Never put this on your meat after barbecue bar, CDC warns

This current practice can put you and your family at risk.

From June to August,your grill See a lot of action, especially during the weekend of July 4th. If you gave weight for decades,Tilting burgers On the grill may seem a second nature now. However, you could make a bad mistake without realizing it. Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) warned potential health risks of putting this thing on your meat after the barrier. Read on to find out what practice of common cooking you must avoid.

RELATED:If you see it in a barbecue, do not eat it, the USDA says in a new warning.

Do not put liquid that touched the raw meat on your food after leaving the grill.

Man barbecuing

The cooking of raw meat comes with its risks. You may think that you have covered all the bases by thoroughly manipulating raw meat separately, but there is another component that you could forget. All juice, marinade, sauce or other liquid that touched the raw meat should never be put on your food once it's out of the barbecue. Although it may be tempting to pay the rest of your tasty home marinade on freshly grilled meat, there are health risks.

"Throw marinades and sauces that touched raw meat juice, which canspill Cooked foods, "The CDC warns". Make sure that [the meat juices] do not touch other foods, utensils and surfaces. "The agency urges people to use fresh utensils to eliminate grill foods and place on a clean plate.

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If the liquid is cooked with meat, it is prudent to consume.

Man barbecuing

The liquid that touched raw meat is safe to use, as long as you cook with meat and reaches a high enough temperature to kill bacteria. According to the science of meat, once the meat cooked,the liquid It seems to me "totally safe to consume". However, the site warns, any liquid that affected raw meat "can carry the same bacterium as a piece of raw meat, so it should be handled with care. Wash your hands after touching meat or [ Liquid], do not consume it unless it has been cooked at a suitable temperature and try to contain it carefully to avoid cross-contamination. "

Ingest the liquid that touched the raw meat puts you at the risk of food poisoning.

Woman grilling

Even a trace of raw meat or fruit juices can result in food poisoning.Stephen Sokalski, Do, leader of an infectious disease and epidemiology to the lawyer, the medical center of Christ, told theChicago Tribune that there was once a "significant hatching of Campylobacter, "a pathogen associated with raw chicken. The common denominator was a salad in a local restaurant, leaving experts initially perplexed. The Board of Health and Infectious Disease Specialists then discovered that the salad was sitting on a shelf under a container or raw chicken livers. "When people have released chicken livers, a little [juice] drops to the salad," SOKALSKI explained. He warned that "people must be Conscious of this kind of danger. "And it's important to be SOKALSKI noted an extra diligent when it's hot, noted Sokalski.

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Pay attention to cross-contamination of surfaces, utensils, plates and other foods.

Man barbecuing

The CDC also wants to remind you that you should keep raw meat and separate seafood from other foods when you manage it. And be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling raw meat. Beyond that, you can stay healthy by refreshing the meat before grilling and putting residues in the refrigerator no later than two hours after cooking.

RELATED:Never drink this during a heat wave, experts warn.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: food / News / Safety / summer
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