If you are not vaccinated, you can not work here

Current employees who refuse vaccination are submitted to dismissal.

In recent months, employers have worked regularly to encourage workersto get vaccinated, all while the Delta variant has forced some companies to delay return plans. Some companies offer paid benefits - like Walmart, which gives store staffA supplement of $ 150 to be vaccinated - while others potentially examine the chargeNon-vaccinated workers additional costs for their health insurance. But some employers take an extra step, telling their workers, they must be vaccinated or risk losing their jobs.

RELATED:If you are not vaccinated, you will be refused of this.

August 18, Washington Gov.Jay Inslee announced a new policy requiring employees working in kindergarten at K-12, most care and early learning services, and higher education to be vaccinated as a condition of employment. This includes educators, school staff, coaches, bus drivers and volunteers, and applies to all who work to the public, charter or private schools.

"While our school buildings reopen this fall of learning in person, the vaccination of our employees in our school will be an essential mitigation measure to protect the health and safety of our students, staff and families", superintendent of public educationChris Reykdal said in a statement. "Our ability to maintain persistent learning in person without main disturbances related to COVID will depend on the transmission of low virus viruses in our schools."

Employees working in these areas have until October 18 to be fully vaccinated. There are limited exceptions for legitimate medical reasons and sincere religious beliefs, but for the most part, "people who refuse to be vaccinated will be submitted to a referral," according to the new policy.

"It was a long pandemic, our students and our teachers brought their own unique charges," said Monley in a statement. "This virus has increasingly an impact on young people, and those under 12 years old can still not get the vaccine for themselves. We do not enjoy the health of our children, our educators and staff of the school, nor the health of the communities they serve. "

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Other states have published similar terms. California, for example, requires everythingTeachers must be vaccinated Or be tested every week for Covid. But Washington's policy is by far the strictest, like "there will be no test option for educators and school staff. "We're going to the point where the tests are enough for people to be safe," said unspeed. "We have tried it. It has not been adequate for the task in hand."

The state has already announced a mask mandate for domestic schools and the new vaccination policy, SSLEE has also expanded the state's internal mask mandate to include vaccinated persons as of August 23.

"We have seen over the past year, how generalized masking also saves lives by reducing infection, "he said." I know it will frustrate vaccinated people who thought it would no longer need to do so. There are not enough people vaccinated. The result is the explosive growth of a much more infectious strain, the alternative delta and its increasing impacts on people of all ages. "

RELATED:If you are not vaccinated, you can not go here.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News / School
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