shared shared preventive study on Medrxiv on 29 March found thatRegular Infusions of Infliximab (Remicade) can make the first dose of Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines less efficient. The memory is commonly used to treat autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic polyarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn's disease, psoriasis of plate and ulcerative colitis. Although the immune response of many patients has improved with the second dose, some have never won sufficient immunity.
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The researchers noted that the reduction in the efficiency of the vaccine is probably not only limited to making fun of the memory. The study issued the assumption that people prescribed other drugs to stop inflammation could also have an immune response reduced to the vaccine. In addition to remodeling, othersCommonly prescribed The tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors include Enbrel (Etancecept), Humira (Adalimumab), Cimzia (Certolizumab Pegol) and Simponi (Golimumab). Humira and enbrel are two of themost vulnerable drugs in the world, according to Ary News.
CDC DirectorRochelle Walensky, MD, expanded on the direction of the weekend. During an appearance on NBCMeet the press On May 16, Walensky said, "We know that - and there is emerging data to suggest that if you do not have a fully competent immune system of chemotherapy, transplants, other immune modulation agents, that theThe vaccine may not have worked Also for you. So, please, before taking off your mask, consult your doctor. "
Walensky also pointed out that just because theThe guidelines have changed This does not mean that everyone's behavior needs to change immediately. You should take into account your risk and how much you feel comfortable. "Everyone does not have to tear their mask because our guidance changed Thursday," Walensky said on CNNState of the UnionMay 16th.
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