If you can not stop doing this at night, have your thyroid check

This common nocturnal habit could be a sign of something more serious.

Thyroid problems can manifest itself in a wide variety ofSubtle sub-symptoms that this can be easy to neglect. Unfortunately, ignoring these signs that you need to verify that your thyroid verifies can be risky because an untreated thyroid disease can cause other serious health complications. That's why it's important to pay attention to potential symptoms and, according to experts, there is a sign of thyroid problems that you might meet every night. Read it to find out what is the current event that you need to have your thyroid checked and for more symptoms of a thyroid problem,If this happens when you eat or drink, you need your checked thyroid.

If you snore at night, it could be a sign of a sub-active thyroid.

Woman sleeping
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Snoring has a number of potential explanations, with a thyroid problem being one of them. Respiratory disturbances are quite common in people with hypothyroidism or under-active thyroid. "People with hypothyroidism may experience sleep apnea, which can cause snoring," saysSAPNA Shah, MD, aEndocrinologist with Paloma Health. Although all people who remain sleep experience, a condition where your breathing stops and starts several times all night, it's a cause of snoring the head. "The thyroid gland makes hormones that govern the metabolic rate of your body. When the thyroid gland does not do enough thyroid hormones, you could feel symptoms that feel like the body slowing down, like fatigue, muscle cramps or muscle cramps or A depressed mood. Then, the sleep apnea associated with hypothyroidism can be due to an increase in mucus in the upper respiratory tract, the reduction of lung function or weight gain - a common symptom of hypothyroidism " she explains.

It's not just about sleep apnea, however. AsLeann Poston, MD, aCertified physician and health expert For MEDICAL VESTOR, notes, "hypothyroidism can also result in liquidity retention and inflated tissues, which can aggravate snoring." In addition, some symptoms of hypothyroidism as "the swollen enlarged language, low respiratory muscles and weight gain" can contribute to snoring. A 2007 study published by theJournal of Physiology and Pharmacologyfound that hormonal stabilization inPeople with hypothyroidism Gravity of reduced snoring. And for more reasons to see a doctor,If you notice that on your nails, get your truth about the thyroid, say doctors.

There are other notable symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Shot of a young man feeling ill while sitting on a sofa at home

Many people snore, but not all have hypotyroidism. If you encounter other hypothyroidy symptoms, you should definitely see a doctor. Poston says that some common symptoms of hypothyroidism include "cold sensitivity, constipation, dry skin, hair loss and unexplained weight gain." OtherCommon symptoms of hypothyroidismAccording to the National Health Service (NHS), include fatigue, depression, movements and slow thoughts and muscle pain, cramps and weakness.

"If you are worried about apnea sleep or other symptoms, consider testing your thyroid because an untreated thyroid disease can put patients at risk of more serious problems such as cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis or infertility ", SHAH. And for later health concerns,If you take this medicine common to sleep, stop now, a new study says.

And there are other signs of sleep apnea to search.

Woman experiencing fatigue at home

While sleep apnea is a common cause of snoring, many people snore without this condition. Shah recommends being checked for sleep apnea "If you have more related symptoms such as thoracic pain at night, bad throat in the morning or extreme drowsiness during the day." Other commonSymptoms of sleep apneaBy the Mayo Clinic, include dry mouth in the morning, morning headaches and trouble sleeping. Sleep APNEA can be a serious condition because it makes you stop breathing in your sleep, so be sure to see a doctor to find good treatment if you think you have sleep apnea. And for more useful information delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

An enlarged thyroid gland could also cause snoring.

Man sleeping

Hypothyroidism is not the only way the gland can you snore. "The thyroid gland is in the front of the neck halfway between the jaw and the sternum," says Poston. "If the thyroid gland becomes enlarged due to nodules or goitre [it] can put pressure on the respiratory tract, increasing the risk of sleep apnea."

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, found that a thyroidectomy to eliminate all or part of an enlarged thyroid glandReduced snoring. "Obstructive sleep apnea is obviously a complex problem with many causes, but we find that it is encouraging that thyroidectomy alone can make significant improvements of nearly one-third of patients, regardless of the size of the gland" Rebecca Sippel , MD, says in a statement. And for more disturbances of sleep, If you can not sleep, this over-the-counter medication could be the reason why the experts say .

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