It's the most unreliable car in the United States, the owners say

The drivers of this vehicle requested that it be recalled.

If you sail at work, pick up your children with various activities or just want to be able to go to the grocery store and return safely, there is nothing worse than onecar you can not depend on. No matter how bright it is or how much his leather seats are whimsical, a car that causes you a stress more often than it prevents you from point A to point B is a nightmare. To help you measure the reliability of a car, we turned to consumer reports to determine which new vehicle gave the most hassle owners. Their team conducted research at the end of 2020 to discovercars that are the least reliable Among American pilots.

'Exclusive auto poll consumption reported 17 things that can go wrong with a car, like grumpy brakes, transmissions requiring repair and problems with four-wheel drive systems. The researchers then examined at least two years of data models for each car each of the 17 issues based on the severity of calculating the reliability score of each vehicle. Each car from this list is a 2021 model, with the expectation of a 2020 electric vehicle. They were ranked on a scale of 1 to 100, and these 10 cars have the lowest assessments - every under 30 years . Wondering what is the most unreliable car of all? Read it to know and fingers crossed, it's not yours!

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Volvo XC60

A Volvo XC60
Emirhankaramuk / Shutterstock

Reliability score (out of 100): 28

The Volvo XC60 is considered a pretty luxurious car, with many security features and integral traction. Even if he has a consumer rating 3.9 out of 5 stars ofAutomotive information site Edmunds, many drivers have been deducted. "The best thing to say about my XC60 is that I was not kidnapped by a serial killer whether it's when he left me blocked on the side of the highway," wrote a customer.

Ford Ecosport

a blue Ford EcoSport
Emirhankaramuk / Shutterstock

Reliability score (out of 100): 28

According to Edmunds, thistiny car A lot to offer for its value, but the Ford Ecosport has only gained 3.4 of the users. "I drove that all week and I have to say, I could not imagine finding a less powerful, refined or friendly car," wrote a pilot. "It does not have power, which does not know what it should be in nature ... and that the automatic shutdown thing to a stop stop will kill a lot of people. I almost had a collision twice because of that. "

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Jeep Wrangler

a white Jeep Wrangler
Tom B Pay / Shutterstock

Reliability score (out of 100): 27

The Jeep Wrangler, built for off-road driving, can have a note of 4.6 on Edmunds, but many drivers say it comes with some problems. A driver who bought their Jeep Wrangler in December 2o2o said that when a feature has stopped working, they brought it for the service and it took more than five weeks to solve. "Last week, I asked that the unit be re-bought as lemon because Ino longer has any faith in the jeep Neither Chrysler's ability to solve problems that can occur, "he wrote.

Tesla model s

a blue Tesla Model S
Abu Hasim.a / Shutterstock

Reliability score (out of 100): 26

You're here Perhaps the country's best-known electric car company, but according to Edmunds, model 2020 Tesla S, which has a consumption rating of 3.2, has its fair share of problems. "The quality of my model is theworst of any car I have owned, "A driver wrote.

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Chevrolet Colorado

a red Chevrolet Colorado pickup truck

Reliability score (out of 100): 26

U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORTS gave this van a score of 81 out of 100 forQuality and reliabilityHowever, many owners feel differently. "Security was not a priority for GM on this truck and for that alone, I can not give it better than two [of 5 stars]", wrote a review on the 2021 Chevrolet Coloradoon Kelly Blue Book. "It's a pretty face, but beauty is only deep skin."

Volvo XC90

A 2020 Volvo XC90
Tomas Devera Photo / Shutterstock

Reliability score (out of 100): 26

Although Volvo XC90 has aConsumer evaluation 4.4 on Edmunds, some of its characteristics are not up to the drivers. "Many features normally included in cars even mid-level are missing or miscrowded," wrote a user. "The car does not light up when approaching and can not be adjusted ... No door door at the output ... Inadequate computer interface and small screen ... miss many parameters and controls for Customize the vehicle. "

Another driver wrote: "That's what I call" Engineering check the box ". Engineers received a list of features they need to add to the car they did, but do not care never to test them for conviviality and conviviality. So, all the features are there on paper, but none of them thought well or designed in practice. "

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Jeep Compass

A blue Jeep Compass car
Emirhankaramuk / Shutterstock

Reliability score (out of 100): 21

AtU.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORTS, the 2021Jeep Compass has an overall rating 7.3 out of 10, making it a lowest compact SUV on the website. "Although this has a fantastic off-road capacity, it is retained by a subcaptured motor and unshakable manipulation," wrote a critique.


A silver Volkswagen Atlas

Reliability score (out of 100)19

The Atlas of Volkswagen was voted the2021 family car of the year By, but the SUV has only a consumer note 3.4 on Edmunds. He was criticized for hispoor reliability and quality of manufacture. "It will manage if you are trying to park and change gears, then jerk off forward or backward," wrote an owner on Edmunds. "8 months old and I'm ready to go as far from this car I can!"

Subaru Ascent

A silver Subaru Ascent
Steve Lagreca / Shutterstock

Reliability score (out of 100): 18

This subaru ascent has a note of 4.2 on Edmunds, but the consumer researchers report that it wasvery unreliable. "The vehicle has less than 400 miles on [and it has already had its light from the engine twice", "a critique on Edmunds wrote." At first they said that it is the solenoid of oil admission , then the engine light is again and they can not understand what is the problem with the vehicle. "

Another said that "even with little or no wind, the vehicle tends to wander. Cagou shakes in the wind and at the vehicle meeting, (provided it supposed to be summarized by dealer)." They added: "The engine is noisy and not reactive and does not hesitate during the output. Camera closed seven times in a 60-mile journey in a soft rain, which closes the control of the cruise and brewed the vehicle. ... my advice, drive another miles before buying one so as not to make the mistake we made. "

Chevrolet Silverado 1500

a red Chevrolet Silverado 1500
Jonathan Weiss / Shutterstock

Reliability score (out of 100): 13

While the Chevrolet Silverado 1500 has received praises on Edmunds for the quality of its size, reliability is always a big problem. Some of the reasons for his3.5 Note are problems with the engine, the A / C and the quality of the manufacture, according to the drivers.

"Lifter broke 14,200 miles on the interstate while my wife was driving with 3 grandchildren in the back seat," wrote an owner on Edmunds. "The truck fundamentally closed warning lights everywhere. My previous goats were bubbles - it's in the store with the ripped engine."

There was also a recurring complaint on the engine making a striking sound that drives the car to break down. "Ask a new 2021 Silverado and engine started with a ticking sound, then I went to a striking sound, then each light on the dashboard arrived", writes a driver.

Another suggested GM recalls the car, adding: "It is certainly a case where the cover looks much better than what is under the cover."

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: News / Safety
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