21 ways your body can fail you

Here's how to defuse the most common threats to live a long healthy life.

Ok, of course, the title of this room is a little dramatic. But the most important fact on serious illness is: most difficult and threatened health problems at risk breeding after 40 years do not occur during the night - they grow slowly, as a result Choice of lifestyle, and can be notified or reversed if you know what to look for, what lifestyle changes to do and what tests to ask the doctor's office. So, read this list, but do not run for the cover: talk to your doctor about your concerns and risk factors, early and often,and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Your brain slows down

Middle age man with grey hair thinking, concerned and nervous with hand on chin

It may be the ultimate "winning some, loses some:" just after your brain reaches maturity at the end of twenty 20, its performance begins to decline. By your mid-40s, you may not feel so strong as you have been. It is at this moment that reasoning skills are starting to slow down. According to the data published in the British Medical Journal, reasoning skills deposit 3.6% of your mid-age in your 50s.

RX:HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL Says that there are simple ways to keep your brain young: getting mental stimulation, exercise regularly and keep your cholesterol and your blood pressure under control. Other factors that have been demonstrated to reduce the risk of dementia: to eat a Mediterranean diet (heavy in fruits, vegetables, vegetable proteins and good fats such as olive oil) and limit your alcohol consumption Two drinks a day. And get seven to nine hours of sleep every night - no less, no more.


You could develop shingles

Man Scratching His Hand

The shingles can be the ultimate optical bomb that comes with age. Most of us had chicken pox as children; The spots fade, but the virus remains in sleep in our body, sometimes tightening shingles - a painful skin rash on the sides of the torso or face to face in life. According toNational Institute of Health MagazineAlmost a quarter of adults will have shingles during their lives, usually after the age of 40.MAYO Clinic said that half of people over 80 will develop it.

RX: Vaccines can reduce your risks. Talk to your doctor.


You have high blood pressure but I do not know it

Nurse taking the blood pressure of elderly man

When did the last time you have had your verified blood pressure? This could be higher than you think. In 2018, the American Heart Association lowered the guidelines for sound blood pressure of 140/90 (and 150/80 for people over 65) to 130/80 for all adults. According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLThis means that 70 to 79% of men over 55 technically hypertension. Over time, this can weaken the walls of the blood vessels, increase your risk of stroke, heart attack and dementia.

RX: To reduce your risk, have your blood pressure check and regularly. Follow a healthy heart diet (includingthese foods), lose weight and stay active.


You have a high cholesterol but I do not know it

Blood Cholesterol Report Test Healthcare

As aging, the body produces more cholesterol, which can accumulate in the arteries, increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. In women, menopause causes climb and HDL LDL cholesterol ("Good"). Experts advise you to check your cholesterol every five years, but older adults may need more frequently. Your total cholesterol levels must be less than 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dl), with an LDL level of less than 100 mg / dL and an HDL level of 60 mg / dl or higher.

RX: To keep your levels in a healthy beach, eat a low diet in saturated fat and trans fat, get regular exercise and maintain an ideal weight.


Your snoring is actually sleep apnea

Tired woman snoring loudly in the bed

Did you snore? It could be more than a nuisance for those who are within the deposit. Snoring can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). During the OSA, breathing can stop for a minute, before your brain wakes you up to resume breathing; The breaks can arrive several times a night. His scary? He is. OSA has been associated with high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. It also interrupts your sleep and poor sleep quality has been associated with a shortened life.

RX: If your partner told you that you snore, talk to your doctor.


You have not been tested for chronic renal disease

man with severe backache sitting

According toCenters for Disaster Control and PreventionOnce you have reached 40, kidney filtration begins to decrease by one percent each year. But sometimes this process can accelerate without notable signs. Chronic renal disease (CKD) -en that the kidneys filter less blood waste, which push them to grow in the body - can grow and unfold relatively without symptom until your kidneys are severely damaged.

RX: Standard laboratory tests for your annual physique can detect the CKD, which will allow your doctor to slow down its progress.


Your arteries are clogged

Woman clutching heart

The little known fact: standard cardiac tests at your physique and annual ECG and, in some cases, a stress test - are not good for detecting fouled arteries until they are blocked by 70%. You could have Teste at a time and always on your way to a heart attack. Fortunately, more advanced imaging and blood tests are available, as well as genetic screening, to discover arterial problems before leading to cardiac disease.

