27 ways we all have a lot less healthy during the years 2010

It's not too late to turn away from these bad habits in 2020.

Go great lengths to look and feel better is as old as time; Do not forget that even the caves were on the paleo diet (ha, ha). But over the last ten years, there have been a lot of strange trends and many of them have done much more food, fashionable fodes fail, eat this, not that! Health takes a look at the science behind all that.


Natural water

Natural water in a glass

The movement of natural foods went a little too far with this one. Some people believed that the consumption of "raw water", sold in pitchets of $ 16 plus a $ 22 deposit, was a way to be without toxin and one with the Earth. The problem? Drinking unfiltered and impure water is a great way to get an intestine filled with parasites, bacteria and viruses. TheWorld Health OrganizationNote that "contaminated water is estimated at the cause of 458,000 diarrheal deaths each year".

RELATED: 30 ways that tap water could ruin your health


Jade eggs

woman holds jade egg

Ok, there is not just a good way to say this: please, do not put a jade egg out there. " The Life Company of Gwyneth Paltrow, Goop, has delighted the qualities of their jade eggs and rose quartz, saying they have the power to detox you-know-how. By putting a jade egg out there for hours at a time, you could assume balance your menstrual cycle, "Intensify female energy" and clean your white regions. Jade eggs are exhausted. But in 2017,Goop was ordered to pay $ 145,000 of civilian sanctionsand offer refunds to settle action in California due to the lack of "competent and reliable scientific evidence".



Happy male friends cheering and watching sports on tv

Anyone who watched the 2010 World Cup remembers Vuvuzelas - these annoying plastics horns that have created a bite of football and a constant buzze throughout the football. The horns were not only irritating, even if they are downright dangerous. The Royal National Institute of Deaf people has warned fans of the risk of temporary tinnitus and permanent hearing damage for people close to blowing horns. The tests performed on Vuvuzelas discovered that they issued 127 decibels - stronger than a horn.


Super skinny jeans

woman in jeans and a denim shirt

Blow in these skintight jeans came with consequences for the health of some fashionistas.MERALGIA PASESTHETICAis a burning sensation or a pain felt outside the thigh and is normally caused by compression of lateral femoral skin nerve. The wearing of jeans or super tight leggings can cause this pressure on the nerve, which causes a tingling, numbness, pain and sensitivity.


KFC Cheetos Sandwich

Adam Bible / Eat this, do not you!

Just when you thought that the fried chicken could not have missed in 2019, KFC unveiled the "Cheetos Chicken Sandwich". The sandwich included an extra-crisp fillet perched at the top of a bunch of Cheetos and Mayo, watered in a cheetos-based sauce and lying in a bun. At 560 calories, it's about the same as that of a McDonald Big Mac.

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Canned oxygen

oxygen booster

You have heard that. Celebrities and health AFICIONADOS argue that inhalation of canned oxygen is a way to relieve stress, increase energy and even recovering hangover. Some of these products claim to give you up to 95% pure oxygen, in fact, they do not give about 35%. It's even more oxygen than you are naturally, but healthy people simply do not need a lot. Once you have loaded your red blood cells with oxygen, they can not hold - it's a bit like trying to squeeze 12 people in a small car. And as some of the oxygen products are scented, you inhale chemicals that could be a problem for your lungs.


Tonic Belts AB

Athletic folded man uses an electric belt simulator for training a press

Perfect for people who want a machine to work for them. The ABS tonic belt is a device that promises a complete abdominal workout using "stimulation of the electric muscle" which zaps your muscles in shape. Although the belt can make your muscles stronger, it will not get rid of this layer of grease on your six pack. So you will not lose weight or grease to see these strong muscles. If you want to be toned, you will have to remove some books.


Colonic hydrotherapy

Woman at colon therapy with alternative practitioner lying on bench in practice

If you had a colonoscopy, you know that everything on the cleaning of the colon, which uses water to hunt your bowels. But the colonics take it to a new level as an alternative to traditional medicine. The idea is that the toxins of your gastrointestinal system are "rinsed" of your body, which makes you feel more energetic and lose weight. Cleaning the colon consists of rinsing up to 16 gallons of water through the colon with a tube inserted in the rectum. Sometimes the water is mixed with herbs or coffee. The problem is that there is no real science behind the claims and that risk researchers are linked to several deaths toCoffee savour.



Female shopper checking food labelling in supermarket

Low foods in fat and boldless have taken shelves with agents with converts, they are better for your health. We all swollen from biasless cookies, stringed cheeses and candy without care in the world (hey, it's good?). But to get the fat without sacrificing the flavor, the brands have added sugar and other unhealthy ingredients to their processed foods. A great study published inJamafound that a low fat diet did not reduce the risk of stroke or coronary disease in menopausal women.


