Drink that a lot of coffee increases the risk of dementia of 53%, the study says

Subscribe in too many JOE cups can also increase the probability of features.

For some of us, the day can not really go before we had our morning coffee cup. And while recent studies have found that the beloved family drinkMay not make us like gigantic As we thought once, there is certainly such a thing to overcome it. In fact, according to a new study, drinking too much coffee every day can really increase your risk of dementia. Read on the number of cups you should limit yourself.

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Drinking more than six cups of coffee per day increases your risk of dementia.

Women drinking coffee together at a coffee shop

The study, recently published in the magazineNutritional neuroscience, was led by a team of researchers at the Australian Center for Precision Health Seeking to see ifcoffee consumption Could be associated with brain health, including the risk of stroke or dementia. To test their theory, the team brought together a group of 17,702 participants aged 30 to 37 years of Biobank U.K .. The researchers then compared cerebral imaging on file with the amount of coffee consumed daily by the participants. The results revealed that those who drank more than six cups of coffee a day were 53% more likely to develop dementia.

The researchers found an association between overconsumption of coffee and brain volume.

Side view of young woman pouring coffee in cup. Beautiful female is standing at kitchen counter. She is in casual at home.

The researchers found that those who can not pose coffee coffee saw a major physiological effect of the overseas. "Accounting for all possible permutations, we have systematically found thatUpper coffee consumption was significantly associated with a reduced brain volume "Kitty PhamThe main researcher of the team and a doctoral candidate at the University of South Australia, said in a statement. "Essentially, drinking more than six cups of coffee a day can you at risk of brain diseases such as dementia and stroke."

"Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Yet, with global consumption being more than nine billion kilograms a year, it is essential to understand all the potential health implications," Pham highlighted. "This is the most comprehensive investigation on the links between coffee, cerebral volume, risks of dementia and the risks of stroke - it is also the largest study to consider data from Volumetric cerebral imaging and a wide range of confusion factors. "

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The team concluded that "moderation is the key" in terms of coffee consumption.

A hand pouring steaming coffee in to a cup on a work desk when work from home

The authors of the study concluded that the limitation of your coffee consumption could be a seriously beneficial habit. "This search provides vital information about heavy coffee consumption and cerebral health, but as with many things in life, moderation is the key"Elina Hypönen, the principal investigator and director of the study of the Australian Center for Precision Health, stated in a statement.

"TypicalDaily consumption of coffee is somewhere between one and two standard coffee cups. Of course, while unitary measurements may vary, a few cups of coffee a day are usually good, "she added." However, if you find that your coffee consumption increases to six cups a day, it's about time to rethink your next glass. "

The researchers also say that you should drink water alongside your infusion.

Woman getting water from sink

In addition to keeping an eye on the amount of Java you drink, the authors of the study also suggested another coffee break that is beneficial for your health. "Together with other genetic evidence and a randomized controlled trial, these data strongly suggest thatHigh coffee consumption Can negatively affect the health of the brain, "Hympönen said." [But] Although the exact mechanisms are not known, a simple thing we can do is stay hydrated and remind you to drink some water alongside this cup of coffee. "

RELATED:If you can not hear while doing this, your risk of dementia is 91% higher..

Categories: Health
Tags: News / Your Brain
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