Breakthroughs at breakdowns, here are the news you can use.
The last year was like a whirlwind - and in the current 24-hour press cycle, it can be very difficult to focus on what is important (and ignore what it is only media threshing). Medical breakthroughs to large epidemics, many took place in 2019 that could affect your health. Here are the top ten health titles of the year.
The steam epidemic
The largest health history of the year is steam, without a doubt. The number of diseases related to steam across the country has reached epidemic levels: theCDC reported2,172 cases of pulmonary injury due to steam and 42 deaths in 24 states. Emergency rooms find a peak in the number of patients arriving at air puff and cough, with high fevers and gastrointestinal distress. Most are men aged 20 and 30 and others are left with irreversible pulmonary damage. A patient - a 17-year-old Michigan healthy boy - had so many scars on his lungs that he needed new to survive.
The CDC made a breakthrough in November, claiming that they had discovered vitamin E acetate in pulmonary liquid samples of all patients subjected to testing. Synthetic oil is used as a cutting agent in the vaping products containing THC, but it is probably not the only patient causes that use nicotine and cannabis vapors reported pulmonary injuries. Meanwhile, federal restrictions designed to reduce teenage vapors remain a political football, which will ensure that this issue will make the titles for the coming year.
Which calls the vaccine hesitant a global health threat top
Hesitation of vaccines - the refusal or reluctance to become vaccinated - has been appointed ten threats to global health by theWorld Health OrganizationIn 2019. Despite the fact that vaccines are readily available and known to be very effective in avoiding diseases (currently prevents 2-3 million deaths each year) people choose not to vaccinate for various reasons. The hesitation of vaccines is involved in the 30% increase in global measles. This is not the only reason for resurgence, but some countries close to the eradication of the disease are now reviewing.
Measles was considered a thing of the past - until the beginning of 2019. The United States had a registration number ofmeasles caseThis year, with 1,261 cases reported to date. It is compared to only 86 patients diagnosed three years ago. Measles is an extremely contagious respiratory disease, which spreads in the air in infected droplets when a patient cough or sneezing. The measles begins with high fevers, a cough and red eyes, then becomes a rash that spreads all over the body. This can cause serious complications, including encephalitis, pneumonia and death.
According to the CDC, it is so contagious that 9 out of 10 people coming into contact with the virus will be infected if they are not protected. The majority of those who caught measles were not vaccinated. The best way to protect yourself and your children is a combined vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR). It has been proven very safe and efficient and does not cause autism, despite the protests of the movement "hesitation of vaccines".
Nightingale project
Google knows many things about you, maybe more than you realize. At the end of 2019, theThe Wall Street newspaperReported that Google was engaged in one of the main health care systems of the nation, the ascent, on a project to make medical to more intelligent. Google had secretly harvested dozens of millions of medical records - names of patients, laboratory results, diagnostics, hospital recordings, more than 2,600 hospitals as part of an automatic learning project code -Name "Nightingale".
Neither the affected patients nor the ascension doctors were only informed their data were being shared. The Ministry of Health and Social Services is studying the legality of the partnership. Under Hipaa, the patch of regulations that protects the data from the "Nightingale" patients seems to be legal, but it has been signed in decades of law before Google can accurately predict if you were pregnant according to your search habits. The benefits of this decision could be extended to the digital age.
A new breast cancer vaccine
Is it possible that you can be vaccinated against breast cancer? Yes, according to researchers of theMAYO clinic.In March, they reported that a cancer vaccine could be on the market within eight years - and this can not only stop the recurrence of ovarian and breast cancers, but do not prevent them first place. The vaccine operates by stimulating the body's immune system to kill cancer cells. The Mayo Clinic's vaccine focuses on the Her2 protein, which occurs naturally in the body, but breast cancer cells make too much. The researchers hope that the vaccine will form the immune system to see the overabundance of these proteins as foreign and kill them. The search is always in the early stages of this vaccine, so do not go to the doctor's office yet. The first step would be to test it in high-risk patients who had already had cancer with the hope of preventing recurrence, then it would start in clinical trials.
Fury on marijuana is heated. To date, 33 states and the District of Columbia have adopted laws that largely legalize marijuana in a form. Dispensaries and special smoke stores will open their doors to Illinois later after the state voted to legalize leisure jar. Other states allow more limited use of medical marijuana in certain circumstances. The supporters of legalized marijuana point to health benefits such as pain management and control of the seizure and the ability of States to collect marijuana sales taxes from regulated dispensaries. And, the regulation of the production of cannabis products could make them safer pulmonary injury in the steam epidemic has been linked to THC vaps.
New treatment for cystic fibrosis
A new hope for people with cystic fibrosis - In October, the FDA approved a new treatment that could prove extremely effective therapy for 90% of patients. Cystic fibrosis is a rare disease that damages the lungs and digestive system. The body produces a thick mucus that obstructs the lungs and makes it difficult to breathe. The condition has no healing, but the new trikafta combined drug targets the transmembrane conductance conductance gene gene (CFTR) present in an estimate of 9 out of 10 patients.
The opioid epidemic
Deaths of overdose of drugs continue to increase to the US.S. according toCDC.Ordinance opioids are often the first step in the path to dependence - and between 1999-2017, nearly 400,000 people died of an opioid overdose, making it a cause of accidental death. Opioids are usually prescribed as analgesics and they are very addictive. These medications bind to the brain areas that control emotions and pain, increasing the levels of dopamine to produce feelings of euphoria. As the brain grows accustomed to these feelings, it takes more and more drugs to create the same level of relief and happiness of pain, leading to dependence.
When prescription drugs become too difficult to get, people are turning to heroin as a cheaper alternative. And in 2019, states began to take Pharma at trial. In a historic decision, aOklahoma judge ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $ 465 millionFor his role in the devastating opioid crisis of the state, the indication of the company is responsible for the too aggressive and misleading marketing that led to thousands of outsted deaths.
Breast implants and risk of cancer
The administration of food and drugs has identified a possible link between breast implants and large anaplastic cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), a rare cancer of the immune system. Common symptoms include swelling, pain, sough in chest or armpit, rash or breast hardening. In July 2019, theFDA requested a reminder of textured breast implants from Allergan Biocell.
Women with breast implants whose textured surfaces are more likely to develop this cancer. The FDA analyzed 573 cases reported by cancer, including 33 deaths, and found that 471 patients had Allergan breast implants at the time of their diagnosis. That being said, the FDA stopped as long as they recommend that their breast implants have been removed because this procedure may also have serious complications. The agency says that all patients with implants should closely monitor changes in appearance and feel around their breasts and talk with a health professional with concerns.
Spiking mental health disorders in children
The number of children and adolescents with at least one treated mental health disorder is on the rise, according to a 2019 study published inJama Pediatrics. But the most troubling thing is half of these children did not have the treatment they needed a mental health professional. The researchers emphasized the lack of medical access to reluctance and parental reluctance in searching for mental health treatment. In Michigan, for example, half of the counties of the state have no psychiatrists of children.
At the same time, mental health professionals report more children who live trauma of adult addiction exposure, grow in poverty, domestic violence and other issues. Another study has seen a sharp increase in the number of children arriving due to mental health crises - an increase of 28% over five years. Only 16% of these children reported seeing a mental health professional before going to the emergency room. It's time to stop the stigmatization of mental health. You will go to the doctor for a broken bone, right? Go to the doctor to help mental disorders too. And live your happiest and healthiest life, do not miss these30 health errors that you do not know you do.