If you are prompted, you may need to pay more to do it.

These additional charges could cost you hundreds of people more than usual.

AsThe Delta variant Weaks Havoc across the United States, health managers double on their main message:To get vaccinated. But those who always refuse to face a risk more than an increased risk of severe infection. Unvaccinated people are banned by many tourist destinations, restaurants, theaters and popular sites, with major cities implementing new vaccination mandate proofs for interior spaces. This is not all the acceptable for it could cost you, however.

RELATED:If you are not vaccinated, you could soon be charged more for that every month.

Continue higher education has been a serious challenge at the Pandemic of Covid. Colleges and universities had to do a lot ofnew policies Help mitigate the spread of the virus among thousands of students. While people in the country are preparing to return for the autumn semester, some of these schools now require masks again, on demand for vaccinations and the implementation of regular COVID tests.

And some schools take an extra step, adding additional fees for non-vaccinated students. West Virginia Wesleyan College (wwwc) is the last college to do it, assigning an adOn the additional costs August 12th.

"Students who do not submit proof of vaccination or who are not vaccinated will be charged a non-refundable fee for the semester of autumn 2021", reads as follows. WwwC students have until 7 September to submit proof that they have had at least one dose of a vaccine. Otherwise, they will be subjected to weekly monitoring tests, which non-vaccinated fees will go.

But wwwc is not the first higher education institute to announce this type of charge. In June, Rhodes College of Memphis, Tennessee, said the students will benecessary to be vaccinated Once the US and Drug Administration (FDA) officially approves the vaccine. Until then, vaccinations are highly recommended - as long as unvaccinated individuals will have to pay $ 1,500 health and safety fees, each semester must be on campus.

These fees "will cover the costs of the mandatory tests", including an initial asymptomatic test, unvaccinated students will have to end on the move day, as well as weekly tests.

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Other colleges take more paths based on an incentive to encourage their students to be vaccinated. Schools such as Purdue University and West Virginia University have allowedvaccinated individuals To enter the graves, where they can gain something of laptops and censors-gift certificates one year of tuition in the state. Some experts argue that these reward methods could work better.

"Incentives works really better when they are intended for people who are not counteruncinerated, but they have any reason for the priority vaccination so far"Emily Large, PhD, Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania, told the NPR. After all, college students are in an age group that probably did not feel much pressure to be vaccinated because they are not generally high risk of Grave Covid, has declared the width.

But others say that incentives are only going so far.Eric Karet, President of the University of the Western Reserve in Cleveland, Ohio, said that, despite his school offering students vaccinated many free benefits, only 73% of campus students were fully vaccinated or on their way. to become in mid-July.

"We stayed stuck. It was clear that additional incentives were probably not going to be effective in moving at the level of 95% as a percentage we think we need to be necessary, "said Kaler in NPR. The College then decided to require vaccination, which helped increase the rate vaccinated 98% of campus students. According toThe Chronicle of Higher Education, more ... than680 higher education institutionsAlso perform now COVID vaccinations, including major schools such as Stanford University, Virginia Tech, Michigan State University and Harvard University.

RELATED: If you are not vaccinated, you can not go here .

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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