Here's how you worse your depression

Whatever the level of depression you feel, these things must always be avoided.

Nearly one in five adults in the United States lives with a kind of mental illness, according to theNational Institute of Mental Health-It's about 50 million people. And because of COVID-19, disease control and prevention centers (CDC) says there are more people than everdeal with a form of the condition. In a report published in June 2020, the CDC analyzed the responses of the survey and other data, concluding that people in the United States lived "high levels" ofMental health conditions Like depression, anxiety and substance issues in June 2020, compared with similar periods before the pandemic.

The good news is that, with regard to depression, if you have received a diagnosis of the condition of its clinical form or that you feel particularly low because of what is happening in the world, there isthings you can doIn this case, stop making the experience a little more manageable. Here are some ways you are doing your depression worse. And to help you feel a little less alone with regard to your mental health, checkCelebrities who talked about their depression.

You are isolating yourself.

sad white woman sitting on the couch in a living room

Although we have all been forced to isolate because of the coronavirus, it is essential to maintain your relationships with friends, family and colleagues as much as you can right now. Not only is the isolationMake your depression worseBut studies have found that this has horrible effects on your physical health.

"Lacking encouragement of family or friends, those who are lonely can slip into unhealthy habits"Nicole Valtorta, PhD, an epidemiologist at Newcastle University, wrote inA 2016 study that she has led. "In addition, loneliness has been observed to raise stress levels, prevent sleep and, in turn, the body. Loneliness can also increase depression or anxiety." And for more advice on how to support your well-being,It's the mental health error # 1 that you do now.

You commit yourself in a negative thought.

Young man sitting at home. Sad guy sitting on the couch , copy space

Psychologists and other mental health experts say that you are constantly presented with opportunities to engage in negative thinking or dispel them in favor ofplus positive. And these are these decisions that can have a powerful impact on your mental health.

Stuart Eiendrath, MD, a psychiatrist and founder of the University of California San Francisco Depression Center, described it in this way ofPsychology today: "If you walk in the main street of a small town, you can see several stroke fronts, with various depressive thoughts exposed," he said. "Generally in depression, you will enter the store and buy these thoughts, then come back and start walking in the street with you with you."

And the positive, more conscious way: "You notice the depressive thoughts in the store and you do not get rid of observing these thoughts," Eisendrath said. "But you're not going and you buy them and you do not have to wear them with you when you go down the street."

You drink and / or abuse other substances.

Man's hand holds whiskey glass at bar, 40 year old virgin

One of the worst things you can do for your depression is self-medical with drugs and alcohol. Although you can find short-term relief, the implications of long-term abuse are anything but positive.

To begin, theMAYO Clinic Says that alcohol is a depressant, so it will worsen only your depression after its numbness effect on your feelings. You also risk becoming physically dependent. And if you takeDrug for your depressionMany substances will contravene the predicted effect of the drug and will result in even worse symptoms. For more information on a similar condition that often accompanies depression, checkHere's how you worse your anxiety.

You do not take care of your physical health.

Depressed woman on couch

If you encounter a depression, you may not have any motivation to commitphysical activityBut let this information of this bit be the thing that changes that. According to a piece of 2019 inPsychology today,D. B. DILLARD-WRITT, PhD, professor of philosophy and writer, "several randomized controlled trials have shown thatPhysical exercise is also effective for treating depression as a medicine, specifically compared to treatment with second generation antidepressants. Even 15 minutes a day can have a positive effect. And for more information about mental health delivered directly in your inbox, Sign up for our daily newsletter .

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