RX: Talk to your doctor about your personal and family health background to determine if it's time at a more extended look under your hood.


Your heartbeat is irregular

ekg ecg heart test with stethoscope

An American over four years of age could develop an irregular heartbeat, otherwise called atrial fibrillation (AF or A-FIB). According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLSince A-FIB reduces the effectiveness of heart pumping - between 10 and 30%, this may result in heart failure, angina angina and a stroke.

RX: If you have an irregular heartbeat - that can be indicated by a float in your chest - Talk to your doctor, who can perform basic tests such as an ECG or refer to a cardiologist, who may prescribe medications or others Therapies. If you regularly wear an Apple watch, you may want to activate the new ECG application, which can warn you of the signs of FIB (although it is not guaranteed, and certainly does not determine if you have a heart attack) .


You are dehydrated chronic

Close-up of pretty young woman drinking water from glass

Our bodies need fluid so that their processes work smoothly. Unfortunately, as we get older, the water content of our body naturally declines. Chronic dehydration can cause symptoms such as fatigue and in more extreme cases, renal failure.

RX: To make sure you are adequately hydrated,Follow the expert guidelines: Drink 1.7 liters (or 7 cups) of water every 24 hours.


Ocular problems could be the sign of something worse

Woman in glasses rubs her eyes, suffering from tired eyes

Concerns about eye health are a natural part of aged - we know how to be monitored for conditions such as cataracts and glaucoma. But did you know that vision problems can report bigger health problems? According toAmerican Association of DiabetesPeople with diabetes are 60% more likely to develop cataracts and 40% more likely to suffer from glaucoma.

RX: If you treat with one of these eye problems, have your blood glucose test.

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You could develop osteoporosis

Bone health

According toInternational foundation for osteoporosisThis bone weakening condition affects 44 million US adults over 50 years old. And it's not just your hips and spine that are at risk: dental problems such as remote gums and teeth loss can also be caused by osteoporosis.

RX: Make sure your diet contains enough calcium and vitamin D to support bone health. Talk to your doctor about what's right for you; They could provide a reference to a nutritionist, who can help you plan the creation and satisfactory meal (good news: many insurance companies cover this). Avoid smoking or excessive alcohol - both can weaken the bones.


You are at risk of breast cancer

The risk of developing breast cancer increases as women age. At the age of 40, this risk is 3.5 times higher than 30 years.

RX: After 40 years, you should have an annual mammogram. Doing ordinary self-examinations has been a bit controversial in recent years - some researchers say they have not been proven to save lives. We say they can not hurt. At the very least, be aware of the resemblance of your breasts and alert your doctor to modifications, such as logs, skin fouling or nipple inversion.


You are at risk of ovarian cancer

Woman with hands holding her crotch

Ovarian cancer is known as a silent killer because early detection is difficult. As you get older, it is important to be vigilant of possible symptoms. According toAmerican Cancer SocietyMost ovarian cancers develop after menopause and more than half of the cases are in women over 63 years old.

RX: If you feel balloon, pelvic or abdominal pain, or if you feel full fast when you eat, consult your doctor. If you have a family history of ovarian cancer, inform yourself to your doctor. He or she could decide that larger or periodic tests are needed.


You are pre-diabetic or have type 2 diabetes

Man taking blood sample with lancet pen indoors

Although type 2 diabetes can strike at any age, your risk of developing the disease significantly increases after the age of 40. It remains unfortunate, the condition can lead to serious complications, including heart disease, vision problems, even low traffic may require amputation. It's so important a) to know if you have the condition; and (b) follow your doctor's recommendations, the drug modifications - to obtain control.

RX:TheAmerican Association of Diabetes Recommends regular diabetes screening for all adults over 45 years old.


You risk weakening and losing teeth

Asian Senior woman feeling tooth pain

It's an unfortunate fact of aging: the material starts from. And some of them can not be improved without great expense - to know the teeth. The natural effect of time and wear on the teeth can cause cracking, cavities and accumulation of plates; If you neglect steady trips to the dentist, this can lead to the recession of gum and the weakening of teeth and the loss. This, in turn, can lead to chronic pain and malnutrition.

