5 easy way of life changes that can improve your health at any age

Do you think too old to be healthy? Still think. You can make these changes approved by the doctor at any time.

As you get older, it may feel harder to adopt new habits or breaking long-standing old - especially with regard to your health. You say you are too old to jog or miss the boat on yoga. There is often a tendency to stick to what you know, do what you are used to if they areGood for your health or not. But while age can play a factor in your ability to participate in certain activities, making healthy lifestyle choices, is not one of them. In fact, there can be a better time than now to start changing your habits. It could even sayAdd years to your life.

For example, researchers in the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis Johns Hopkins have observed the behaviors of more than 6,000 men and women aged 44 to 84 years over a seven-year period. In less than a decade, the team has found overwhelming evidence thatmake healthy choices later in life had enormous benefits. Do things likestop smokingFollowing a Mediterranean regime and to obtain regular exercises really reduced the death risk of an individual during the 80% study, the researchers said. With this motivation in mind, it's time to cut the excuses and work on these five healthy life choices that you can do at any age. And for more things you can do to improve your health, discover50 important habits related to longer life.

Sleep a little.

Older woman waking up refreshed

Obtain a healthy amount ofSleep is essential to each age. This is because, according to a 2020 research article of the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), sleep restorations and "virtually strengthened all systems in the body". AndFailure to be coherent and sufficient sleep has been proved to weaken the body's immune system - and can evenmake less effective vaccines, the NSF says. In other words, not exactly a risk you want to take during a pandemic. So, make sure you get the seven to nine hours of sleep one night and talk to your doctor if you encounter problems. And for how your ability to rest changes as you get older, check20 ways that your sleep changes after 40.

To be more active.


Whilephysical activity Can you feel like more than a climb than before in your early years, it's very important that you do not let your age prevent you from youremain active.

"Exercise is also one of the best things you can do to help prevent dementia and other cognitive changes,"ARGYE HILLIS, MD, director of the cerebrovascular division at Johns Hopkins Medicine, said in a statement. It also lowers your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and certain cancers, she says. Once it has been cleared by your doctor that you are safe to exercise, Hillis says to aim at least 30 minutes of physical activity - all of a light jogging at a quiet walk - most of the days of the week.

Keep your edit sharp.

Man playing chess with his grandson

It's not just your body that you need to keep in good shape, but your brain too. And just like your body,Your mind needs regular training. According to Harvard Medical School: "Unless you challenge your brain with a mental exercise activates processes that help maintain individual brain cells and stimulate communication between them."

Whether to play chess or, as recommended by Johns Hopkins, learn a new language, always make sure to stimulate your brain - especially as you get older. And if you want a strong mind, check15 games that will keep your edge brain.

Stop smoking.

Older woman nicotine patch

With regard to the dangers of smoking - and the benefits of quitting - the statistics speak for themselves. From 24 hours after ceasing smoking, Johns Hopkins doctors say that you start to decrease yourrisk of having a heart attack. In addition, stop leaving the risk of dying earlier than 50% of middle-aged smokers. And for more useful cardiac habits, check20 ways to reduce your risk of cardiac disease this summer.

Eat better.

Woman chopping vegetables

According to Hillis, one of the best things you can do forhelp prevent dementia And lower several other health risks is to eat a Mediterranean diet. What does it mean exactly? Load on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil and fish, while keeping red meat, sugar and food processed to an absolute minimum. And for more useful information, Sign up for our daily newsletter .

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