How to get the best absolute of your genes
Rewrite your destiny with these advanced techniques.

While our DNA can be influenced to determine many aspects of our lives, such as the color of our hair, the type of body, intelligence, even what types of foods we love-la-genetics do not completely control completely Our destiny, no matter what Dark Vader would you believe?
"Your genes guide you and guide your development. They allow you to be larger than short or more likely to be sports, smarter or better in mathematics, et cetera. But they are not everything",Puya Yazdi, MD, head of chief sciences of selfDecode, a genome analysis company, explains to eating this, not that! Health. "Your environment, what you do, is also important."
In fact, there is a complete science devoted to epigenetic-How environmental factors can actually change our genes. In theory, the more we know our genetics, we can really modify our behaviors as well as our environment in order to maximize their potential. Think of it like this: your genes could make you more likely to be an excellent basketball player. However, if you are sitting on your buttocks, eat nothing but McDonald's and playing video games, you will never be than LeBron James.
Read it to discover 13 ways to be able to use your genes to be happier and healthier.
1 You can use them to make better decisions about your health
You can use them to make better decisions about your health

With current resources, such as DNA tests at home, it is easier than ever to use your genetics to maximize your health, explains Dr. Yazdi. For example, the BRCA genes can be tested can tell a woman if it is at increased risk of breast cancer. If it is, it can help it pursue more aggressive screening to improve its health - and possibly save one's life. "Based on your genetics, we can tell people if they had to avoid some medications," he adds. "So we can use our genetics to make better informed health decisions to maximize our lives." See how a man did just and how you can also - with this revealing story:I did a DNA test and here's what I learned.
2 You can use them to predict the probability of chronic diseases
You can use them to predict the probability of chronic diseases

Since genetics can effectively predict your probability of developing certain health conditions - precisely those that are preventable - you can take action in advance to protect you. "So, a person who is at high risk for diabetes" - a cardiovascular disease "- can maximize its own genes by regulating and exercising and eating the right to prevent it," said Mr. Yazdi .
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3 You can find out if you have genetic variants
You can find out if you have genetic variants

"There is a health test area that can provide serious health benefits, and it's the genetic disease and screening", "says Tim Barclay, the main publisher of the Health Test Web site of the "Essentially, we know fairly precisely that specific genes are associated with certain deadly diseases, such as:
- breast cancer
- Early Alzheimer's disease
- Celiac disease
- Macular degeneration,
- Parkinson's disease."
Barclay is not just a fan of genetic tests - he has a doctorate. In genetics and worked for the health health test company, 23andy, as the main scientist of the Health Genetics Division. It continues: "Carrier screening is a type of genetic test that can tell you if you wear genetic variants associated with certain genetic disorders. Most of the time, these variants will not affect you directly, but you can pass them on to your Children. Examples of illnesses that can be transmitted in this way include:
- cystic fibrosis
- falciform anemia
- hereditary hearing loss. "
4 Your DNA could help your doctor
Your DNA could help your doctor

"Overall, DNA tests should be in the hand of primary care physicians," says Craig Calderone, which is founder ofDNA ID - A patient-centered research platform focused on genomic data. "There is a movement towards precision medicine for the individual rather than the medicine produced by the mass. Have access to DNA test results could help the decision to prescribe a certain drug or not according to the Interaction known with certain genes in the body. "
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6 You can use them to predict your career path
You can use them to predict your career path

Your genetics can determine your strengths and weaknesses in terms of intelligence, explains Dr. Yazdi, and you could choose your career accordingly. Although technology is not yet there, it can be done in a "gross and inaccurate" way. "We can say pretty much to someone if they are more likely to be creative or more likely to be good in mathematics just based on their genetics," he says. "So, in theory, you will end up putting a better mathematician than a painter based on your genes if you apply maximum for both."
7 You can use them to target weaknesses
You can use them to target weaknesses

If your genetics makes you better mathematics than drawing, you can use it as motivation to work harder in drawing than mathematics. "You are not a slave to your genetics," says Dr. Yazdi. "That's how you use this information that counts."
8 You can use them to change your lifestyle
You can use them to change your lifestyle

If you are aware of potential health complications, you can use your genetics to help make significant life choices, such as living. "If your genetics makes you more likely to develop asthma or you have breathable or more likely problems that you have an increased inflammatory response to the things you can use this information to decide where to live," says Dr. Yazdi. In addition, this can help you choose supplements, a good diet, and what kind of pets to have.
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9 They can inform your diet
They can inform your diet

Speaking of diets, you can use your genetics to optimize your food and drink choices. "You can beat your own genetics in the way of fashion," says Dr. Yazdi. For example, if you are more inclined to be sensitive to carbohydrates perhaps a low carbohydrate diet would be better for you. If you are more sensitive to resistance training, it may be the best exercise plan. "In a way, we can use our own genetics to guide us to make us the best version of ourselves!" he explains.
10 Soon, our genetics could be able to have a powerful impact on our mental health
Soon, our genetics could be able to have a powerful impact on our mental health

According to Dr. Yazdi, very quickly, we will also be able to use our genetics to customize therapy, choose more efficient medications and identify things to avoid. "In a way, knowing that our genetics can give us information that can guide our best health decisions," said Yazdi.
11 In the future, we could even be able to use our genetics to "correct our DNA"
In the future, we could even be able to use our genetics to "correct our DNA"

Dr. Yazi explains that the study of genetics can soon help us live a longer and healthier life. "The part of this will simply decide the optimal plan strategies to take, the exact foods to eat, the exact amounts of vitamins that you will take, but in the future, our own children will be able to change their DNA to prevent Diseases and even improve their health, "he explains.
12 We will even be able to change our DNA
We will even be able to change our DNA

Dr. Yazi reveals that it is very likely that sometimes in the non-so far from the future, we will be able to completely alter our genetics. "If some genes make you better in mathematics, why not just change the DNA to make everyone better in mathematics, or do all the world be more athletic?" he says. "The field of science fiction will become a reality so that our grandchildren will not be our own children."
13 More importantly, genes can remind us that the choices we make,
More importantly, genes can remind us that the choices we make,

Dr. Yazi emphasizes the importance of using our genetics to remind us how similar we are like a kind and how what we do with our lives imported as much as what we are arising. "No matter what our DNA says about our probability of being smarter or stronger, without passion and dedication, we can not reach or maximize our potential," he says. In addition, no matter what our DNA says to make us unique, the vast majority of our DNA is very similar to the DNA of others. "What genetics really tells us that we are unique and born with different capacities, but we are always a species and all concerned and always have the choice to decide what we want to do and know who we want to be", he continues. "It's the biggest thing about knowing our genetics. Awareness that we are not prisoner and the realization that, as unique as that, we are more similar than we think it!" And further increase your chances of living longer, do not miss this essential list of70 things you should never do for your health.

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