If you have one of these cheeses at home, throw them now, says FDA

Customers "should not consume and should have the product," says the agency.

Whether it's a piece of parmesan or a Swiss trench, there is a good chance that you have cheese in your fridge right now. After all, it is one of the only foods that can be considered a snack, an aperitif and a garnish that comes from the same package. But before you start reaching your next room, you may want to check the label because two types of popular cheeses are currently recalled. Read it to see if you have it in your refrigerator drawer.

RELATED:If you have these two popular seasonings, throw them now, says FDA.

Whole foods made a reminder of two of his Cahill Cheddar cheeses.

assorted cheeses on table

On July 27, Food & Drug Administration (FDA) announced that the entire food market had published aReminder of Cahill Cheddar with carrier and whiskey cheddar cheeses. The products in question were packed in a clear package and sold in the specialty department with a label of the market scale of all foods with dates "packaged on" from May 17 to July 26, 2021. Printed labels For assigned cheeses also include PLU 93579 for Cheddar with Porter and 54784 or 94884 for Whiskey Cheddar.

Cahill cheeses could potentially be contaminated byListeria Bacteria.

woman on sofa in stomach pain
Shutterstock / Andrey_Popov

Whole foods have launched the voluntary recall when it has been alerted by a distributor of a positive test result forListeria monocytogenes, a pathogenic bacterium. The microorganism can cause an infection called invasive listeriosis when ingested and potentially fatal for young children, pregnant women or people with weakened immune systems.

According to the disease control and prevention centers,The symptoms of listeriosis They are similar to the flu, including fever, diarrhea, muscle pain, headaches, steep neck, loss of equilibrium, confusion and convulsions. The agency also warns that "infections during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage, stingyness, premature delivery or infection threatening by the life of the newborn. The symptoms of serious infections generally begin within a month of contaminated food consumption, although the CDC reports that people with an invasive listeriosis can feel symptoms up to 10 weeks later.

RELATED:If you bought this in Walmart, throw it away immediately, said FDA.

The assigned cheeses were sold in 22 states.

Fairfax: Green Whole Foods Market grocery store sign on exterior building in city in Virginia with people walking and autumn displays of pumpkins for Halloween

According to the FDA reminder notice, possibly contaminated cheeses have been sold in 44 whole food stores out of 22 states.

Fortunately, no illness has been reported from July 27th. But if you live in one of the following states and you have been at the cheese counter recently, you may want to quickly check all product labels before your next snack: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii , Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Anyone who bought the cheese "Do not consume and should have the product".

stepping on trash can pedal to open it
Shutterstock / Jenson

The FDA advice to customers who bought cheeses allocated to "do not consume and should have the product" immediately.

Fortunately, guests can also provide a valid receipt in stores for a full refund. The FDA states that anyone with additional questions can call 1-844-936-8255 daily between the hours of 6:00 and 12:00. Cst.

RELATED:If you have this in your freezer, take it immediately, USDA warns.

Categories: Health
Tags: food / News / Safety
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