Tonifying shoes

shoes display skechers on the shelf

These shoes claim to help tone your buttocks and strengthen your calves. The curved shape of the sole supposedly rendered the wearer burns more calories and exercise more effort, which led to improving posture and weight loss. But in 2013, theFederal Commerce CommissionProcedured for justice against Skechers claiming the claims were false. And a study conducted by researchers from the University of Wisconsin La-Crosse found no significant differences in calories burned or in muscle use in Skechers Shape-UPS, reinspire Easytone Reebok and MBT shoes.


The master cleaning

Juice cleanse plastic bottles

Originally created in the 1940s, this 10-day cleaning has a restart over the last decade with influencers of celebrities. The idea is to eat nothing but a mixture of water, maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper for ten days. This, and some cups of salt water in the morning and a laxative tea at night. Requirement? You will lose a lot of weight and detoxify your digestive tract. But experts say it's nothing more than a deprivation regime that can weaken the ability of your body to combat infections. And because you have come to starve, you will gain the weight again when you start eating normally.


Electronic cigarettes

girl in casual clothes smoking an electronic cigarette

Have a sure way to stop smoking, these battery devices offer a nicotine vaporized in seductive flavors (such as Bubblegum, Pina Colada and Coffee). People thought that because there is no hot tobacco, steam must be sure. But there is no evidence that smokers who have tried electronic cigarettes have quit smoking at higher rates, according to aJamaStudy, reporting that "among US participants, electronic cigarette users were less likely to stop smoking at 7 months than non-users". And in 2019 theCDCReported an epidemic of pulmonary injuries due to electronic cigarettes: 2,172 cases of pulmonary injury and 42 deaths nationwide.


Social media

Upset girl with a phone

Teenagers who spend too much time on social media are more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety and social withdrawal. According to a study published in the newspaperJama Psychiatry,12 to 15 years who spend more than six hours a day on social media are almost three times more likely to have mental health problems than their peers. They are also more likely to have behavioral problems such as intimidation and concentration problems.


Death by selfie

Tourist Taking pictures at Eagle Point and Skywalk at Grand Canyon West Rim

Speaking of social media, getting this perfect shot for Instagram can be mortal. There was259 deaths taking selfiesBetween 2011 and 2017. Among these, the main cause was drowned, followed by transport (taking a selfie in front of a moving train) and falling from heights. In 2015, theThe Russian government has published a guide to take safe selfiesDue to the high number of people dying to have a back photo.


Antibacterial soaps

Putting whip foam soap on the hand

Antibacterial soaps promise to kill the germs that make us sick. But according to a study of the Department of Epidemiology at theUniversity of MichiganThe antibacterial soap is no more effective to prevent the disease than washing soap and regular water. But it's not that antibacterial soaps actually help to raise supergmatic. The study revealed "demonstrated proof of cross resistance adapted to triclosan with antibiotics among different species of bacteria".

RELATED: 20 facts that will change the way you wash your hands


Raw milk

Pour raw milk into a bucket

Here we go again with the natural is the best craze: raw milk. Fans say that skipping the pasteurization of milk makes consumption healthy because of the higher levels of bacteria present. But as pasteurization kills harmful pathogens from sick cows, the drinkers of this moo juice expose themselves to the danger. Unpasteurized milk may contain salmonella, coli and other nasties. Between 2007 and 2012, 81 epidemics were associated with raw milk, including nearly a thousand diseases and 73 hospitalizations. If you want healthy bacteria, make a yoghurt.


Assuming that natural means are safe

Essential cinnamon oil

A return to natural products and kissing a chemical lifestyle has flomor over the last decade. People store essential oils, taking herbal supplements and become raw in their diet. For the most part, it's harmless-butNatural does not always mean safe.Some food supplements do not live up to their benefits, and some actually interact with traditional medicines. And certainEssential oils can be toxic for your pets. Cinnamon oils, peppermint, tea tree, Ylang Ylang and others are toxic during interference.


Appetite lollipops Deletion

woman with straight brown hair trying to bite red lollipop on stick

Celebrities and influencers have been criticized to promote pacifiers of "suppressive appetites" to its millions of social media followers. The lollipops offer a promise of fast weight loss without scientific data to safeguard the claim and, since many of their followers are girls. Doctors fear that appetite suppressors feed on diet disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.


Juice cleans

Juice cleanse bottles

Here's another dubious fad health: the juice cleans. The flow of "detox" cleans on the market promises to help your body get rid of toxins and help you lose weight due to lower calorie consumption. But when we have juice foods, we go out beneficial fibers (which helps you feel full) and leave all the sugar behind. Drink too much juice can cause sugar spikes in your blood and give you a headache. Not only that, but our bodies are designed to get rid of toxins, that's what your liver is for.


