Abandoned biscuits that you will never see again

They were clips of the lunch box in the day.

Some classic English snacks, like Oreos or Ahoy Chips!cookies, will probably always always be on store shelves. But others, like giggles cookies or Keebler Magic Middle are lost in the vaults of time. If you are eager for treating the lunch box of you, you are not alone! Nostalgia can hit hard and there is something comforting to return toChildhood snacks.

We have rounded some of the bestAbandoned biscuits back in the day. These had a lot of dedicated fans, but they will not always come back to shops at any time soon.

And for more, do not miss these15 classical American desserts that deserve a return.


Gigues cookies

box of giggles cookies from 1980s commercial
Nabisco / YouTube

These cookies,Popular in the 1980s, were somehow like Vanilla Oréos, but they had smiling faces and had both boys of vanilla and chocolate. The faces were a little scary, but not scary enough to prevent them from being a clip of the lunch box.

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Pepperidge farmStars wars Cookies

pepperidge farm star wars cookies
Pepperidge Farm / YouTube

With vanilla flavors, chocolate and even peanut butter aromas,Stars wars Cookies were similar to Teddy Grahams, although they were preparing for several years. They are no longer there, but there is no shortage of goods for Star Wars fans, even including aInstant Pot Collection.

RELATED: Your ultimate survival guide and supermarket is here!


Keebler Magic Middle

keebler magic middles
Courtesy of Keebler

These cookies at the ironing paste were stuffed with Fudge or peanut butter fillings. There have been a lot of petitions to bring them back, but none has succeeded.


Baking lunches' n icing

lunchables cookies and frosting

These days, lendouurs make playoff cookies and icing, similar to Dunkaroos. But the "children of the 90s will remember cookie glace bags, which came with sugar cookies and blue icing or oreo cookies and vanilla icing. There were even love and brownie flavors, but blue icing was the most coveted of all.


Crunch of the moonnette

stack of moon pies mini chocolate cookie cakes
Natali Ploskaya / Shutterstock

You may not think about the traditional moon pies as cookies, but hear us!Crunch of the moonnette had crisp cookies, rather than baked cooked with the original tart of the moon.


Apple Newtons

fig newtons on serving board

Frames Newtons always enter several flavors, but Apple is not one of them.


Oreo Big Stuf

oreo big stuf
Nabisco / YouTube

Oreos seem to make their way ininnumerable dessert recipesBut even the chocolate sandwich cookie brand is not immune to cancellations. L'Orée Mega-size Big Stuf Cookie is no longer on shelves, even if you can still get oversized Oreo cookies in products like Klondike Oreo Ice Cream's sandwich.

For more, check these108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.

Categories: Groceries
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