If you eat this once a day, your risk of dementia increases, the study says

Even small amounts of food have been linked to a significant increase in cognitive decline.

Whether it's a breakfast ritual or post-dinner treatment, some people have a favorite dish they like so much that they can not help but eat it every day. But according to research, including a particular food in your daily diet, you can considerably increase your risk of dementia. Read it to see what you may want to reduce.

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Eating even small amounts of processed meat every day raises your risk of dementia.

bacon and sausage cooking on griddle
Shutterstock / Jenj_Payless

A study published in March inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition The analyzed data of the Biobank U.K. for an overview of the health information of 493,888 adults aged 40 to 69 to examine a possible connection betweenReduction of red meat and emergence of dementia. The database included information on the restoration habits of each participant, including the ranking of their meat consumption of "more than once a day" to "never". The authors also noted that some participants in the study were vegan or vegetarian.

In the end, an eight-year follow-up period ended with 2,896 participants in the development of cognitive decline. The results showed that the consumption of 25 grams of meat processed per day - or the equivalent of two bacon bands - was associated with a risk of increased dementia of 44%.

The results also found that eating untreated red meat could actually reduce the risk of dementia.

a nice juicy steak is delicious, but it can also lead you to an early death.

When he arrived at other types of meat consumption, the results do not carry so many bad news. Researchers also found that participants eaten 50 grams of untreated red meat per day, such as calf, pork or beef, really found a reduction in the risk of dementia that made them less likely to Develop neurodegenerative disease.

The study also included an overview of those genetically predisposed to the development of dementia, noting that these participants were three to six times more likely to suffer the disease regardless of their food habits. Researchers also noted that participants who have eaten more processed meat Weremore likely to be men, less educated, regular smokers, overweight or obese, had a lower volume of fruits and vegetables in their diet and ate more protein and grease, including saturated fats.

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The researchers concluded that the diet could help treat dementia because it pushes into a greater global issue.

A middle-aged woman hugging an older man suffering from dementia

The researchers concluded that their conclusions arrived at a time when such information could be important. "In the world, the prevalence of dementia increases and the modifiable diet could play a role," "Huifeng Zhang, principal researcher and doctoral student, said in a press release. "Our research adds to the growing corpus of evidence connectingConsumption of meat processed at increased risk a range of noncommunicable diseases. "

Zhang also added that more research was needed to understand the protective side of red meat consumption, saying: "Additional confirmation is needed, but the direction of the effect is related to the current healthy food guidelines suggesting Lower sockets from untreated red meat could be beneficial for health. . "

Other members of the research team hoped that the conclusions could help fight dementia in the future. "All we can do to explore potential risk factors for dementia can help us reduce the rates of this debilitating condition,"Janet CadeDo PhD, the supervisor of the study of the University of Science and Nutrition at the University of Leeds, said in a statement. "This analysis is a first step in understanding whether what we eat could influence this risk."

Other recent studies have found an association between dementia and high coffee consumption.

A senior woman drinking coffee while surrounded by houseplants

Other recent research has shown that it was not a question of eating too much transformed meat that can increase your risk of dementia. A team of researchers led a recently published study in the journalNutritional neuroscience seeks to see ifcoffee consumption Could be associated with brain health, including the risk of stroke or dementia. To test their theory, the team brought together a group of 17,702 participants aged 30 to 37 years of biobank u.k ..

The researchers then compared cerebral imaging on file with the amount of coffee consumed daily by the participants. The results revealed that those who drank more than six cups of coffee a day were 53% more likely to develop dementia.

The team also found that those who passed it on Java saw a major physiological effect following an occurrence. "Accounting for all possible permutations, we have systematically found thatUpper coffee consumption was significantly associated with a reduced brain volume " Kitty Pham The main researcher of the team and a doctoral candidate at the University of South Australia, said in a statement. "Essentially, drinking more than six cups of coffee a day can you at risk of brain diseases such as dementia and stroke."

RELATED: Drinking your coffee like this can reduce the risk of your Alzheimer, the study says .

Categories: Health
Tags: food / News / Your Brain
By: dmitriy
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