If you did that between the doses of Pfizer, you can be safer from the delta variant

New research shows that the recipients of Pfizer who have done it can have a higher immune response.

Everyone does not receive thesame level of protection From their shots of Covid, even those who have had the same vaccine. Studies have shown that something of your age to yourUnderlying health conditions could reduce your immune response. And withRevolutionary infections Apparently occurring more often as the variant of Delta spreads across the United States, vaccinated people become more concerned about the strength of their immune response to the vaccine. Fortunately, new research has found that some factors canIncrease your protection After vaccination, even against the delta variant. Now a new study on U.K. determined that somePfizer recipients May be more protected against the delta variant, depending on how they spaced their doses.

RELATED:If you have Pfizer, you can have this delayed side effect, a new study indicates.

The study, which was published as a pre-imprint on July 23, but has not yet been examined by peers - lookedThe immune response Among 503 U.K. Health workers who received the vaccine against Pfizer between December 9 and May 23. Researchers from various U.K universities. have tested and analyzed the responses of the antibodies and the cell T (which are used forDetermine levels of immunity) Among the workers against different variants of Covid. Then they compared the results between those who had a short interval between doses (two to five weeks) and those with a long interval (six to 14 weeks).

In the United States, the first doses were administered to all eligible persons before the second time before the second dose, which is why the duration varies so savagely. At the US, on the other hand, an interval of 21 days - or as close as possible, was the norm forAll Pfizer Recipients.

According to the study, the responses of the antibody cells and T against the Delta variant were higher among the recipients of Pfizer who were waiting longer between doses. The researchers found that delaying the second dose up to 10 weeks increases antibodies and T cells over the recommended interval of three weeks.

The "Sweet Spot" for the largest protection against the delta variant wasEight weeks between doses of Pfizer,Susanna Dunachie, PhD, a National Institute for Health Research Global Research Professor at the University of Oxford who co-directed the study, said during an information meeting of July 22, by the insider. companies.

But no matter how many weeks you have waited between doses, researchers noted that two shots of Pfizer have produced a much higher immune response than a single dose. The challenge is to wait longer so that the second dose also poses a risk because the recipient is not also protected against the virus in the weeks following his first time, before their final. For some groups of people, a wait longer between doses is even more risky.Lance turtle, PhD, one of the researchers of the study and a key clinical speaker in infectious diseases at the University of Liverpool, said immunosuppressed people, for example, should get their second dose as soon as possible.

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Although they have not responded directly to this study, the disease control and prevention centers (CDC) maintained that thesecond blow of pfizer Should be administered 21 days after the first, saying that people should get their second shot "as close as possible to the recommended interval of three weeks."

However, the agency says that if necessary, your second dose can be given up to six weeks after the first. And more recently, director CDCRochelle Walensky, MD, says that no matter the time spent, you should get the second dose if you vaccinated with one of the two mRNA vaccines,Pfizer or Moderna.

"Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are more efficient, especiallyagainst the delta variantWhen he is given as two shots in a series, "said Walensky during a Covid briefing of July 16 from the White House." We encourage people vaccinated in Appendix three or four weeks after your first dose. But if you are beyond this window, I want to reiterate: there is no bad time to get your second shot. "

RELATED: 75% of vaccinated people who get serious Covid have this in common .

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