RX: Get regular dental reports and practice good oral hygiene every day. Drink faucet water, not bottled, to expose your teeth to strengthening fluoride. And a fluoride rinsing can help strengthen your teeth and keep gums in good health once a day.


You could develop deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

joint pain

The chances you develop deep vein thrombosis or a DVT, increase as you get older (although it can grow at any age). It's when a blood clot is deeply formed in your veins and can be serious or mortal if a piece of clot is unleashed and moves to the lungs or the heart.

RX: According toMAYO Clinic, the best ways to prevent the DVT from not yet long for long periods (if you are on a long trip by plane, you have to get up from time to time), maintain a healthy weight, do not smoke and get Regular exercises, which lowers the risk of blood coagulation.

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You could develop aneurysm

sick brain - how does alcohol affect the brain

Most of us think of aneurysms as a monster event or a speech figure (as in, relaxing; do not have it). In reality, the condition is quite simple: a dangerous mountain range of a vein-in the brain, heart or arteries throughout the body, as in the abdomen - can cause serious problems if it bursts. According toNational health institutesThey are the most common between 30 and 60 years old. So, once you hit 40, you are downright in the danger zone.

RX: Keep your blood pressure in a healthy fork, take a healthy diet for the heart and manage stress.


You are a greater risk of stroke

Asian woman sitting on the sofa and having an headache

As an aneurysm, a stroke is often considered an almost mythical condition. Let's call on what it is: a brain attack, a bit like a heart attack. According toUCLA MEDICAL SCHOOLA stroke occurs when a blood vessel brings blood and oxygen to the brain becomes clogged or breaking, which potentially causes paralysis, neurological problems or death. As for heart attacks, the risk of traits increases as we get older - and the vast majority can be prevented. TheNational association said that up to 80% of the blows are preventable.

RX: Keep your blood pressure and weight in a healthy beach. If you have a high cholesterol, diabetes or facefib, make them order - all are risk factors for stroke, according to the NSA. Similarly: do not smoke and keep your alcohol consumption under two drinks a day.


You may think that you are not at risk of sexually transmitted infections

Doctor writing on clipboard

In life later, many people find themselves singles and face a scene of dating radically different from the one we could have been last time. (And we do not just want to remember the distinction between straight slip and the left.) It is important to remember that sexually transmitted infections are not just for young people. In fact, according to the CDC, among the CDCs, among the ages 55 and over, the cases of Chlamydia have almost doubled and the cases of gonorrheaes have almost tripled between 2013 and 2017. And they do not always make yourself apparent: Chlamydia and gonorrhea can be transmitted relatively without symptom. But can lead to complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women.

RX:This can be embarrassing, but talking to your doctor about your sexual health, safer sex practices and if you should be examined regularly for STI. (Spoiler alert: If you are sexually active, you should).


You are at an increased risk for colon cancer

Probe colonoscope. Doctor gastroenterologist with probe to perform gastroscopy and colonoscopy

The main risk factor for colon cancer: be 50 years old. And the disease begins to introduce more often among the youngest: theAmerican Cancer Society has just lowered its recommended age for a first colonoscopy of 50 to 45 for people at average risk; The data show that it saves lives.

RX: Get this first colonoscopy, if you have not already done so. And follow the guidelines for repeated procedures: it is currently recommended to repeat the test every 10 years. But that could change. And there are many options for screening, including a saddle test annually, or a less examination called a flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years. Talk to your doctor about your family history, any digestive symptom and what's right for you.


You have acid reflux

Asian woman having or symptomatic reflux acids,Gastroesophageal reflux disease,Drinking water

Stomach burns, or acid reflux, is more than a nuisance that can prevent you from enjoying italian food and coffee or eating well. Over time, the backup of the acid of the stomach in the esophagus can damage the sensitive lining of the pipe, leading to a precancerous disease called barrettal cancer, and in some cases, an esophagus cancer, a form of the disease with a particularly low healing rate.

RX:If you have regular stomach burns, do not only suffer in silence or pop antacids. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms; He or she could recommend a prescription and / or tests. The damage caused to the esophagus can be prevented or cured if taken over time. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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