This determines whether you will have symptoms of Covid or not, a new study indicates

A recent study revealed that the verification of this could help you to know if you will be asymptomatic.

With regard to a case of COVID,The virus can manifest Many different ways - and sometimes not at all. It is predicted that40 to 50% of coronavirus cases are asymptomaticBut experts have struggled to identify why some people suffer from their illness while others never have so many coughs. A recent study revealed that there was at least one way to predict the likelihood that you were going to develop symptoms of Covid. Continue reading to learn how you may be able to determine your risk of having coronavirus symptoms, and for a symptom that could be neglected,If you have more than 65 years, you can miss this symptom of Covid..

People with more viruses in their noses are more likely to have symptoms of COVID.

Man getting COVID test

A study published on February 2ndInfectious diseases lancet concluded that the covidant patients who hadHigher viral loads-The amount of virus measured - in their nose was more likely to develop symptoms. The risk of developing symptoms has increased from 38% in a person with low 66% viral load in high viral load. So, the more the virus has hidden you in your nose, the more likely it is that you develop symptoms in the line. The study revealed that the identification of a patient's viral load could help give them a sense of how their specific case could develop. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

People with more viruses in their nose also tend to get sick earlier.

Woman touching forehead, having headache in the morning, sitting on bed
Prostock-Studio / iStock

A higher viral load was not just a predictor of the symptoms, but also the speed they start. Patients with lower viral load had a longer incubation period than those with higher viral load. Symptoms in persons with lower viral load, if they started them, started in a seven-day median. As the viral load increased, the days before the appearance of the symptoms were reduced. Those with high viral loads, symptoms begin in a six-day median and those with even higher viruses had symptoms in a five-day median. And for more your coronavirus risk,If you have this common habit, your Covid symptoms will be worse.

And patients with higher viral load are more likely to transmit the virus.

Young businesswoman coughing into elbow in the office. Her coworker is in the background.

People with more viruses are hiding in their noses are also significantly more likely to spread Covid. According to the study, people with lower viral charges have only one chance on eight to transmit the virus to a person to whom they come into contact. However, those with higher viral loads have a chance on four infecting contacts. According to researchers, the results of the study indicated "that viral load, rather than symptoms, could be the predominant engine of the transmission".

Co-author studyMichael MARKS, PhD, Associate Professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, "said Gothamist," intuitively, even if you do not know anything about virology or epidemiology, it would make sense. There is meaning. He there isa lot of viruses in my nose and throat. Therefore, there are many viruses in the air that I touch or exhale. And so that specific symptoms are aware,If you have these 4 symptoms, you could have the new strain Covid.

The results of the study could change the way to contact the trace.

Man outdoors with a mask and smartphone reading about COVID
Patrick Daxenbichler / iStock

Marks said in Gothamist that the findings of the study could change the way we aggressively pursue to contact the tracing of people with higher viral loads becauseThey are more likely to spread the virus.

VirologistNischay Mishra, PhD, Columbia University, told Gothamist that people with higher viral loads should be subject to stricter contact tracing. "We must contact everyone. But scientifically, people who wear more viruses, they have expanded [that] more," said Mishra. Your viral load can be easily determined with a quantitative PCR test, available in many COVID test sites. And for ways to stay healthy,This common medicine could save you from the gravity of COVID, a new study says.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
By: marlee
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