6 unhealthy snacks to avoid when you want salt

Head of these sodium bombs and opt for their satisfactory (and always dirty) alternatives.

Although salt has a bad reputation for health, our body needs moderation - to survive. This is one of the reasons why we want salt so passionately ...evolutionually, we are designed to believe it Because it plays a vital role in many of our body functions, such as fluid and mineral balancing and control muscle movements.

But the typical American diet contains too muchsalt, if you realize it or not. According toAmerican Heart AssociationAdults should consume between 1,500 and 2,400 milligrams (mg) of salt a day, which concerns a tea spoon. But most people have about 3,400 mg or more every day!

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Another shocker:More than 70% sodium The contribution does not come from the shaker, but rather packaged and prepared foods. So, the next time you want a salty snack, let's say not to the following options and access a healthier alternative instead! And if all the rest fails, try this plan in four steps forBreak your salt habit.


Potato chips

baked potato chips

Oh, the amiable-frequency potato chip of summer barbecues, football hayons, family game nights and solo surf sessions. One of the reasons they are so tasty (in addition to thatAddictive crunch) is salt. Unfortunately, there is no gap to make healthy potato chips in good health; Even those marketed as "non-GMO" or "natural" are still high in bold and sodium.

A healthier exchange?Dehydrated carrot sticks. Front of Balk, listen: they offer all the nutrients of a carrot (likevitamin a), but always gives you that satisfying, stealthy crunch.

RELATED:Unhealthy potato chips on the planet



Yellow corn tortilla chips with a bowl of salsa on a cutting board

If you want something crispy to pick up your salsa, fuck your fried standardtortillas, which are loaded with unhealthy oils and salt.

Instead, opt for a baked and grainless version, likeThese Siete Foods Tortilla Chips, which are made with cassava (amideuse root), chia seeds and coconut flour, and contain zero sodium grams.

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Chip hollow

chips salsa

Whether salsa,ranch, Guac or, Nacho cheese, dunking chips in hollow means that you get salt on salt. Take for example,Kraft Cheez Whiz Whiz Original Cheese Dip, which is loaded with 440 mg of sodium for 2 tablespoons.

A more nutritious option?Hoummous, which is packed with macro and micro-nutrients and provides a healthy source of protein and fiber.


Microwave popcorn

movie theater popcorn

Popcorn Microwave can be a convenient clip for home cinema evenings, but it is often charged with unhealthy oils, false butter and excess salt.

Rather than giving up your loved one (which contains a large dose ofFiber and antioxidants), or go for aSetering microwave option or choose the air in the air, complaining orslightly Salty popcorn. A good option:Popcorn Boom Lawyer Chickka Pop, which contains 140 mg of sodium and zero trans gras trans fat. Or, get an overhead popper and do your own, which gives you the ultimate control on how it is seasoned.




Sorry, but on the nutritional value ladder, the pretzels rank rather low. Made mainly white flour, they are just a bland vehicle for salt delivery. In addition, if you reach a flavored pretzel, like songs of Bretzel buffalo of the Snyder buffalo, you will get a height of 380 mg of sodium in a single portion (yikes!).

Instead, opt forKale Chips-Crispy, crispy and in charge of vitamin A (which help immunity) andvitamin k (which balances blood glucose and promotes healthy bones). In addition, Kale's chips are super easy to do! See for yourself withThis simple tasty recipe.


Roasted honey walnut

Honey roasted peanuts

Nuts are packed with nutrients (such as omega-3 fatty acids, proteins and fibers) and can be a good snack, but you have to choose wisely. Head walnuts who added something. The peanuts, for example, are often covered with salt and sugar, which adds empty calories and contributes to your added sugar consumption for the day - something thatMost Americans are already very outdated. (sweet nuts contribute as many grams of added sugar, or 12% DV per serving.) Plus, roast nuts at high temperatures canzap them from some of their nutrients!

The best choice: raw almonds or dry roasted, which are the lowest-calorie nut and offer you a healthy dose of protein, fiber, vitamin E and magnesium.

If you are a suction cup for sprayed peanuts, check theseTop 20 peanut butters classified!

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