Science says these 3 mental tips boost happiness to recover drug addicts
Bonus: They only take 15 minutes.

The opioid epidemic that was raging, addiction and mental health shot at the forefront of our national consciousness. According toThe National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 21.5 million American adults (aged 12 and over) fought a substance use disorder in 2014. Eighty per cent of thesestruggling. And, according to theAssociation of anxiety and depression of America, 40 million adults in the United States suffer from anxiety - which is now officially theThe biggest mental health problem in the world.
Despite the size of substance abuse and mental health problems that prevail, most people do not receive the treatment they need. It makes sense: it is difficult to admit that you have a problem and, even if you do, many traditional treatment options are either too expensive, or in love in their methods.
But a new study published in theTreatment Journal of Addiction presents a new approach to the recovery, which reflects the growing tendency of the vision of alcohol, drugs or nicotine, not as something you needto delete But as something you needto replace.
"Substance scientists are increasingly moving beyond traditional attention on the reduction or elimination of substance use by advocating treatment protocols that encompass the quality of life. However, positive experiences orchestrates are rarely integrated into the treatment of those who use substance disorders "noted Bettina B. HoeppnerSenior research scientist at the Research Institute of the Recovery.
Traditionally, addiction treatment is to determine the "root" of the problem and work permanently. Although this is not important to do, one of the side effects it can force people to constantly relive the painful or shameful experiences that led them to substances in the first place. Thus, instead, Hoepppner asked 500 substance aggressors to complete five short exercises that have already been demonstrated to stimulate levels of happiness and see if they were effective or not.
In the first exercise, "relive with happy moments", they were asked to choose a photo of their life in which they felt happy and described what was going on in the photo.
In the "savouring" exercise, they listed two positive experiences they noticed and appreciated the previous day.
In "Rose, Thorn, Bud," they listed the highest point of the previous day (Rose), something that went wrong (spine) and something they were looking forward to (bud).
The exercise "Three good things" asked them to list three good things that occurred the day before.
Finally, "3 difficult things" forced them to enumerate three challenges facing the previous day.
Of the five, the "three good things" exercise mediocre results, and the "3 hard things" have effectively led to a decrease in happiness. However, the other three exercises led to significant gains in the levels of happiness. These results indicate that a critical component of addiction of addiction should be to encourage people to think of happy thoughts.
"These conclusions emphasize the importance of compensating for the challenges of recovery with positive experiences," HoepPner said. "The recovery is difficult, and for efforts to be sustainable, positive experiences must be feasible along the way."
According toRecent Research, 50% of your happiness is unfortunately genetic. But only 10% of it is based on circumstances of life, which means that there are still 40% by 40% which is in your control.
What this new study indicates, once again, is that happiness comes down to focus on and appreciate the good of your life instead of the bad ones. It is easier saying that, but remember: the brain is a muscle and completing some exercises can help you find your ways of thinking. For more, check everything I learned to takeYale's happiness class.
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