FDA has just reminded 21 popular dog foods for this terrifying reason

There is a new alarming warning on this popular dog food brand.

We always said to the humans to look at what they eat - but the same rule also goes for our four-legged friends. And if you feed your dog, some choose Sunshine Mills products, then your Pooch could be at risk. The US Food and Drug Administration has just announced that it hadRemember 21 popular dog foods Which contain high levels of aflatoxin, a mold by-product that could hurt your pet if they consume a lot.

Your puppy could undergo aflatoxin (aflatoxicosis) toxicity if it becomes soft or tired, loses appetite, vomiting, diarrhea or yellow color in their eyes or gums. If you notice these symptoms, you shouldTake your pet to the vet at once.

This is not the first time that Sunshine Mills came under the fire of his pet products. In September,Three of his dog food brands have been recalled for unhealthy levels of aflatoxin. The company also recalled the menu of the super Premium Dog Food nature (the mix of chicken and cail) in August because ofConcerns of Salmonella.

To find out what exact foods for dogs to avoid, according to the announcement of October 8 of the FDA, read it. And for more pet products to pay attention, know thatPetco just took this controversial product on its shelves.

Read the original article onBetter life.


Champ dog food
Sunshine Mills, Inc.

Recall: Mini Food Beef and Chicken Dog

And for more your favorite canines, checkThe 50 most popular dog breeds in America.

Field test

Field Trial dog food
Sunshine Mills, Inc.

Recall: Premium Food Full Nutrition

Good dog

good dog dog food
Sunshine Mills, Inc.

Recall: High energy formula

And for more food, you should not give your puppy, here's whyFeeding your dog This diet could cause heart problems, tell experts.

Hunter special

hunter's special dog food
Sunshine Mills, Inc.

Recall: High Energy Formula for Dogs, Dog Maintenance Form and Farm Recipe and Ranch Super Pieces for Dogs

Old glory

old glory dog food
Sunshine Mills, Inc.

Recall: Beef and chicken dog food

And for more useful content delivered directly into your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Paws happy life

paws happy life dog food
Sunshine Mills, Inc.

Recall: Food Full Nutritional Bitch

Pet expert

pet expert dog food
Sunshine Mills, Inc.

Recalled: always in the form of formula


principle dog food bag
Sunshine Mills, Inc.

Recalled: Super Premium Natural Dog Food Breeders Pack


retriever dog food
Sunshine Mills, Inc.

Recall: Bites and OS adult Termination Savory Savory Savory Savory


river blend dog food
Sunshine Mills, Inc.

Remembered: Select dog food and basic basic nutrition food

Pride of the athlete

sportsman's pride dog food
Sunshine Mills, Inc.

Recalled: Maintenance Adult Formula Dog Food


sprout dog food
Sunshine Mills, Inc.

Recall: bites and bones, hi-protein, maintenance and puppy food


thrifty dog food
Sunshine Mills, Inc.

Recall: Adult dog food

High runner

top runner dog food
Sunshine Mills, Inc.

Recalled: Premium dog food

Mustaches and tails

whiskers & tails dog food
Sunshine Mills, Inc.

Recall: Adult Recipe Food Dog Food

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: News / Pets
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