If you are vaccinated, this is the TELL-TALE sign that you have COVID, the study says

Do this only thing "without explanation after being vaccinated could be a sign of Covid-19."

We all spent the last 15 months wondering if thatcough that will not stop Or a funny taste in our mouth could be Covid. But now that the majority of people in the United States are at least partially partiallyvaccinated against the virus, most of these fears have been dissipated and rightly. The truth is,Covid breakthrough infections Among the vaccinated people are incredibly rare. Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) revealed that, as of April 30, or 10,262 patients of about 101 million.The entirely vaccinated people had obtained from Covid-It's a 0.01% likelihood. But if you notice a harmless symptom, you could be in this minority, according to a new report of theCovid Zoe Symptom Study.

The researchers behind the study of the Symptoms Zoe Covid - King's College London, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard T.H. Chan Public Health School and Stanford University School of Medicine - have followed the symptoms of COVID patients for more than a year. Recently, they said in a statement from mid-June: "We found thatSleezing a lot is a more common sign infection in those who have been vaccinated. "

RELATED:Half of non-vaccinated people in the United States have this in common, search shows.

Scientists point out that before recent data,sneezing was normally not considered A symptom of Covid-19. In fact, it was one of the means ofvirus a cold, influenza or allergies. But that can change. On their Frequently Asked Questions page, research researchers Symptom Covid responded to a survey of knowing whether Covid-19Symptoms are different for vaccinated people. They answered:

"Curiously, we noticed that people vaccinated and who were then positive for Covid-19 were more likely to report sneezing as a symptom from those without Jab.

If you have been vaccinated and starting to sneeze a lot without explanation, you should definitely get a COVID test, especially if you live or work around people at higher risk of the disease. "

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Although incredibly efficient-pfizer and moderna are about 95% effective against symptomatic COVID, while Johnson & Johnson is about 66% - vaccines do not blocked completely Covid. Researchers say that in general vaccinated people who get COVID "Discover the same types of symptoms As non-vaccinated people do, but their illness is softer and shorter "-or they have no symptoms at all." However, "sneezing a lot without explanation after being vaccinated could be a sign of Covid-19."

Researchers also note that sneezing is a very effective way for a virus to propagate because it sends contaminated particles flying into the air. They conclude that "a sarying a lot could be a potential sign that someone vaccinated has Covid-19 and, even sweet, should do a test and a self-isolate to protect their friends, family and colleagues."

RELATED:The CDC says 1 out of 10 people who had Pfizer or Moderna made this mistake.

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