Never drink more than these many cups of coffee a week, the study says

You do not have to give up coffee, but you may want to limit your consumption.

Many of us can not go through the day without aCup of coffee. There is a reason for that, of course: caffeine is astimulant This can help you stay alert and prevent the start of fatigue, such as notes of Satherline. But count on coffee sometimes meansDrink several cups Every day, and although it can go well to a point, on-consumption of coffee can have serious consequences for health. A study identified the maximum amount of coffee you should drink in a week. Read it to find out if your coffee consumption is the recommended weekly consumption - or if you may need to make changes.

RELATED:If you put this in your coffee, stop immediately, says FDA.

People under 55 should not drink more than 28 cups of coffee a week.

A hand pouring steaming coffee in to a cup on a work desk when work from home

A 2013 study published in the journalProcedure of the Mayo Clinic analyzed howcoffee consumption affects the health of people, depending on the amount they consume. Researchers have seen more than 43,700 people generally in good health - which means that they did not have an earlier history of a heart attack, a cerebrovascular accident or cancer - for an average of 17 years. During the study period, 2,512 deaths took place. On the basis of these results, men and women under the age of 55 who drank more than 28 cups of coffee each week had a risk of mortality quite higher than those who have not drank coffee, more than an increased risk of 50%.

"It seems appropriate to suggest that the youngest avoid a high coffee consumption," concluded researchers.

RELATED:If you drink a lot of coffee a day, your heart is in danger, studies.

Men of all ages may need to limit the weekly coffee consumption.

man drinking coffee and looking thoughtfully out of a window

You may be able to drink more coffee if you are a woman over 55 years old. According to the study, there was no negative result with higher coffee consumption for women aged 55 and over, but for men. The researchers found that men of all ages had an increased risk of 21% mortality all causes when they drank more than 28 cups of coffee every week.

"However, coffee consumption has not been associated with any causes of mortality in women" of all ages, researchers noted. They also indicated that the risk of all caustic mortality was even greater for men who had a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or more people and drank more than 28 cups of coffee per week, but given the size From the sample, researchers were not able to investigate this association more deeper.

The researchers discussed whether coffee is good for adults.

Close up woman and man holding cups of coffee on table

Caffeine has been seen for its health benefits in the past, but excessive consumption has clear its risks. According to the study, coffee has potential adverse effects due to the ability of caffeine to stimulate the release of hormonal epinephrine, inhibit insulin activity and increase blood pressure and homocysteine ​​levels.

"He continues to be a considerable debate on the health effects of caffeine and coffee specifically, with some reports suggesting a toxicity and a bit verysuggesting beneficial effects, "CardiologistCarl Lavie, MD, co-author of the study, said in a declaration.

Researchers for the 2013 study indicate that genetics can also play a role in the reason why coffee could be harmful - which could explain why men of all ages are affected but not women. "Research also suggest that heavy coffee drinkers can undergo additional risks through potential genetic mechanisms or because of confusion through the harmful effects of other risk factors with which coffee consumption is associated," has declared researchers.

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Coffee consumption in the United States has increased over the years.

woman drinking coffee while sitting on kitchen counter and working on smart phone in morning at home.

The National Coffee Association (NCA) indicates the amount of adults in the United States.drinking coffeehas increased over the years. According to a 2020 study of the organization, 7 years old, American adults burst coffee every week and 62% alcohol every day. This is a 5% increase in total coffee consumption for the United States compared to 2015. US Food and Medicine Administration (FDA) recommends adults keep their caffeine intake At 400 milligrams or less every day. This equates to about four cups of coffee a day, which represents exactly 28 cups of coffee a week.

RELATED: If you drink it every day, your heart could be in danger, study .

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