Do not worry if this happens after your vaccine, "said CDC

These side effects are perfectly normal, it means that the vaccine works, says the CDC.

Now that there is a third vaccine available - and the distribution increases up to 2 million shots a day, you will get yours any month now. TheCDCwants you to worry about any side effects; Not only is the vaccine safe, they say, but your reacting body is a good sign. "After being vaccinated, you can have side effects, which are normal signs that your body builds protection," says the CDC. Read on the complete list of side effects of CDC they say not to worry - and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You can feel pain and swelling in the arm

A man experiencing discomfort in his upper arm

"The most common side effects are the pain and swelling of the arm where you received the shot," says the CDC.Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he felt a slight pain in his arm after got the vaccine. "After the first premium, my arm hurt me," said Dr. Fauci. "If I pressed on it, I felt that the little pain in the arm went to bed at night and I woke up the next morning. It may have been duration in the next day, but at night of the second day, It was gone. "


You can develop a fever and chills

Woman having throat ache

"About 2 o'clock in the morning Thursday morning, I woke up to find my husband shudging next to me. For hours, he got launched in bed, exhausted but unable to sleep, lactating thrills, fever and a left pain arms, "Katherine J. Wu wrote in theAtlantic. "His chatted teeth. His forehead was stained with sweat. And as I asked himself beside him, cinching cover after a blanket around his arms, I felt an immense feeling of relief. All this misery was a sign that the immune cells from his body had been torn by the second shot of a Covid-19 vaccine and were well on the point of protecting it from future disease. "Side effects are natural, note and also added that Everyone does not experiment them.


You can feel fatigue

Woman sleeping on the couch in the living room.

It was "a little different with the boost," said Dr. FaCi, "with the Boost, who was still 28 days later for me, again, I had a little pain in his arm, but Towards the evening, I started to feel a little tired. "Many people are considering taking the day after their second shot, in case they felt too slow to enter.


You can have a headache

Woman having headache migraine. Stress and depression.

A young adult Ohio had a headache, as well as other side effects, like vomiting. "Your immune system is just reviving. You are somehow reviewed by the first shot, then this second booster simply offers your Overdrive immune system, and there is certainly a higher side effect rate," Dr. Jeffrey Weinstein, the patient safety officer for the Kettering health network, saidWhio-TV. "These side effects are quite short. They usually last a few hours," said Dr. Weinstein. "They are much less than symptoms to be really sick with Covid."

RELATED: Dr. Faisci just said when we would be returned to normal


What if you feel these side effects

Doctor and senior woman wearing facemasks

Do not worry too much if you encounter these side effects. "These side effects can affect your ability to do daily activities, but they should disappear in a few days," says the CDC. "In most cases, the discomfort of pain or fever is a normal sign that your body builds protection. Contact your doctor or health care provider:

  • If the redness or tenderness where you have the gun gets worse after 24 hours
  • If your side effects worry or do not seem to leave after a few days. "

And protecting your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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