The only vegetable you should never eat raw, CDC warns

Do not cook this healthy food may well be dangerous.

There are so many delicious ways ofvegetableYou can turn them off, you can blow them up, you can grill them and you can skip the cooking process. Health experts even recommendEating raw vegetables, because they retain nutrients that may otherwise be cooked. But that does not mean that all vegetables can give up the appropriate preparation. In fact, there is a vegetable that you should never eat believed because it poses a real danger to your health, according to disease control and prevention centers (CDC). Read on to know which healthy food you must absolutely cook before eating.

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You should never eat crusted cabbages as they can be hosting bacteria.

Raw Healthy White Bean Sprouts Ready for Cooking

If you are looking for vegetables at the snack on Raw, the CDC advises you to leave germs out of the mix.Cabbages are grown of "seeds and beans in hot and humid conditions", which are also ideal reproduction conditions for bacteria, includingSalmonella,Listeria, andE. coli., According to the administration of American foods and medicines (FDA). These bacteria may be present on all products, but the administration says that cabbage growth is developed is particularly risky.

"If just a few harmful bacteria are present in or on the seed, the bacteria can reach high levels during germination, even if you grow up your own cabbages in sanitary conditions at home", the FDA warns.

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The CDC says you have to cook caulifies completely to avoid food poisoning.

Woman chef in red apron putting sunflower sprout in salad bowl.

As a result of the potential bacterium, eating germs without cooking can cause you to develop food poisoning, according to the CDC. Samedo not cook enough could lead to this adverse reaction. "Cook completely cabbages," says the agency. "Cooking kills harmful bacteria and reduces the risk of illness."

The FDA indicates that you wash sprouts under running water before eating or cooking, as it could reduce what bacteria are present. But the administration warns that the washing sprouts will not completely eliminate bacteria. Cooking is still necessary.

Some people are more threatened for a serious illness of food poisoning.

Grandmother with two granddaughters at picnic in park

While anyone can have food poisoning, children under 5, adults aged 65 and over, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems aremore likely to get sick, According to the CDC. The agency says it also has a higher risk of having a more serious illness, because the "ability of their body to combat germs and disease is not as effective for various reasons." According to the FDA, anyone who falls under these categories should avoid eating crusal or slightly cooked germs of any kind, including onion, alfalfa, clover, radish and the mungian bean.

"When you sleep, you can request that these raw shoots are not added to your food," advises the FDA. "If you buy a sandwich or salad in a restaurant or cold cuts, check that raw germs have not been added."

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If you have serious signs of sickness after eating cabbage, consult a doctor.

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YourSymptoms of food poisoning May vary depending on the type of bacteria that you have consumed. But for most light cases of food poisoning, you may experience common symptoms such as stomach ache, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fever. These can take hours or days to occur, and the CDC recommends you to drink a lot of fluids to prevent dehydration of your disease.

If you have signs of severe food poisoning, you should see a doctor immediately. According to the CDC, these symptoms include bloody diarrhea or diarrhea that lasts more than three days, a high fever of more than 102 degrees Fahrenheit, frequent vomiting that prevents you from keeping liquids, little or no urination, a mouth and A very dry throat, and a feeling of vertigo by getting up. Food poisoning can cause serious and long-term health consequences, such as chronic polyarthritis, brain and nervous damage, and renal failure by CDC.

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