Air dryers

Female dries wet hand in modern vertical hand dryer in public restroom

High-tech hand dryers appear in public bathrooms nationally - but think about twice before using one.Researchersfound that these fantasy air dryers launch feces and bacteria in the air. They actually aspire particles of raw material floating around the bathroom after shaving and blowing them to your hands. It is better to use single paper towels.

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woman in pajamas staying up late at night eating pizza and watching tv

Marathoning Your favorite shows could take years of leaving your life and in recent years, streaming services for the diffusion of mud-surveillance have so much easier. A study in theBritish newspaper of sports medicineI found that every hour spent watching the television of life expectancy shortened by 22 minutes - the same effect of smoking two cigarettes. And watching six hours of television a day reduces your life expectancy of five years.


The diet of the feed tube

enteral feeding bag with flow adjuster

This risky license has a lot of advertising with brides who are trying to quickly reduce for their marriage. Also known as "K-E diet" for ketogenic nutrition-enteral, it involves putting a feed tube through your nose, in the esophagus and in the stomach. This offers a constant drop of grease, protein and water totaling a meager 800 calories a day (the average woman should have at least 1,200 to be healthy). In addition to having to walk with a tube pushed your nose, being at risk and can lead to suction pneumonia.


Pillowa Pills

Pure Placenta Capsules

The placenta is an incredible organ that develops in the uterus of a pregnant woman to feed her baby. The thought behind placenta pills is to transform this organ into nutrients the new mother can consume. But there is very little science to support all benefits to take placenta pills. And there are risks, because the placenta sometimes hosts dangerous bacteria that can hurt mom and sick baby.


Too many camping workouts


Over the last ten years, a plethora of high-intensity workout programs has flooded air waves (and probably your inbox). Exercise at a point is a good thing, but go to the sea and you can put your heart at risk. A study in theProcedure of the Mayo Clinicfound that adults who were more than three times more than three times the recommendations - 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week - could do cardiovascular damage. Passing super intense workouts and do something you really like to get your steps.


Energy drinks

Energy drink

Energy drinks promise a quick boost to athletes and people who want to stay awake. These non-alcoholic beverages generally have high levels of caffeine and a concoction of "healthy" ingredients. The problem is that some of them pose a risk for your heart. Taurine, an amino acid, can affect the water level in your blood. Guarana, a plant of the rainforest, can actually increase the total quantity of caffeine of the drink. Some people have come into a cardiac arrest after drinking more than one at a time, which led theWHOissue a warning on health risks.



man working from home sitting at kitchen counter using laptop computer

The rise of the GiG Economie has released many Americans from the annoying ride and allows them to work at home or at a hipster café nearby. It also means that many of us spend days leaning on the laptop on the desk of the kitchen or trying to pass your phone in horizontal mode while winning awkwardly on the coach or To fight for Starbucks elbows rather than sit comfortably at an ergonomic office. "Everyone should think about the awareness and alignment of the posture, especially people who sit on the whole day and work on laptops or office computers"ERIC HOLDER, MD, a physiologist of Yale medicine, says to eat this, not that! Health. (A physiologist is a doctor who focuses on physical medicine and rehabilitation.) "One of the most common discussions I have with patients as a physiology specializing in the spine, the musculoskeletal general and Sports medicine is the importance of the appropriate posture and alignment to reduce back pain and neck, "says Dr. File. "Studies demonstrate that vertical posture can improve self-esteem, mood and energy levels of a person," he adds.

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woman doing sport exercises on morning sunrise beach in sports wear, healthy lifestyle, listening to music on wireless earphones holding smartphone, smiling happy

Over the past decade, we have got added to our phones. One out of ten millenniaprefer to sacrifice a finger What to give up their smartphone and near a quarter would even sacrifice one of their five senses-touch, smell, audition, view and taste. The convenience of mobile phones comes with health dangers. "Wherever you look, someone has something in their ears - whether headphones or headphones - at any time. Listen to strong music is certainly not a new phenomenon. Yet now, like a society, We listen all day, bombarding our ears with strong sounds, "Lisa A. Perhacs, at 4.d, clinical education specialist atSignia says eating this, not that! Health.

"This constant dam of its damage irreversible to our hearing, causing hair cells of the inner ear to be damaged, resulting in noise-induced hearing loss (NiHL)," said Perhacs. "Noise-induced hearing loss has been found primarily in the factory or military tastes, but now a common thread among all ages and all backgrounds. According to a 2012 survey by the control centers of the sickness and prevention, nearly 1 out of 4 of us adults aged 20 to 69 have NIHL. This number is amazing and unfortunately, probably also. "And live your happiest and healthiest life, do not miss those70 things you should never do for your health.

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