Drinking your coffee like this can reduce the risk of your Alzheimer, the study says

Take your Joe morning cup this way can have positive effects on your brain.

Start your morning with acup of coffee can be a great way to get an energy boost. But in addition to helping you overcome your groggisme, it turns out that it could also stimulate your brain too. A study of the Krembil Brain Institute in Toronto, Canada, found that drinking your coffee in a certain way can actually reduce your risk of developingAlzheimer's disease.

"Coffee consumption appears to be a correlation to aDecreased risk of developing Alzheimer's, "Donald weaver, PhD, co-director of the Institute of Brain Krembil and co-author of the study, said in a statement. "But we wanted to study why this is -. Which compounds are involved and how they can affect the cognitive decline associated with age" What they discovered is that a particular type of coffee is the most beneficial. Read ahead to see what your daily brewery can do for your long-term brain, according to science.

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Drinking dark roast coffee may lower the risk of your Alzheimer's.

Young Asian woman drinking

The 2018 study Krembil Brain Institute, published in the JournalFrontiers in Neuroscience, Set out to study the theorized link between coffee consumption and aDecreased risk of developing Alzheimer's. The researchers decided to test the compounds found in various beans, especially roasted coffee, dark roast and decaf coffee.

The team found that thebeans contained phénylindanes, A chemical compound that prevents the accumulation and tuft proteins called beta-amyloid and tau which areknown to lead to Alzheimer's. As a longer roast increases the amount of phenylindane, the researchers concluded that the dark roast coffee provided better protection against the neurological disease.

The dark roast decaffeinated coffee could be as protective against Alzheimer's as regular coffee.

Close up woman and man holding cups of coffee on table

Previous research has posited thatinsulated beverage can have long-term health benefits on the brain. But the team Krembali Brain Institute also found that levels phénylindanes - that give coffee its bitter taste - were also strong in decaf dark roast coffee because they were in a regular dark roast on caffeinated.

"The dark roast and decaffeinated conafféinée so both have identical powers in our initial experimental tests"Ross Mancini, PhD, a member of the research in medicinal chemistry, said in a statement. "So we observed earlier that its protective effect could not be due to caffeine."

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The authors of the study said that further research was needed to confirm the protective effects of dark coffee.

A close-up of a woman standing by the window holding a cup of coffee, smelling it. Copy space.

Scientists Krembali Brain Institute acknowledged that their findings suggest more research is needed on the connection between theCoffee and cognitive decline. "This is the first time anyone has investigated how phénylindanes interact with Alzheimer's proteins responsible," said Mancini. "The next step is to investigate how these compounds are beneficial and they have the ability to enter the bloodstream or to cross the blood-brain barrier."

In a statement, Weaver has quickly dispelled any ideas of dark roast coffee is a miracle elixir in Alzheimer's, stressing that more research on the subject is needed. "It's interesting but do we suggestCoffee is a cure? Absolutely not, "he said.

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Other studies have found that coffee can have major general health benefits.

Senior couple drinking coffee at cafe
Shutterstock / Jacob Lund

As for the coffee and your overall health, not just roasted dark varieties have an advantage. In an analysis published in the American Heart Association's (AHA) Journalcirculation In 2015, a team of scientists used data from three major studies totaling 208,501 participants who were followed up to 30 years. This included a food questionnaire that followed each personCoffee consumption.

The researchers found a direct correlation between theamount of coffee consumed-The before decaffeinated coffee and mortality. Those who drank three to five cups a day have witnessed a 15% drop in early death For some reason. The authors of the study wrote that "significant reverse associations were observed between coffee consumption and deaths attributed to cardiovascular diseases, neurological diseases and suicide".

RELATED: 40 habits to reduce your risk of dementia after 40 .

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