"Recipes" reduce acne due to regular masks!

In the context of Covid-19 epidemic, wearing a mask becomes more necessary, even if people are working at public spaces in the house. However, wearing masks all day will make your skin be confused, even causing acne.

Wearing a mask has become one of the habits of people when going to the road to protect the respiratory tract due to dust and transport emissions. In the context of Covid-19 epidemic, wearing a mask becomes more necessary, even if people are working at public spaces in the house. However, wearing masks all day will make your skin be confused, even causing acne. Let's explore the "Recipes" of acne reducing due to regular masks!

Portrait Of A Traveler Young Asian Woman Wear A Dress Yukata and Wearing Surgical Mask To Protect From Coronavirus (Covid-19). Concept Tourists Travel in Asia After the Coronavirus Epidemic.

Limit makeup when wearing masks

If you have a makeup habit, you should only make makeup gently when wearing a mask. Frequently wearing masks will cause your facial area in a hot humid environment, causing my skin to be obstructed. Therefore, if the skin is suffering from a heavy layer of makeup, the pores are becoming more serious. To help the skin be "rest" when you have to wear a regular mask, you should only make-up a thin layer of slight or just apply a layer of light cream and gentle sun protection on the skin. The special skin cream needed by this cream will contribute to protecting your skin due to friction between the skin and the mask and helps skin stronger.

Choose suitable cosmetics

Wearing a regular mask will cause facial skin to increase sebum secretion. Therefore, when choosing cosmetics, you should choose alkaline oils. Besides, if you are the first route medical staff, people do in receptionists of buildings, hospitals, v.V. Must often wear masks, facial faces will often be more vulnerable and sensitive than usual by the frequency of using high masks. Therefore, when choosing skin care products, you should avoid products of AHA, BHA, retinoid products because they are peeling, which can make the skin more vulnerable. If you use these products, you should only use in the evening, and at the same time in combination with the right moisturizer during the day to protect your facial skin.

Select and wear true masks

Masks will also affect your face health. You should choose the masks that fit the new face, close and cover the entire nose, chin. With fisted masks, you will minimize the likelihood of skin damage due to avoiding the friction between the hardware of the pincer with the face of the face in case the mask is too tight. The too wide mask also causes you to regularly adjust the mask, adding friction between skin and masks. Moreover, too wide masks also reduce the effectiveness of protecting you from viruses, bacteria and dirt.

Besides, if your face is sensitive, you should choose a mask with a soft liner inside. With oil or acne skin, the mask with cotton fabric lining will suit you. You need to note that masks from synthetic fabrics such as polyester, nylon can cause skin to heat, irritating and producing more acne. You should also choose a mild and soft ear strap.

Note when wearing a mask

When wearing a mask, you should minimize handing on the surface of the mask because this may increase the risk of viral infection that can be available on the mask surface when you come into contact with others. Furthermore, the use of hand touches on the surface makes the dirt on the hand cling to the mask and facial skin, causing the skin to be infected and acne.

Besides, you should also pay attention to regular masks. If you use a medical mask, only take it once. With fabric masks, clean it every day to avoid bacteria, dirt on the mask cling to the skin when reused. Each time to remove the mask to eat and drink, note the mask in a clean place. If you have 90 degrees alcohol, you can spray on the mask surface when removing the mask and then reused during the day.

When you go home, you need to clean up your face with cleanser to remove all bacteria, sweat and oil on your face and moisturize your skin and don't forget to add more vegetables and fruits to the daily menu to Enhance your skin health!

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