7 Habits at breakfast can reduce weight!

Breakfast is very powerful to reduce weight, especially if it is balanced with supporting habits. What are the good habits at breakfast to reduce weight?

Breakfast is very important for the health of our body. With breakfast, the body will get energy for our activities until noon. In addition, breakfast absences will also cause the risk of digestive disorders, affected by mag disease, to excessive blood sugar production.

But there are some people who skip breakfast for the diet program. But it was not right, because breakfast did not cause weight gain. In fact, the opposite is very effective to reduce weight, especially if it is offset by supporting habits. What are the good habits at breakfast to reduce weight? Check more information below!

1. Breakfast is lightweight, healthy, and nutritious

It looks like many Indonesian netizens who love breakfast with white rice mixed with fried noodles, plus eggs. But please note that the breakfast menu as it was not good for the body. Because besides being less nutritious, the body will also be shocked when there is a lot of food to be processed. The impact, this can increase blood sugar levels in the body and increase weight.

For the sake of health and reduce weight, you should choose a lightweight, healthy and nutritious breakfast menu. For exampleOatmeal Chocolate banana,OmeletteBy,salad Vegetables, or wheat bread with additional eggs on it. The requirement, there are 25% womb of protein, 25% carbohydrates, and 50% of fiber.

Examples of food containing protein are tofu, tempeh, eggs and fish. Then carbohydrates can be obtained from potatoes,Oatmeal, and wheat bread, while rice is not recommended because it can cause us to be hungry faster and contain a lot of glucose that is not good for blood sugar levels in the body. Finally, examples of fibrous foods are of course from green vegetables and fruits.

2. Consumption of green tea and mineral water

Tea, especially green tea is proven to be able to lose weight if consumed regularly. It happened because of the wombcatechin who can shed up evil fats on the body. The method of consumption is quite easy, brew green tea without sugar and drink 30 minutes before breakfast.

In addition, don't forget to drink mineral water before and after eating, in order to increase the number of calories burned. In addition, even though the need for fluid every person is different, the Indonesian Ministry of Health suggests drinking mineral water about 2 liters per day.

3. Vary breakfast menu

After understanding that breakfast should not be heavy and the importance of green tea and mineral water, then the next tips are varying your breakfast menu. This is important so we don't get bored and finally skip breakfast. The founder of Leah Kaufman Nutrition said, "Change the menu, even a little, so you don't get bored and stop breakfast."

For example, as changing the menu of the wheat bread to bePancake bananas, replaceOatmeal Become a cow's eye egg, or just change the complementary menu just may. But if you are still comfortable with the same breakfast menu, then you may forward it to bored. The important thing is not to skip breakfast!

4. Eat slowly

Are you used to eating quickly?Eits., you should stop the habit, because eating quickly will make weight up. In addition, it will rise to the risk of health problems such as stomach acid, metabolic syndrome, and the digestive process become slow. The solution is getting used to eating slowly. Because it is very good to keep and even lose weight if combined with the right breakfast menu. Besides that it's also good to absorb the whole nutrients well.

Maybe this one habit will be difficult if you are used to eating fast for years. Then try to focus on food in front of you, then chewe slowly 20-30 times, just then swallowed. If you are bored, you can also do it while watching movies or listening to music. But the condition must stay focused on the food!

5. Reduce sugar at breakfast

Rice eating habits at breakfast can increase blood sugar levels and trigger the emergence of diabetes. It happens because rice contains high sugar levels so it is more suitable to be a lunch menu, and not suitable for breakfast. Some other examples of food without realizing it containing high sugar isyogurt Fruits flavored packaging, packaging sauce,Salad dressing Packaging, packaging jam, ice cream, pudding, and cake based on sugar and flour.

6. Wake up early

Research from Roehampton University states that people who wake up early, are generally healthier, slimming, and happy than people who stay up late. Why, how come? Because by waking up early we will tend to have good night sleep quality, thereby reducing the tendency to overeat at breakfast. In addition, there is an extra time to do various positive activities before and after breakfast, like morning prayer, reading books, or just a relaxed breakfast. So, don't forget to set the alarm to get up early, around 6 am.

7. Don't forget to sport

After getting up early, you can also fill extra time by exercising. Because the right exercise can burn calories and fat in your body. Then when is the right time to exercise? After or before breakfast?

There are already various studies, such as the British Journal of Nutrition, which states that sports before breakfast can reduce fat in the body more than after breakfast. In addition, we will also avoid excessive appetite and will maximize the absorption of nutrition.

But if you have certain health conditions that require breakfast before sports, then it is not a problem. This method can burn calories, although not as much as the first way. But you need to pause 1 to 3 hours between breakfast and sports so as not to nauseous and stomach ache after exercise.

Thus 7 habits at breakfast which can reduce weight. Remember, you will not feel maximum results if it does not apply it consistently, disciplined, and routine. Good luck!

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