40% of people who get serious Covid after Pfizer has this in common

A new study found that this similarity between revolutionary infections after Pfizer Vaccination.

COVID vaccinations have provided a sense of relief to more than 159 million people entirely vaccinated in the United States, according to the latest data of theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC). But there are always concerns. Revolutionary infections among fully vaccinated individuals have become more common than more people receive their vaccines: at a Las Vegas pool, eightFully vaccinated health workers got Covid. In Texas, an outdoor wedding is gonesix entirely vaccinated people with the virus. Much is still unknown about these revolutionary infections, but new research has found a communality of 40% of people who have obtained serious Covid after being vaccinated with Pfizer.

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The new study, published on July 6 in the journalClinical microbiology and infection,Announced breakthrough infections Following two doses of the vaccine against Pfizer. Israeli researchers have observed 152 patients with 17 different hospitals that have been positive for COVID and have been hospitalized, although they are vaccinated.

According to the study, 40% of these patients were immunosuppressed, which included corticosteroid treatments, chemotherapy and anti-CD20, as well as recipients of organ transplants. Only 37 percent of immunocompromised people with advanced infection had favorable results, while 47 percent had a bad prognosis (mechanical ventilation or death).

Other comorbidities were also common in revolutionary infections. Among the patients tested for COVID after vaccination against Pfizer, 71% had a hypertension, 48% had a diabetes, 27% had congestion heart failure, 24% had chronic reflexes and pulmonary diseases, 19% had dementia and 24 % had cancer. Only 6% of infected patients had no comorbidities.

"We have found that the serious CVIV-19 infection, associated with a high mortality rate, could develop in a minority of entirely vaccinated individuals with several comorbidities. Our patients had a higher rate of comorbidities and immunosuppression by Report to non-vaccinated Hospitalized COVID previously reported. -19 patients, "the authors of the study concluded.

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The rate of severe revolutionary infections among vaccinated people is still weak, however. At the end of April, the Israeli Ministry of Health recorded a total of 234 fully vaccinated hospitalized patients with severe COVID and 90 deaths per pierced infection. At the same time, Israel hadAlready completely vaccinated 5 million people.

In the United States, data is similar. According to the CDC, there were 4,909 hospitalized covid infections and 988 deathsIn people vaccinated As of July 6, July 6, this is more than 157 million people who had been fully vaccinated against Covid at that time. The real threat always lies with those who are unvaccinated. During a press briefing of the White House of July 8, Director CDCRochelle Walensky, MD reported that 99.5% ofMountains of American Covids In the last two months were unvaccinated individuals.

"The sad reality is that, despite our progress, we always lose people to this virus, which is particularly tragic given, at this point, it is useless and preventable," Walensky said. "Virtually all hospitalizations and deaths of Covid-19 in the United States now occur in non-vaccinated people."

RELATED:Vaccinated people who get the alternative delta have this in common, who says.

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