Thick thighs can actually save lives, a new study shows

The researchers have discovered that more leg of the leg can be good for your blood pressure.

Excess body weight is generally considered a negative from the health point of view. After all,Obesity is the fifth risk of global death, the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) said. However, a little extra weight in some places might not be a bad thing for your physical well-being. According to a new study from Rutgers, the intervention of North American disease,people with more leg grease are less likely to have high blood pressure.

The study, which was presented at the American Heart Association's scientific sessions of the American Heart Association Association, at 10 September, examinedThree types of arterial hypertension In nearly 6,000 adults. The researchers sought a diastolic high blood pressure, when the lower number on a reading of blood pressure is high; systolic arterial hypertension, when the upper number of reading is high; or combined, when the two digits are high.

Then using special X-ray analyzes to measure adipose tissues in the legs of the participants, the researchers found thatPeople with higher percentages of the leg fat were less than 61% less likely to have combined high blood pressure with lower legs of the leg.

Participants with more leg fat were also less likely to have diastolic high blood pressure or systolic arterial hypertension, but to lower percentages - 53% and 39%, respectively.

"Although we know with confidence that the fat around your size is prejudicial to health, the same can not be called for the grease of the leg"AAYUSH VISARIA, MPH, senior investigator for the study, said in a statement. "If you have big around your legs, it's probably not a bad thing andcan even protect you from hypertension, according to our conclusions. "

Closeup shot of an unrecognizable pharmacist taking a patient's blood pressure in a chemist

According to Heathline,normal arterial pressure is less than 120 systolic and 80 diastolic. But once you have reached 130 systolic and 81 diastolic, you enter hypertension Step 1. And if your blood pressure is greater than 180 systolic and 120 diastolic, you are classified as a hypertensive crisis.

High uncontrolled high pressurecan result in a myriad of health problems, including a heart attack, a stroke, heart failure, renal disease or failure, loss of vision, sexual dysfunction, angina angina and peripheral artery disease, according to the American Heart Association .

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All participants in the Rutgers study were less than 60 years old. Researchers only know only if the results applied to the elderly, who are generally at agreater risk of high blood pressure. But even after being adjusted for other factors that may affect results, such as sex, race and belonging, education, smoking, alcohol consumption, cholesterol levels and size of the The size of the researchers have found that the risk of high blood pressure was even lower in those with more leg fat.

"If these results are confirmed by larger, more robust studies and in studies using easily accessible measurement methods such as the circumference of the thigh, it is possible to affect patient care," Visaria said. And if you are concerned about the current pandemic, checkThese are the 4 places that people went before receiving Covid, the study says.

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