This symptom could predict a 10-year stroke before it happens, the study says

Keep a good choice for this warning sign could help you reduce your risks.

For many people, the supervision of your health usually stimulates a concern for a major heart issue. But according to disease control and prevention centers (CDC), a person in the United States.has a stroke Every 40 seconds - with lots of undetected alleys. Fortunately, be aware of some risk factors can facilitate the resolution of any problem before all medical emergencies occur. And according to a new study, there is a symptom that could predict a stroke 10 years before even arriving. Read on to see what warning sign you should be on the lookout for.

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A quick mental decline can predict a cerebral accident a decade before it strikes.

A senior man sits in a wheel chair with a concerned look on his face

A recent great study of Erasmus ™ University in the Netherlands published in theJournal of Neurology Neurosurgence and Psychiatry Assembled 14,711 participants and followed them until 28 years between 1990 and 2016. At the beginning of the study and every few years later, participants have undergone a series of medico-legal interviews and physical tests that have all mounted memory, speech capabilities and response times to how they could handle daily tasks such as cleaning, personal finance management and cooking.

During the study, 1,662 of the participantshas suffered a first shot At the average age of 80 years. After associating each person with a stroke with three participants who did not do so, comparisons of forensic and physical tests showed that participants were beginning to show a decline in their mental performance up to a decade. Before the stroke accident took place.

Some advanced tasks have become more difficult from 2 to 3 years before the first race of a patient.

Portrait of senior man suffering from migraine or stroke

In addition to a 10-year period on cognitive decline, data analysis showed other potential warning signs. The results revealed that the differences began to emerge to the capacities of the participants to perform basic daily and advanced tasks two to threeyears before they suffered their stroke.

The data also found that women were also at higher risk, which represents 60% of patients who are victims of a stroke during the study data collection. In addition, those who were Carriers of the APOE gene that increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease and participants with fewer academic degrees were also deemed more likely to undergo a stroke.

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Long-term warning signs could help patients make necessary changes to prevent stroke.

A senior man stretching with a group of people in a park while exercising

The author of the study concluded thatDamage can happen to the brain Long before living a stroke. "Our results have shown that patients with strokes begin to depart from controls without treated up to 10 years before the acute event suggesting that people with a cognitive and functional decline are at risk. higher stroke and are possible candidates for prevention tests "Alis Heshmatollah, MD, a neurology residing at Erasmus ™ University and the main author of the study, wrote in the published conclusions.

"The accelerated decline in cognition and day-to-day operation before stroke suggests that people with stroke accidents undergo to accumulate years of intracerebral damage before the acute event, such as small cerebral disease of small vessels, Neurodegeneration and inflammation, "she added.

The CDC recommends that anyone risk of a stroke should handle their health carefully.

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According to the CDC, more than 795,000 people have features each year in the United States, which represents one in six cardiovascular death overall. And while age can be a risk factor, 34% of all traits have been reported in people under 65 years of age.

TOReduce your risksThe agency says that keeping an eye on your blood pressure and cholesterol, avoiding smoking and managing diabetes and obesity can help in the long run. It also recommends Maintain a healthy diet Low food in saturated fats, trans fat and cholesterol and high fiber while limiting alcohol consumption to no more than two drinks a day for men and a drink for women.

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