Why you should participate in the drug resume the day

This Saturday, have your medications and steam devices - the right way.

If you could prevent drug addiction or overdose of drugs, in the time it takes to run a quick race, is not it? Now you can.

This Saturday, October 26 from 10h to 14h is theDrug Application AgencyNational prescription Resume the day,One day devoted to the safe disposal of prescription drugs, hoping to prevent drug abuse. If you have bottles of unused pills floating around your home, consider taking part in this potentially wild event.

Why is it important

Most prescription drugs are generally safe to takePrescribedwhen they are prescribed toyou. Unfortunately, many people abuse drugs that are not only prescribed, but to others.

According to2018 National Survey on Drug Use and HealthNearly ten million Americans misused controlled controlled drugs. Among these, a majority of maltreated prescription drugs were not prescribed to the individual, but obtained from family and friends - often taken directly from the home cabinet. It is incredibly worrying, considering that we are in the midst of one of the most frightening drug epidemics that this country has ever been observed. TheCDCReports that in 2017, more than 70,000 people died due to overdose drugs, the majority of them - nearly 68% - due to opioids.

It is also preventable. Think about how many lives could be saved every year if people simply get rid of any prescription drug in their drug cabinet, they no longer need. That's exactly why the DEA started the national day of prescription drugs.

Why you should participate

Suppose you had prescription drugs at the back of your drug cabinet or under the sink, or in an old briefcase. You will feel awful if someone you liked took them, became dependent or overdose. Maybe you have young children living at home or those who visit occasionally. The kids are curious and it can be too easy for a child to eat a bottle of pills like sweets. By eliminating unnecessary drugs, you can save a life, a simple and simple nature.

So why not just throw your tablets in the drain, rinse the toilets, or throw them to the trash? According to the Environmental Protection Agency, most water treatment facilities can not filter drugs. And, pay them in the drain can be dangerous for the environment, because drugs can enter Community drinking water supplies. All drugs collected to regain day will be stored and transported to a safe place for destruction, where they are probably incinerated.

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What you can bring

All prescription drugs are welcome. You do not even need to indicate the identifier and not harm your name on the bottles or empty the pills in a plastic bag if you prefer. This year, the DEA will also accept steam devices and cartridges. (You will want to bring you after reading the25 things that steam does your body.)

Where to find the locations

Google has aInteractive card really coolwhere you can easily locate a medicine elimination center near you. In addition, you can use Google Maps to locate collection centers every day of the year with the search term "medical elimination near me". Or use the locator of the DEA collection on the righthere. We have found eight practical locations within five miles of our location.

Is the national drug withdrawn the effective day?

Yes! On the last day of national recovery in April 2019, 937,443 pounds (468.72 tonnes) were collected. Although there are no way to calculate the number of lived lives, if it was responsible for preventing a single overdose from occurring, it works.

But again, it is not necessary for the drug to resume the day to safely eliminate additional prescription drugs around your home. For more information on how to properly have unused medications, click here . And live your happiest and healthiest life, do not miss these 70 things you should never do for your health .

Categories: Health
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